Leopard Lines
Begich Middle School Newsletter
In October 2024 Edition:
Dates to Remember
Activities Sign-Ups
Parents Needed for Title I Planning
Parent Teacher Conferences - October 23 and 24
Begich Book Fair
Current Sports & Activities Update
Student Art in the Community
UAA Stem Day - November 4th
Migrant Education morning tutoring and homework help with Mr. Glasionov.
Move Everyday!
Alaska Safe Children's Act
Help Keep Begich Safe: See Something, Say Something
Safe Gun Storage Resources
Dates to Remember
October 11th: PBIS Tardy Rewards Dance
October 14th: Indigenous People's Day -- No School
October 17th: Quarter 1 PBIS Pep Assembly
October 17th: End of Quarter 1
October 18th: Inservice -- No School
October 23th & 24th: Parent-Teacher Conferences, 1/2 Day for Students
October 25th: Inservice -- No School
Activities Signups
Girls volleyball is available as a second quarter sport. Practice begins on October 15th at 4:15 pm. To sign-up, students will need to turn in: middle school activities registration form and $110 fee which can be paid at Begich or on Parent Connect. Fee waivers are available.
Students must have a current (within the last 18 months) physical on file. Please contact Ms. Heiken at 742-0507 if you are unsure about the status of your physical or paperwork. Make an appointment to get a physical as soon as possible. If you do not have a doctor's office in the community, the school clinic may be able to help. Parent permission is required, but can be given during ASD online registration. The clinic bills insurance, if you have it, and can adjust your bill based on family size and income. More information is available here. Appointment requests at the school clinic can be made by clicking here.
Volleyball registration closes on October 11th. No exceptions! Please get your paperwork submitted as soon as possible.
Battle of the Books starts soon. This club will be sponsored by Ms. Hanks.
Parents Needed Title I Planning
- Development of the School wide and Family Engagement Plans (January 2024)
Please contact Matthew Witthoeft at witthoeft_matthew@asdk12.org or call the front office at 742-0501 if you are interested in supporting us in either of these parent activities.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Wednesday October 23rd:
- Afternoon Session: 1:30-4:00pm
- Teacher Break
- Evening Session: 5:00-8:00pm
Thursday October 24th:
- Afternoon Session: 1:30-4:00pm
We hope to see you there!
Begich Book Fair
Dear Families,
Get ready—the Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school! This is a great opportunity to connect with your child over the thrill of bringing home new books to dive into again and again. Studies show that kids read more when they choose books for themselves. And fostering a love of independent reading leads to a wide variety of benefits—including academic success and improved mental health.
Here’s everything you need to know about the Book Fair:
Dates: October 21-24
Location: Begich Library
Family Night: October 23rd, 5-8pm
There’s even more info on our school’s Book Fair homepage:
Congratulations to our Awesome Snow Leopard Athletes
UAA Stem Day
UAA STEM Day will be held on Saturday, November 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the ConocoPhillips Integrated Science Building (3101 Science Cir). This is a FREE family event that is open to the public.
UAA students, staff, faculty, and several community organizations will be hosting dozens of booths and tour stops, each with their own STEM-themed activity or demonstration. This is a great opportunity to explore UAA's campus, meet STEM students and professionals, and inspire your students to consider pursuing a career in STEM.
There will be plenty of learning opportunities related to engineering, health sciences, chemistry, biology, physics, astronomy, and so much more!
Migrant Education morning tutoring and homework help with Mr. Glasionov.
Migrant Education Morning Tutoring/Homework Help with Mr. Glasionov
When: Wednesday & Friday mornings 8:00-9:00 AM
Who: Registered Migrant Education students
The front door of Begich will be open from 8-8:10 AM. Mr. Glasionov will have specific names of students that are registered. ONLY Mig Ed students confirmed on the list will be able to attend tutoring. This tutoring session will be held from Oct.2nd-Dec18th. This session will be capped at 10 students. Prior registration is needed to secure placement.
Please contact Ms. Annette/Student Success Coach if you would like to register your student (907)742-0542 donaldson_annette@asdk12.net
Move Every Day!
Alaska Safe Children's Act
Begich Middle School will be teaching the Alaska Safe Children’s Act/ Personal Safety lessons on the following days: 10/21/24, 11/4/24, 11/18/24, 12/2/24, and 1/13/25 during Advisory period. Teachers will present an age-appropriate lesson about personal body safety in a non-threatening way, along with the skills needed for self-protection. The focus of the lessons will be to empower students with the information and skills to protect themselves and seek help from the physical, psychological and emotional harm that can occur from abusive situations and is part of the Anchorage School District’s plan to enact the Alaska Safe Children’s Act and will be handled in a sensitive, respectful manner.
ASD Prevention Tools
Climate – Creating a safe and respectful learning environment, which is well managed, supportive, and engaging with active participation.
Direct instruction – Using a variety of evidence based curricula and programs to deliberately teach about risk factors and healthy relationship skills.
Infusion – Integrating social and emotional learning skills throughout the day and in all curriculum areas through modeling of instructional practices that promote SEL skill practice and maximize learning.
At home and community supports – Developing awareness about available supports and resources outside of the school day.
The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) developed curriculum is comprised of three separate age and developmentally appropriate bands for grades 7/8, 9/10 and 11/12. Each grade band contains 5 modules and is designed to help prevent childhood sexual abuse and teen dating abuse.
The five modules for each grade are organized around the following topics:
Module 1: Defining Healthy Relationships
Module 2: Building Healthy Relationships
Module 3: Defining Unhealthy Relationships
Module 4: Warning Signs
Module 5: Help and Support
Module information and scripts can be viewed HERE.
If you have any questions about the content of the program or if you wish to inquire about opting out, please contact the Begich Middle School office at 742-0501.
Thank you for partnering with us as we continue to provide learning opportunities to improve the safety and well being of our students.
See Something, Say Something
Safe Gun Storage Resources
Studies of all types of school based gun violence across decades all point to the same significant point of intervention—addressing students unauthorized access to guns in the home. For example, a Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center study of targeted school violence incidents found that 76 percent of the firearms were obtained from the home of a parent or close relative.
Unsecured guns in the home pose a risk to students beyond gun violence in schools. Every year, 350 children under the age of 18 unintentionally shoot themselves or someone else. That’s roughly one unintentional shooting per day. Gun suicide among children has reached the highest rate in more than 20 years. In the overwhelming majority of these incidents, the gun used was one that belonged to someone in their home.
One study found that 70 percent of parents believe their teen cannot access the gun(s) in their home. Yet, the study also found that half of teens said they could gain access to a loaded gun in their home in under an hour, including one-third who said they could do so in under five minutes. Research shows that secure firearm storage practices are associated with up to an 85 percent reduction in the risk of self-inflicted and unintentional firearm injuries among children and teens. Storing firearms securely protects any child in the home as well as students throughout the school district and community.
You can learn more and download helpful resources; including a secure storage fact sheet, talking to your children about guns, and facts and resources on child firearm suicide, at BeSMARTforKids.org/resources.