TGMS Weekly Updates
November 26, 2024
A few notes and reminders
REMINDER - No school November 27, 28 and 29 Thanksgiving holiday
All Aboard - It's time to Polar "Express Yourself"! Donations due by Dec. 6
All aboard - It’s time to Polar “Express Yourself”!
Polar “Express Yourself” by showing Compassion and Empathy while helping others!
TGMS is once again working with the Violet Township Fire Department in order to help Pickerington families in need. If you are able, we are asking for a $5 donation and your participation in some fun activities to get us into the spirit of giving. Donations will be accepted through Dec. 6.
Calendar of Events
Dec. 9 - Wear Green or Red-Y for the holidays
Dec. 10 - Mad About Plaid - Wear plaid or flannel
Dec, 11 - Wear your favorite holiday accessories
Dec. 12 - Festive Socks Day
Dec. 13 - Holiday Shirt Day
Dec. 16 - PJ Day
Dec. 17 - Tree Topper - wear a holiday hat, headband, ears, etc.
Dec. 18 - Ugly Sweater Day
Dec. 19 - Vacation Outfit - wear your favorite vacation outfit
Dec. 20 - Reindeer Read-a-thon - bring your favorite holiday book to read And Grinch Day - wear grinch themed clothes or green!
All donations should be returned to school by: Friday, December 6, 2024. Thank you for your support.
News from the Technology Classes. Technology Newsletter
Toll Gate MS - Black Friday/Cyber Monday Spiritwear Sale
The official Toll Gate MS spirit wear store has launched a holiday sale! Look for the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale. Choose from hundreds of designs and garments, all with home delivery guaranteed by December 23rd!
Enjoy a limited-time savings of 25% sitewide with great gifts for the entire family! In addition, all orders over $75 will receive free shipping. Shop Now!