Student Memo
Hopkinton High School 2024 - 2025

Week of 2/10/25 - 2/14/25
Monday, February 10th: C Day
Tuesday, February 11th: D Day
- Flex Block: Senior Seminars
- Flex Block: Junior Class Meeting
Thursday, February 13th: F Day
- Flex Block: Senior Seminars
- Flex Block: Freshman Class Meeting
Happy February Break! See you on Monday, February 24th
HPS Pride Committee
In alignment with the District’s mission, the Hopkinton Public Schools has formed an LGBTQ Pride Committee to foster an inclusive and affirming environment for all students, staff, and families. Through education, support, and community engagement, HPS aims to foster respect for self and others and contribute to a school culture that values equity and belonging for all. If you are interested in contributing to the Pride Committee, please send an email to hps_pridecommittee@hopkinton.k12.ma.us, and be sure to be on the lookout for Committee updates in future newsletters.
Science Fair
Hopkinton Community Members: HHS is looking for a few more science fair judges. Please email kmmurphy@hopkinton.k12.ma.us if interested in joining us as a judge at the Hopkinton High School Science and Engineering Fair. Judging will take place in the afternoon on Wed. Feb 26th.
The deadline to purchase a senior tribute ad has been extended to February 10th (Monday)! This is the last chance to buy a tribute ad if you would like to.
For links and more information, see this google doc with info. that was sent out to parents and caregivers.
There are also only 58 copies of the yearbook left for purchase, we may run out soon.
We will still gladly accept pictures from now until the school year is over. We make a spring supplement to the yearbook and will need pictures for that even after the main yearbook is submitted!
Scholastic Writing Awards
The Hopkinton High School English Department is pleased to announce that our students were recognized with an outstanding 23 state-level awards in the 2024-2025 Scholastic Writing Awards Competition.
In the Massachusetts competition, Hopkinton High School students earned 7 Gold Keys, 6 Silver Keys, and 10 Honorable Mentions. Scholastic will send an email to the award recipients with information regarding the awards ceremony, as they are in the process of securing a date and location for the ceremony.
Congratulations to our talented students on their outstanding achievements. Thank you to the exceptional English teachers at Hopkinton High School for their continued dedication and guidance: Samantha Breen, Dan Collins, Sarah Ellam, Michael Franchock, Andy Frey, Fred Haas, Jennifer Hedges, Renée Hilbrunner, Jessie Karner, Benjamin Lally, Alex Macomber, Shari Meyer, Tim Murphy, and Jenn Pond. And, we would like to thank the HPTO for their generosity and support, as they funded the entry fees for all of the student submissions.
Science Olympiad
On February 1st the HHS Science Olympiad A & B teams, competed at the Harvard Science Olympiad Invitational in a field of 69 teams. (Full results/scores are linked here)
A huge congratulations to Annika Chan and Barbara Wagner for winning a medal for 1st overall for Write It Do It! Additionally, many teams placed in the Top 15 including: Aryan Shah (9th - Microbe Mission), Garima Chauhan & Saanvi Nayak (15th - Forensics), Aryan Shah & Surina Tripathi (15th - Anatomy & Physiology), and Pakhi Agrawal & Anushree Nandiraju (13th - Anatomy & Physiology).
After attending the UMass Amherst invitational on February 15th, our team will head to the State Tournament at Wentworth Institute of Technology on Saturday 3/2. Go HHSO!
HHS Robotics
Congratulations HHS Hopkinetics 2602E on winning the Design Award and 2602H on winning the Excellence Award at last weekend's Framingham competition.
Senior Capstone Experience
Please check out the website below for more information about the Senior Capstone Experience.
Junior Prom
Prom is on May 9th at the Lakeview Pavilion in Foxborough. Tickets will be sold from March 10-March 28 on MySchoolBucks and will be $70. Make sure to keep checking your email for more updates!
Cookie Dough Fundraiser
The Class of 2026 Cookie Dough Fundraiser is now live! Support the Class of 2026 by purchasing cookie dough using this link or the QR code on the flier. Cookie Dough is provided by Rebecca's Nut Free and will include cookie dough with the option of a decorating kit. Profits support the class fundraising for prom!
Valentine's Day Flower Fundraiser
The Class of 2026 will be selling Valentine's Day Flowers to raise money for our class!
