Cougar Chronicle
Important Dates to Remember
11/11 - Fall Picture Retakes
11/18-11/22 - Scholastic Book Fair
11/19 & 11/20 - Thanksgiving Feast (details below)
11/25-11/29 - Thanksgiving Break
Fall Picture Retake Date 11/11/24
GCI Portraits will be at Cogburn Woods on Monday, November 11 for fall picture retakes. Retake day is for:
- Returns - Students who already bought a picture but were not happy with the quality. You must return the entire package on retake day (or your receipt/proof card if you only ordered a digital download). Please be sure to fill out the back of the picture envelope with your student's information. The picture will be reprinted in the same background as was originally ordered.
- Absent Students - Students who were absent on the first picture day and need a picture to go in the yearbook.
- New Purchases - Students who want to buy a package of the retake day picture. Order envelopes are available in the front office. You can also go to the GCI website (www.gciportraits.com) and print the back page of their order form. Online ordering is not available for retake day.
Parent Perception Survey
Cogburn Woods and FCS values feedback from our stakeholders. The district is administering an Annual Perception Survey to students, staff, and parents/guardians from Weds. October 16th through November 22nd. After administration, the district will publish summarized reports. We will analyze the data for emerging themes on strengths and areas for growth. This will eventually be incorporated into the schools public Balanced Scorecard.
Please support our school and the love you have for our teachers, staff, students, and community by taking a few minutes to fill out this FCS survey!
Book Fair Volunteers Needed!
CWE Book Fair is just around the corner and we need your help to make it a success! Please sign up to volunteer here:
Before volunteering in any Fulton County school, you must be complete volunteer training. If you have not already done so, the following link will take you to the FCS volunteer registration page:
Student e-Wallet Setup Dates: 10/22 - 11/22
Students can shop without cash thanks to Book Fair eWallet. Teachers can use eWallet to build their classroom libraries.
Click HERE to learn how to set up an e-Wallet today.
Save the dates:
Book Fair Buying Dates
Nov. 18-Nov. 22
Nov. 18th 4:30-6:30
Nov. 19th & 20th
Online Book Fair
Nov. 12th - Nov. 25th (books will be delivered to your house)
Scholastic Book Fair Coming Soon!
Cogburn Woods Families, be sure to save the Dates...November 18-22! Click the link below to learn more about upcoming events at this year's Book Fair. CWES Book Fair | Smore Newsletters
Read Gratefully 11/1-11/30
How to log into Beanstack:
1. Go to classlink https://launchpad.classlink.com/fcs
a. Username: FCS student id #
b. password: birthday (MMDDYYYY)
(reach out to your teacher for this info)
2. Click on elibrary
3. Click on Beanstack
4. Click on "Read Grateful"
5. Start logging your minutes
OR Download the Beanstack App to log your minutes
A leaderboard is updated weekly located outside the Learning Commons. Get reading and logging your minutes so you can see your name listed.
Family Matters
November is National Family Engagement Month, and we are thrilled to invite you to Family Matters, a hands-on learning celebration of all FCS families!
Click the link for a quick recap of Family Matters last year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvRqAbYy3zM
This year’s events will take place at two locations:
· Mimosa Elementary: November 13, 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
· Gullatt Elementary: November 14, 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
At Family Matters, you'll have the opportunity to engage in 20-30 exciting learning sessions, including:
· Real-life Math: Fun activities that connect math to everyday experiences
· Real Time Cooking: Have fun cooking together as a family with a bonafide Chef
· Looney Literacy: Make reading come alive with interactive storytelling
· Spoken Word & Music: Celebrate the power of words and rhythms
· Cultural Dance: Explore and enjoy different cultural traditions through dance
· Sensory Room: A calming space to support all students' sensory needs
· Free College Application Month Room: On-site assistance to complete FREE college applications and FAFSA assistance
· College Essay writing: Learn how to write impressive college essays
· Robotics and Coding: Learn easy techniques to control robots and drones
Join us for an evening filled with games, prizes, vendors, and FUN learning! We’ll provide dinner for every guest as we come together to honor the rich diversity and strength of ALL Fulton County families.