Edgmont Elementary Family Update
September 9, 2024
September's Theme: Be Extraordinary
Dr. Lorrain Mott-Baptiste
Let's give a warm welcome to our new administrator at Edgmont Scholars Academy Middle School, Dr. Lorrain Mott-Baptiste. Dr. Baptiste has extensive experience in the field of education and she's excited to be a leader at Edgmont Scholars Academy Middle School. Dr. Baptiste begins with us on Monday, September 9, 2024.
Edgmont Scholars Academy Pledge
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures Update
Thank you for your patience as we work through arrival and dismissal at the school. To facilitate a smoother arrival and dismissal process, please follow the steps below:
PreK Sign In: Gym doors at 8:45am.
Parent Drop Off of Students in Autistic Support Classrooms: In the rear of the building near the white fence. Teaching assistants and 1:1 staff are waiting in this area to receive students.
Students in K-5: Gym doors open at 8:30am.
Bus/Van Drop Off:In the rear of the building.
PreK Sign Out: Gym doors at 3:45pm.
Parent Pickup of Students in Autistic Support Classrooms: In rear of the building near the white fence. Staff and students are located near this exit to dismiss students to their parents.
Car Line: Starts on Esrey Street (Parents must remain in their cars and students will be called to come outside.)
Parent Walk Up: Gym Doors 3:45pm (Parents are walking to the gym door to retrieve their child.)
Student Walkers: If students walk home, they will be dismissed from the gym doors.
Bus/Van Pickup: In the rear of the building.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 4:30pm - 6:00pm
We look forward to welcoming families to the building.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024: 11:45am Student Dismissal
Cell Phone & Lunch Policies
Updated Contact Information
Parent and guardian contact information must be kept current. In the event your phone number, home address, email address, or emergency contacts change, you must let us know. You can email Ms. Howard, our building secretary, at bhoward@chesteruplandsd.org or call the main office at 484.658.3551.