Send a flower to someone at school for pickup on Feb 14th!
$3 per flower
Purchase flowers through Venmo (@kimberly-cooper-33) or pay in cash to Ms. Roach (in room A300a) or to Ms. Karner (A219a) before February 13th.
After you purchase, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/LMXZg4Y7kB2QQz6i6
Pickup for flowers will be available all day on Friday, February 14th in Ms. Roach's room (A300a).
Available to grades 9-12!
If you have any questions, please email ali@hillers.org
Attention Sophomores:
Hopkinton High School will be offering the PreACT for SOPHOMORES only on Saturday, March 22, 2025. The PreACT is a 10th grade multiple-choice assessment that helps students prepare for the experience of taking the ACT test and provides information regarding their future performance on the exam.
Registration for the PreACT will take place from February 24th through March 7th and will be completed online. A link for registration will be sent out on Monday, February 24th to all Sophomores. The fee for the PreACT is $45.00 and must be paid through MySchoolBucks before March 7th. Please see Ms. Kampersal in the Counseling Office with any questions.
There will be no late registrations or payments accepted.
Spanish Honor Society
Applications for the Spanish Honors Society are now open! If you missed the info session, please refer to this linked slideshow for details. Join our Schoology group (code: W6FH-5GP6-P2BBS) for updates. The application form and teacher recommendation info are in the slideshow; remember to request recommendations at least 3-4 days in advance, as the deadline is Feb 14. Feel free to reach out to Sra. Hernandez or any officers with questions.
GEM is selling Candy Grams this Valentine’s Day! Support us by buying one for a friend or yourself at our table outside the cafeteria from 2/6 to 2/12 or by using this Google Form.
Polar Plunge
The Hopkinton Schools community's Polar Plunge on March 12, 2025 with Bear Force One Mobile Plunge Unit will be an amazing event! This is a fun and exciting way to CELEBRATE INCLUSION while supporting The Special Olympics Unified Champion School programs.
Event Date: March 12, 2025
Event: Polar Plunge with Bear Force One Mobile Plunge Unit
Ways to Participate:
- Register as an Individual
- Create a Team
- Join the Hiller Thriller Team
$10 donation for students who want to take the plunge
Prizes for:
- Individual and Team that raise the most money
- Best Costume
- Best Duo Costume (costumes are highly encouraged!)
This event is a fantastic opportunity for the students and community to unite, have fun, and make a difference through their participation.
For more information, contact Mr. Chip Collins (ccollins@hopkinton.k12.ma.us) or Ms. Theis (ltheis@hopkinton.k12.ma.us)
Hopkinton High School's National Honors Society for Music (Tri-M) is hosting a Jazz Cafe Night on February 13th, Thursday, from 6:30pm-8pm! This will take place at the high school's atrium. Here you can learn more about the music opportunities the high school offers for its students while also enjoying a jazz-filled night with friends/family! Use this link to sign up to perform.
American Cancer Society
Hi everyone! We are the HHS American Cancer Society Club!
Come support us and grab a sweet and tasty snack on a cold winter day! We will have homemade tanghulu, cookies, brownies, muffins, caramel apples and more! Grab a friend with you to our table OUTSIDE THE CAFETERIA during lunch block to order on February 14th, Valentines Day! Pick-up will be after school. All funding raised will go to supporting cancer research!
The link for preordering is in this form. Thank you, and we hope to see you there!
We are C.A.R.E, a Community Awareness Campaign that hopes to raise awareness about Anemia. Check out our upcoming events!
February 11 - Bake Sale Afterschool
February 11 - Webinar @ 5:00 PM
February 13 - Presentation at H.O.S.A.
February 13 - Presentation at G.E.M.
February 13 - Bake Sale Afterschool
Click this link to check out our linktree - which includes our website, webinar link and socials
Unified Track
Are you interested in learning more about the Unified Track Team? Come to the information meeting to meet some teammates and the coaches. On Thursday, February 27th, at 5:30PM in the High School Cafeteria.
Spring Athletics Registration
The Spring Athletics Registration for the 2025 Spring Season is now officially open! Registration will be open from Today 1/31 at noon until 3/10 at midnight. Complete Registration includes an updated physical (within 13 months of last physical) uploaded into your FamilyID account. Please use the link below to register!
