Eagle Update
October 22nd, 2024
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Hello Eagles,
October 25th marks the end of Quarter 1, and teachers will have Monday October 28th as a work day. You can expect progress reports will be mailed home on November 1st.
There is still time for students to access support. The support options include:
During School
- WIN (What I Need ) time
- Math Lab & Writing Lab
After School
- Tutoring Center
If you need help accessing these resources reach out to your advisory teacher, classroom teacher, or counselor for help.
Important Dates
10/23 Picture Retakes
10/25 End of 1st Quarter
10/25- 10/26 Fall Musical @ 7pm
10/27 Fall Musical @ 2pm
10/28 No School Teacher Work Day
Columba Jones
Activities Updates
Counseling Update
Healthy Snacks
Breakfast and Lunch
We've been offering some snacks to help students make healthy choices and notice how having a snack can improve their day. While we won't be able to provide snacks all year, please remember that breakfast and lunch are free for all students. Encourage your student to grab a meal, even if they're not super hungry—they can always save it for a snack later!
Academic Support
What I Need Time (W.I.N)
Danger of Failure reports were sent out last week, please make sure to connect with your student about academic support options. Students have access to teacher support during W.I.N time Tuesday through Friday. Ask your student about this time. Are they accessing academic support or participating in an activity or club during this time? It's very important that all students schedule their weekly W.I.N time every Monday by 4:00pm. Students have time to do this during their advisory time on Mondays. In addition this, scheduling is now open 7:30-8:10 Tuesday -Friday for students to make changes as needed.
Your Voice Matters
We want to hear from you HRV Eagles!
Please complete our quick survey to help us shape the future of education. Your feedback is important in ensuring the best possible learning environment for all students.
The survey only takes 10 minutes! It closes on Monday, Oct. 28.
Click here to participate: https://bit.ly/corevaluesfall2024
Your responses are confidential and will help us identify areas for improvement. Let's work together to make our schools even better. Thank you for your valuable input!
HRVHS Site Council
The main goal of the Site Council is to work together with the school district, school staff, and the community to help improve student success at our school. This includes creating and updating plans to keep improving the school, supporting staff in their professional growth, and helping to put school programs in place.
Our Site Council meets on a monthly basis from 3:30-4:30. At our last meeting on October 21st, we reviewed and gathered input on our School Continuous Improvement Plan. The next meeting is schedules for November 19th, 2024.
If you are interested in joining our Site Council please email - HRVHS Principal - Columba Jones at columba.jones@hoodriver.k12.or.us.