Corron PTO Newsletter
August 20th, 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
A message from the President
I’m Will Schmadeke, the president of the Corron Elementary Parent-Teacher-Organization. I just wanted to take a moment to say welcome to our new families and welcome back to those returning. I don’t know about yours, but my 1st and 3rd graders couldn’t wait to get back into the building. From showing off new outfits to visiting former teachers, they were just beaming.
This year, the PTO will again be aiming to host many of our traditional events. First and foremost, we will again be having our Fall Fest. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can enjoy the crisp air. Mark your calendars for September 20th!. We’ll also be seeing the return of movie night at the Arcada as well as Epic Air nights. We’ll be having McTeacher Night along with a few other culinary nights around the neighborhood. The Talent Show, Dodgeball and Art Night will all be returning in the spring.
Last year, through the generosity and support of this community, we were able to raise enough money to put in a new gaga-ball pit, host assemblies, and support individual teacher initiatives. I’m hopeful that we can make that kind of impact again this year.
To do so, we’ll need help from you. If you’ve ever been interested in finding out more about what we do as a PTO, please feel free to check out one of our meetings (2nd Tuesdays of the month at 6:30 in the LRC). If you’ve ever wanted to volunteer, even if it’s for a short bit, we can definitely find something for you. I work pretty far away and am often gone for the entirety of the school day. PTO opportunities are often the way I can connect with a place that has been so good for my family. Come and check us out. I hope that you and your family have a great year and I’ll see you at Fall Fest!
- Will
Room Parent and Classroom Party Volunteer Lottery Sign Up
Room Parent and Classroom Party Volunteer Lottery Sign Up
The lottery sign up for Room Parents and Classroom Party Volunteers is here! This year, there are SEPARATE forms for each. Please read the information in each form thoroughly as there have been some changes. All volunteers will be selected through a lottery.
The forms will close on Monday August 26th at 11:59pm. Room Parents will be determined first and those who have been selected will be notified by Monday September 2nd. Classroom Party Volunteers will be selected and notified by Room Parents.
Room Parent Lottery Sign Up --- https://forms.gle/gVRzkcmAegj8Q9zV6
Classroom Party Volunteer Sign Up -- https://forms.gle/vpFUHeBXuRenX4KQ9
Interested in Getting Involved?
We have a lot of opportunities to get involved or volunteer! Time commitments can range from several hours to 30 minutes, so hopefully there's a little bit for everyone. We would love to get to know more of you this year! Please reach out to us at Corroncoyotespto@gmail.com if you have questions or would like to volunteer for a committee.