Spring HS and MS Athletics Registration 2025
High School Sports begin March 17th (Unified Track and Field and Girls Golf may start later on in the week)
Middle School Sports being 4/1
We are excited to offer the following sports:
Baseball: Cuts may be needed
Middle School 8th Grade Only
High School 9th-12th Grades
Softball: Cuts may be needed
Middle School 8th Grade Only
High School 9th-12th Grades
Boys and Girls Lacrosse: Cuts may be needed
High School 9th-12th Grades
Boys and Girls Tennis: Cuts may be needed
High School 9th-12th Grades
Girls Golf: Cuts may be needed
High School 9th-12th Grades
Outdoor Track & Field: No Cuts
Middle School 7th and 8th Grades
High School 9th-12th Grades
Unified Track and Field: No Cuts
High School 9th-12th Grades
Boys Volleyball: Cuts may be needed
High School 9th-12th Grades
Tryout/Practice Schedule will be sent out in the coming weeks. For information specific to each individual sport, please reach out to the coach. Game schedules can be found at ArbiterLive.
For Coaches Information, please see the link below:
Seal of Biliteracy
Dear Junior & Senior Students and Parents/Guardians:
We are pleased to announce that, once again, Hopkinton High School will be offering language assessments to students to determine eligibility for the Seal of Biliteracy. This award recognizes outstanding achievement in language study, granting students highly deserved recognition for demonstrating proficiency (writing, speaking, and reading comprehension) in at least two languages. Students are eligible to earn the Seal if they are a junior or senior and have been studying a world language since middle school, or if they are a native or heritage speaker of a language other than English. In order to be eligible for the Seal of Biliteracy, students will be tested using DESE-authorized Seal of Biliteracy assessments. There is no cost to juniors or seniors for these optional exams.
All students who demonstrate scores of “intermediate high” or above in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in the language tested and have a Grade 10 MCAS score in English Language Arts of 472 or above, will be eligible for The Seal. Students who score “advanced low” or above in the language tested, and have a score of 501 or above on the Grade 10 English Language Arts MCAS will be eligible for the Seal with Distinction.
In order to accommodate the large number of students testing, testing dates will be separated by language. Students testing in Spanish will be taking the exams for the Seal of Biliteracy in school on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, and Wednesday, March 19, 2025. Students testing in French, Chinese and all other languages, will be taking the exams for Seal of Biliteracy in school on Thursday, March 20, 2025 and Friday, March 21, 2025. A make-up date for all languages is scheduled for Tuesday, April 1, 2025. Students will test in the morning on these days and return to class once they have completed the specific components given on those days. Seniors who took a Seal of Biliteracy exam last year, wanting to retake certain components of the exam, can do that as well on the dates specific to the language in which they are testing.
Students interested in taking an exam for the Seal of Biliteracy should plan to attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, during FLEX block in the auditorium. During this meeting, students will receive additional information about these exams and have the opportunity to sign up for the actual exam. If you are interested in taking an entire exam or at least one component for the Seal of Biliteracy, please use this link to express your interest in taking the exam and to sign up to attend the informational meeting. Note that this link does not sign a student up for any exam.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Evan Bishop, Principal
Ashley Bell, District World Language Subject Matter Leader (abell@hopkinton.k12.ma.us)
Jennifer Cuker, Director of English Language Acquisition, Equity & Access (jcuker@hopkinton.k12.ma.us)
Wipe Out Stigma
Wipe Out Stigma is a statewide youth advocacy group that was created to empower students in promoting mental health. We meet online weekly to engage in legislative advocacy regarding youth mental health. WOS has helped students from around the state meet with state and federal legislators, as well as testify at the State House. Use this link to sign-up.
K-1 Math Night Volunteers
Mrs. Shelly Moran, Director of Elementary Math, is looking for volunteers to lead kindergarten and first grade students and their families in playing games related to learning addition and subtraction math facts up to 10. You do not need to be a math scholar to do this kind of math. The plan is for this event to be fun and educating, all at the same time.
About the event:
- Marathon Math Night is scheduled to be Wednesday, February 12th from 6 - 8pm.
- There's a mandatory informational session after school in the HS library at 2:30 on Monday, February 10th.
- At that time, you will learn how to play the game you will be assigned.
- During the night, you will lead the game and engage with students and the families.
- These hours can be used as volunteer hours for your various organizations.
