September Family Update
North Branch Elementary
Core Essentials
Each month we focus on a core essential value as a building - this month's value is:
Important Dates
>ALICE Training - Week of September 9
>Constitution Day - September 17
> School Pictures - September 25th
>PTC Apex Fundraiser - September 23 - October 4
>Homecoming/Spirit Week - September 30 - October 4
>Apex Fun Run - October 2
>Homecoming Parade - October 4
Change of Plans and Parent Pick-up
PARENTS - We need your help making sure your student gets to the correct place at the end of the day.
If you have a change of plans in your end of day routines or your child needs to leave early, please notify the office ASAP. While Seesaw and email are great communication tools, teachers do not necessarily check them constantly throughout the day. Notes from the office are delivered to classes at 3:00, please communicate changes prior to 3:00. We realize that emergencies happen, but it is import to communicate with us as soon as possible.
Also, please remember that our office closes shortly after school is dismissed - children who are not picked up in a timely manner will be sent to FABS and parents will be charged for the time they are there. If your child is sent to FABS, pick up for that is in the back of the building.
Spirit Week
Homecoming Parade
PARADE INFO IS HERE - HOMECOMING PARADE IS OCTOBER 4! Click the graphic to enlarge it.
Teacher Feature - The HoWND Dog Team
During this lesson students created "people glyphs" which helped us learn more about each other. We learned how we like to show our thinking, what time of day is our favorite, and what types of groups we like to work in. It was a fun experience as we all got to know each other a little more and explore what makes us unique.
APEX is Coming
NBE PTC is getting pumped up for this year’s Apex Leadership Fun Run! Apex Leadership Co. combines three important skill sets for students - education, fitness, and leadership; alongside raising money for our school. Last year, our students had a blast participating in a pep rally, where the APEX team pumped up our students to kick off the fundraiser, team days, which were packed full of lessons, teambuilding, and fitness, which led to our FUN RUN- where students enjoyed jamming out to music while exercising and running laps to earn money for our school!
This year, our Apex Pep Rally kicks off on Monday, September 23rd! More information to come!
Safety Information
Throughout the year, students will learn about, and do multiple drills on, fire safety, weather safety (tornado), and ALICE. In the month of September we will again be reviewing our school safety plans and continuing with our drills. Please see the attached resource for more information on ALICE. BK and K students will also have a visit this month from our school resource officer, Officer Johnson, and one of her colleagues.
Important Times
8:20 am - Doors Open
8:20 am - 8:35 am - Walking Club for all students in the building
8:35 am - All students are released to the classrooms
8:42 am - Start of the school day
3:40 pm - Doors open for parents and pick-up begins
3:47 pm - Official end of the day and busses are released
Popcorn Days
September 20
October 17
November 26
December 20
January 24
February 21
April 17
May 16
Click the Bar Below for the Current Menu
Breakfast and lunch will be available to ALL students free of charge this year.
*If a child gets a second entree or milk only, your account will be charged.
We are dedicated to providing NBE students with the best learning environment possible. While we are excited to welcome volunteers into our classrooms, we will continue to put student safety and student learning at the forefront of all that we do.
To provide staff the time to. build student relationships, get beginning of the year items completed/organized, and set routines, we will not be accepting parent volunteers until October (thank you for your understanding). Your child's classroom teacher(s) will communicate out whether she/he is in need of parent volunteers.
To be a volunteer, there are a few things a parent must do. The process starts with potential volunteers completing a Central Registry Clearance form. You must have clearance before you can volunteer in the building.
With the safety and security of our students being of utmost importance, all volunteers in the building during the school day must wear a visitor badge, be pre-scheduled with the teacher, and check in and out through the office. Failure to do any of these may jeopardize a volunteer's ability to continue volunteering.
Please make sure that all of your contact information in Skyward is up-to-date!
Student Drop Off
Please note - the only students permitted in the building prior to 8:20 are those in out FABS Daycare Program.
2024 - 2025 School Calendar
Please click on the image to the left to view the 2024-2025 school calendar. This calendar will have important dates for your family to know throughout the upcoming school year.
Peanut Update
Important - PLEASE READ
Can my child bring nut products in their lunch? Yes, all students may - even those in a nut restricted classroom.
Can my child bring nut products as a snack? Yes, unless they are in a nut restricted classroom.
What can my child bring for a birthday/classroom treat? All treats must be store purchased and be sealed upon delivery - individually packaged is prefered. Please note that birthday treats brought into a nut restricted classroom will need to be nut free.
My child has a food allergy (nut or otherwise), what should I do? Please reach out to our school nurse.