Steele Report
Friday, August 30, 2024

Principal's Message
Comet Nation,
The year 2025 has brought so many opportunities at Steele. We are fortunate to witness our students thrive in our classrooms, extracurricular activities, and athletics daily. As a reminder, there will be no school on Friday, February 14th and Monday, February 17th. We hope you enjoy your long weekend! As always, feel free to contact us in the main office with any questions or concerns.
Take care and Go Comets,
Joe Tellier
Steele Updates
Navy National Defense Cadet Corps Commissioning Ceremony
Our first ever Navy National Defense Cadet Corps (NNDCC) Commissioning Establishment Ceremony was held on Tuesday, January 28th in the Main Gym. Special shout out to Mr. Edwards and our NNDCC student who made this historic event possible at Steele! Check out the video below for highlights.
PBIS Positive Office Referrals
Congratulations to students who received Positive Office Referrals from our staff in the month of January for being respectful, engaged, and accountable!
District Staff Member of the Month Ms. Reichert
Congrats to Steele PE teacher and softball coach Lacey Reichert! Ms. Reichert was named district staff member of the month in January. Thank you Mrs. Reichert for your dedication to our students, school, and community!
Unified Basketball
Congratulations to our Unified Basketball team who traveled to Lorain High School last week. Great job Comets!
Eco League Food Drive
EcoLeague will be hosting our 4th Annual Food Drive beginning Monday through the rest of the month. Families can send donations with their students or drop them off at local businesses!
Yearbooks are still on sale!
You can still order a yearbook for the 2024-2025 school year by going to Jostens.com, searching for Marion L. Steele High School in the shop your school section, and clicking on yearbooks. We do not order extra books, so the only way to guarantee yourself a copy is to pre order.
Yearbook Senior Recognition Ads are on sale through March 21st, 2025.
You design and purchase it yourself by going to Jostens.com, searching for Marion L. Steele High School in the shop your school section, and clicking on Yearbook Ads, then Create a Student Ad. Jostens places them in our yearbook within a couple weeks after you submit it. You can always contact Yearbook Moderator Mr. Rubinski with questions at brian_rubinski@amherstk12.org
Parent Teacher Conferences
Marion L. Steele High School will be holding Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, February 13th from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m.
We encourage all parents to schedule a time to meet with any or all of their child's teachers. To schedule a conference, please call Mrs. Arendash at 440-988-4433 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Class of 2025
The Marion L. Steele High School Class of 2025 plans to hold its Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 24th at Cleveland State University’s Wolstein Center. Doors will open at 9:00 am and the ceremony will begin promptly at 10:00 am.
More information on the Commencement Ceremony can be found on page 14 of the Student and Parent Handbook and in the Senior Newsletter.
MLS Counseling Department
College Credit Plus
Karen Tomcko from LCCC will be administering CCP placement tests for any student requiring testing. Sign up for testing in the school counseling office. Students will be responsible for any missed schoolwork. Please see your school counselor if you have any questions.
Accuplacer - March 24th at 7:45 am in the CLC
ALEKS - March 27th at 7:45 am in the CLC
Scheduling for the 2025-2026 School Year
School counselors have been meeting one on one with students for course requests for the 2025-2026 school year. Click the link below to access our course scheduling tab on our website for more information on scheduling. If you have any questions regarding scheduling, please contact your counselor directly.
JVS Applications
JVS applications are open for the 2025- 2026 school year and are due by February 10th. Click here to apply now!
Scholarship Updates
As seniors continue to explore ways to fund their college education, we encourage them to stay updated on the latest scholarship opportunities shared with our school. Seniors will receive weekly email updates with this information, but we also recommend students make it a habit to check the ongoing scholarship updates.
Community Foundation of Lorain County Scholarships
The Community Foundation of Lorain County offers a range of scholarships for Lorain County residents, with varying criteria based on major, community involvement, and financial need. The application process is streamlined to help students easily match with relevant scholarship opportunities. Applications are now open and will be accepted until March 1, 2025. This is an opportunity that seniors will want to take advantage of!
The FAFSA Application Now Open!
Attention Seniors! The 2025–2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form is available early, due to an extended testing period by the U.S. Department of Education. Students can start submitting their FAFSA forms now!
We encourage students to complete the FAFSA as soon as they’re ready.
Why is the FAFSA Important?
Completing the FAFSA is a critical step for seniors planning to attend college. It unlocks access to federal financial aid, including grants, work-study opportunities, and federal student loans. It also allows students to be considered for state and school-specific aid (available in the Spring), reducing the overall cost of college and making higher education more affordable.
By submitting the FAFSA early, students can maximize their financial aid options and better plan for college.
For more information, you can watch the FAFSA overview presented by Cleveland State University to our Steele families this past October 10th. Watch the video here: FAFSA Overview Video.
Department Updates: Science Department
Forensic Science
In Ms Sanchez's Forensics Classes, students had a blast investigating the truth of what actually happened at a crime scene by studying blood spatter patterns. They located blood evidence and analyzed it to determine if the evidence was consistent with the accounts of the suspect.
Steele Athletic Department
Good Luck to our Cheerleaders
Our Cheerleaders are heading to Orlando to compete in the UCA National Championships at Disney! They will be competing on Sunday in the semifinals for traditional cheer at 3:55 PM, followed by game day cheer at 6:30 PM. The finals are scheduled for Monday afternoon.