- Want more information or have questions? Reach out to me, Mrs. Moran at smoran@hopkinton.12.ma.us.
Aviation and Maritime STEM Expo Boston
The Massachusetts Port Authority and the Federal Aviation Administration are hosting an Aviation and Maritime STEM Expo at Logan Airport on Thursday, May 29, 2024, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.
This Expo is open to 8th grade and high school students. Please click this link to RSVP by Friday, February 16.
If you have any questions, please contact STEMEXPO@massport.com.
Hopkinton Public Library
Open Chess for all ages! Join us on the Main Floor of the library on Sunday, February 9th from 1-3pm.
Hopkinton Public Library
Looking to get out of the house during February Break? Come to Game Night at the library! Play one of our many board games, or bring your own favorites. Free soda and snacks provided. Wednesday, February 19th from 6-8pm.
Hopkinton Public Library
Interested in volunteering at the library? Giving back to your community can be rewarding, can help you complete mandatory volunteer hours, and help with college applications or resume building. Adults and teens 14 and older, join us in learning about the library's volunteer needs. If you are 18 years of age or older, you must bring an ID, and fill out a CORI form (available at the library) in order to volunteer at the library. No need to sign up, just join us on Saturday, February 9th at 10 AM.
Hopkinton Freedom Team & Hopkinton Center for the Arts
Come join the Hopkinton Freedom Team and Hopkinton Center for the Arts the 3rd Thursday of each month for an evening of "Artful Connections" at 6:30 p.m. Consider sharing at Open Mic. February 20th's feature will be Namrata Mathur. Please RSVP.
Hopkinton Organizing for Prevention
Youth Activism in Action: Hopkinton’s Journey at the Annual Youth Power Summit
In a remarkable demonstration of collective action, Anna Noroian, Aryaa Dixit, Emily Evans, Keira Souza (all from Hopkinton High School and proud members of Hopkinton Organizing for Prevention (HOP)), and Neha Ninan, serving as a Statewide Leadership Team Member of the 84 Movement, participated in the impactful 84 Movement's annual Youth Power Summit on January 25, 2025.
This year's summit, a groundbreaking event, bringing together over 200 dedicated young activists from across Massachusetts is a cornerstone to the 84 movement, which empowers youth to fight the tobacco and vaping industries through education, advocacy, and community engagement.
The Hopkinton Organizing for Prevention (HOP), a key player in the fight against substance use and increasing mental health awareness, extends a warm invitation to anyone interested in joining this cause. The next meeting is scheduled for February 13, 2025, from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm at the Hopkinton Town Hall, with the added bonus of free pizza! This event promises more than just food; it's an opportunity to be part of a community dedicated to making a real difference.
For those who are interested in joining this community and making a difference, sign up here: HOP Youth Interest
Project Just Because
Project Just Because Student Board Member Application:
Looking for something fun to do for service hours?
Managing fundraisers to raise money in your community.
4 hour monthly commitment volunteering at the PJB building, or an alternative assignment given by the Officers.
Leading another team of student volunteers for our Spring and Fall cleanings.
Due by February 22
Resources: studentboardpresidents@projectjustbecause.org
Resources: https://www.projectjustbecause.org/
BULLYING We welcome both parents and professionals to join us for this extremely important discussion. This virtual workshop addresses: What Parents Need to Know? What are some strategies and tools for dealing with bullying? How to address bullying in the IEP?
February 11, 2025 7:00-9:00 Virtual via Zoom
HopSwap is coming up and our HPTO event chairs are looking for volunteers. They are forever grateful for the help they have received in past years from HHS students and are hopeful for a strong showing again this year. Volunteers are needed on March 14th between 3-8pm. Students can sign up for the time frame that works best for them. They will be moving and sorting donations. Pizza will be provided.
Link to sign up: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yQNYxnpo97K2Cfkw33CtqyfTKcP3Jyjh99lfF3Zbn80/edit?gid=0#gid=0
Hopkinton Parks and Recreation
Parks and Rec needs a few good volunteers! We are running several one-day fun trips over February Vacation and are in need of more chaperones.
This is a great way to complete service hours and go on a fun trip or two over winter break.
Trip dates: Feburary 18-21. Details for each trip can be found under Programs>February Break Fun on our website: www.hopkintonrec.org