Paw Prints 🐾 May 2024
The Newsletter of Auburn Early Education Center
Principal's Message
Hello AEEC Families!
We blinked, and somehow May is already here! There is so much to celebrate as we reflect on the 23-24 school year. Students have grown socially, academically, and emotionally. It has been a joy to see the friendships that have been made.
During this final month, our second graders will close an important chapter in their lives as AEEC students. We are so incredibly proud of the close-knit bonds among classmates and peers, relationships formed with their teachers, and the leadership that they possess. It will be hard to say good-bye, but we are so excited about the future that lies ahead. We will celebrate our second graders on May 17th. Families of second grade students are invited to the Surfin' AEEC Performance/Sendoff at 9am. Please see the flyer for details.
On the other hand, we are very eager to welcome rising kindergarteners to AEEC. Please check out the “Welcome Information for New Students and Families” tab on our school webpage. You may access the school store, order school supplies, join PTO, learn about AEEC, and so much more.
Supply kits are available for purchase. This is an easy, efficient way to purchase your school supplies for the upcoming school year. Go to The AEEC School Account Number is 33609. The deadline to order is May 31st.
If you would like to purchase school spirit wear, please visit Students will wear the school t-shirt on field trips and are encouraged to wear them on Pep Rally days.
AEEC students will meet their homeroom teachers at our "Meet the Teacher" event on August 6th. Drop by AEEC anytime between 10:00am and 12 noon.
Our theme for next year is SHINE Brighter! We will continue our school wide behavior initiative, writing goals, and strategic planning. The focus will remain on student growth through collaboration and effective feedback. This theme is an expression of our core beliefs around the importance of working together in a way that we lift each other up and help each other to grow better and stronger each day.
We are very fortunate to continue to make upgrades to the school building this summer. We will have new paint plus lighting and building upgrades. We love our school building and continue to appreciate its beauty as well as its functionality.
I hope everyone embraces each day in May. Enjoy creating your summer plans and be sure to check out all of the opportunities that our incredible city has to offer. Thank you for your continued support as we work to close out this year and prepare for the upcoming year!
Glori Lammons
Curriculum News
Keep Growing This Summer Book by Book!
Summer will be here before we know it! Explore these sites and try some awesome summer reading activities that will keep kids engaged this summer. Best of all, they can be fun for the whole family!
What books would I recommend for summer enjoyment? I am happy to share. Below you will find a list of A FEW of my favorites! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
- 13 Ways to Eat a Fly by Sue Heavenrich
- Memory Jars by Vera Brosgol
- Becoming Blue by Ellen Tarlow
- When Lola Visits by Michelle Sterling
- Sandcastle by Einat Tsarfati
- The Summer Nick Taught His Cats to Read by Curtis Manley and Kate Berube
- It Began with Lemonade by Gideon Sterer and Lian Cho
- Everything You Need for a Treehouse by Carter Higgins and Emily Hughes
- The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli
Mrs. Clifton, Instructional Coach
Title 1 News
Happy last month of school for the 2023-2024 school year! This month is filled with so many fun experiences as students and teachers wrap up the school year. Your child has grown in so many ways and I hope your family has a summer full of imagination, family time, and exploring new places.
Summer break is always a much needed break for families, and I just wanted to share with you a wonderful blog filled with fun activities to help keep your child from getting that “summer slide.” Here is the link:
But most importantly, enjoy this summer with your family and soak up every memory! No matter what you have planned, I truly hope you enjoy every moment and relax. See you back in August for another exciting new school year.
Always Choose Kindness- Dr. Dorman
Counselor News
I hope everyone has an AMAZING and safe summer! 🙂
Mrs. HandleyNurse News
As we approach the end of the year please keep in mind if your student has medications in the nurse office they must be picked up prior to the last day of school, Thursday 05/23/24 & any medications left will be disposed of per AL state guidelines. Please call, text, or email to schedule a pick up option that works best for you or come by the school during school hours that last week. Please note that per state & ACS medication guidelines, medications will not be allowed to be sent home with students!
Well wishes- Nurse Haley
Media Center News
Happy Summer!
Mrs. Sartain
Music and Art News
This month in Music, students are wrapping up our unit on the classic children’s symphony Peter and the Wolf, written by Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev. Each animal in the story has a specific recurring musical theme and is represented by an instrument or family of instruments. We will wrap up the school year by making our own music inspired by a fan favorite, Camille Saint-Saëns’ Carnival of the Animals. Second grade is working hard on their upcoming Showcase on May 17 – we can’t wait for you to see it!
-Mrs. Schiller
This year has flown by, and I couldn’t be more proud of all our artists. They have worked so hard to learn and create with the elements of art and the principles of design. They amaze me every day with their artistic talents. We have been sorting out all the art created this year into their portfolios. Portfolios will be distributed the week of May 6. I cannot wait for them to share their portfolios with you. I hope you have a wonderful and safe summer!
-Mrs. Kuhlman
PTO News
What an amazing school year it has been! Thank you all so much for supporting PTO this year. We will close out the school year with volunteering at Field Day on May 20th! Be on the lookout for a Sign Up Genius for time slots throughout the day. We appreciate all the time, donations, and support given throughout the year and are looking forward to the 2024-2025 school year!
Thank you!!
Mary Lawrence Gibson
Upcoming Dates for AEEC
April 29 – May 9: BOGO Book Fair
May 1 – School Principal’s Day
May 3 – School Lunch Hero Day for our Child Nutrition Program Workers
May 8 – School Nurse Appreciation Day
May 9 – First Grade Field Trip (Wilson, Henry, George, Williams)
May 10 – First Grade Field Trip (Cleondis, Pugh, Cicero, Johnson, Horne)
May 13 – Second Grade Field trip to Tour Ogletree and watch 3rd Grade Circus
May 17 – Second Grade Sendoff/Showcase 9:00am
May 20 – Field Day
May 21 – PTO Meeting 12:15
May 22 – First Grade Field Trip to Town Creek Park 8:00 – 12:30
May 22 – Camp Kinder Fun 8:00 – 10:00
May 23 – Pep Rally 8am, Last Day of School, Checklists Go Home
August 6-Meet the Teacher Event 10am-noon
August 8-First Student Day