Four Comets Celebrate on Signing Day
The Marion L. Steele High School Athletic Department held a press event on Wednesday, February 5th at 3:00 pm in the Creative Learning Center. We recognized Brady Engle (Football, Walsh University), Allie Jackson (Softball, Lake Erie College), Cole Norris (Football, Walsh University), and Eli Solak (Football, Walsh University) who signed letters of intent to further their academic and athletic careers at the collegiate level. Congratulations on this outstanding achievement!
OHSAA Postseason Is Underway
The OHSAA Postseason is starting this weekend for Swimming. Use this link for all Comets OHSAA Postseason Information: https://amherststeelecomets.com/2025/02/02/2025-ohsaa-winter-sports-tournament-information/
Winter Sports Senior Nights
Please join us in celebrating our senior athletes on the following dates:
Girls Basketball: Wednesday, Feb 12th vs Brunswick (Steele HS)
Boys Basketball/Cheer/Dance: Friday, Feb 14th vs. Avon (Steele HS)
Spring Sports
Spring Sports:
Spring sports will be here before you know it! Reminder, you need to have a valid physical on file to try out or to start your spring sport. Please check your Final Forms account to verify your expiration date. If you need to get a physical before your first official day, please contact your medical provider to get an appointment. If you have any questions on your physical status, please see Mr. Wolf or Mrs. Doehr.
Official Spring Sport Start Dates:
Softball: Monday, February 17th
Baseball: Monday, February 24th
Track & Field: Monday, February 24th
Boys Volleyball: Monday, February 24th
Boys Tennis: Monday, March 10th
For more information (including ongoing open gyms and weight training for athletes not in a winter sport) on each spring sport tryout/start of season, please contact the Head Coach at:
Baseball: Coach Rositano, kingroz4@yahoo.com
Softball: Coach Reichert, lacey_reichert@amherstk12.org
Track & Field: Coach Glatz, rob_glatz@amherstk12.org
Boys Tennis: Coach Trunzo, tony_trunzo@amherstk12.org
Boys Volleyball: Coach Sanchez, felicia_sanchez@amherstk12.org
Important Dates
Important Third Quarter Dates
Thursday, February 13th: Parent Teacher Conferences, 3:00pm-8:00pm
Friday, February 14th: No School
Monday, February 17th: No School, President's Day
Friday, February 21st: Winter and Spring Sports Pep Rally, B-Schedule
Wednesday, March 12th: Family First Night
Thursday, March 13th: Parent Teacher Conferences, 3-6pm
Thursday, March 13th: End of Third Grading Period
Friday, March 14th: No School, Professional Development Day
Important Fourth Quarter Dates
Monday, March 31st-Friday, April 4th: Spring Break, No School
Wednesday, April 9th: SAT Day, Juniors Only
Wednesday, April 16th: ELA 2 Part 1 End of Course Exam, American Government Parts 1 and 2 End of Course Exams, Modified D-Schedule
Thursday, April 17th: ELA 2 Part 2 End of Course Exam, Modified D-Schedule
Friday, April 18th: No School, Good Friday
Thursday, April 24th: End of Course Exams: Algebra 1 Part 1, Geometry Part 1, D-Schedule
Friday, April 25th: End of Course Exams: Algebra 1 Part 2, Geometry Part 2, D-Schedule
April 25th-April 27th: Spring Musical
Monday, April 28th: Biology Part 1 End of Course Exam, D-Schedule
Tuesday, April 29th: Biology Part 2 End of Course Exam, D-Schedule
Thursday, May 1st: American History Part 1 and Part 2 End of Course Exams, D-Schedule
Friday, May 2nd: Armed Forces Ceremony, 1:45pm, Main Gym, B-Schedule
Tuesday, May 6th: Comets to College, C-Schedule
Tuesday, May 6th: Senior Awards Banquet, 6pm, German's Villa
Thursday, May 8th: Career Fair, Main Gym, 9:30-11:30am
Saturday, May 10th: Senior Prom, Kalahari 6-10pm
Saturday, May 17th and Sunday, May 18th: Pop Show
Monday, May 19th: Senior Finals
Tuesday, May 20th: Senior Finals, Seniors Last Day, Senior Chromebook Collection
Wednesday, May 21st: Underclassmen Awards Ceremony, 8:00am Class of 2028, 9:00am Class of 2027, 10:00am Class of 2026, Cafetorium
Thursday, May 22nd: Graduation Practice, 7:45am, Cafetorium
Thursday, May 22nd: Senior Send Off Parade, 6:00pm
Friday, May 23rd: You Do You Day
Saturday, May 24th: Commencement, Cleveland State University Wolstein Center, 10:00am
Monday, May 26th: No School, Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 27th-Thursday, May 29th: Semester Ending Exams
Thursday, May 29th: Last Day of School, Early Release, End of Fourth Grading Period, End of Second Semester
Marion L. Steele High School
Email: joseph_tellier@amherstk12.org
Website: https://www.amherstk12.org/schools/steele
Location: 450 Washington Street, Amherst, OH, USA
Phone: 440-988-4433
X: @SteelePrincipal