Irons Jr. High Newsletter
Commitment to Excellence
August 12, 2024
Irons Family,
We have finally made it to the final 2 days before school starts! We could not be more excited about seeing our students when the doors open Wednesday morning.
This newsletter contains a lot of great information about "Back to School." Enjoy!
Dr. Olivia Robinson
Irons Jr. High Principal
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, August 14 - First Day of School (alternate schedule)
Thursday, August 15th - Second Day of School (alternate schedule)
Friday, August 16th - Third Day of School (alternate schedule)
Monday, August 19th - Begin Regular Bell Schedule
Thursday, September 12th - Open House (6PM - 8PM)
First Day Bell Schedule (August 14th)
Regular Bell Schedule (Starting August 19th)
Irons Jr. High Parent To Do List
- Immunizations- Be sure your child is up to date on required immunizations. Per state law, all incoming 7th grade students must have all vaccines current and a copy of records turned into the clinic/Nurse Glenda by the beginning of the school year. Failure to do so will result in your student being withdrawn. The additional immunizations needed are Tdap and MCV4. https://www.conroeisd.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2024-2025-Minimum-Vaccine-Requirements-K-12-Bilingual.pdf
- Complete Infosnap Registration-if already in CISD, you received an email with your child's "Snap Code." Use the link to update all information for their enrollment. If you lost the email, we can give you your Snap Code by emailing contactirons@conroeisd.net or calling Irons front office at 936-709-8500.
- Register for Bus Transportation-If your child used bus transportation last year you are all set! If your child will need bus transportation please see our transportation services to apply for transportation. Please apply even if your child will only ride every now and then. If you are not registered for transportation you cannot ride a bus. What Bus Do I Ride
- Cafeteria Money- Please load money to your child's lunch account here
- SSO Password- Remind your child that their SSO password was reset to default (stu+6 digit ID). When they login again, they must enter the new default password.
- Apply For School Meal Benefits-If needed. Applications may be completed on-line at https://www.myschoolapps.com
- Parent Access Account-Please log in or set up a parent access account so that you can track assignments and grades.
- Athletics - Any students participating in athletics, cheer, or dance must have a current and cleared physical on file. If your student took care of this in May, you do not need to worry. All students will need a cleared physical and all information in Rank One before the school year begins. Students without both of these will not be able to participate in athletics, cheer, or dance. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Coach Williams (girls coordinator) or Coach Patterson (boys coordinator). Rank One Information Instructions:
First Day of School Procedures
IMPORTANT: First Day of School
- On Wednesday, August 14th, doors will open for students at 8:00 AM.
- Please know that at the junior high level, parents do not walk their child in on the first day. Make sure to take pictures at home and allow them to come in on their own.
- Students will receive a new schedule in the cafeteria before being released to homeroom.
- At around 8:30 AM, all students will be released to a HOMEROOM class. This is only something we do on rare occasions. In secondary schools, all junior high and high school students attend a home room on the first day of school. Our students will report to their homeroom on the first 3 days of school. The homeroom is listed on their schedule.
- If they are unsure, we will have staff available throughout the school to help students find their homeroom.
While in homeroom, the Irons administration and other staff must complete a required "audit" or "balancing" of enrollment. We will be checking to see who arrives, who is withdrawn, etc. Once our audit is complete, students will be released to their 1st period class. It is an unusual day, but it is a requirement that me must complete, by law to ensure all students are properly accounted for.
During Homeroom (Day 2 and Day 3), students will:
- Go over important Irons procedures
- Have "Alpha" meetings with their AP/Counselor team
- Do teambuilding with their homeroom
Arrival Procedures
Arrival Procedures
- ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE THEIR ID BADGE (they will receive them on the first day of school).
- If your student has their badge, sleeve, and lanyard from last year, please have them bring it to school on the first day.
- Students riding the bus will be dropped off in the back of the school. These students will then report to the cafeteria until they are dismissed to class at 8:35 AM.
- Students riding their bike may LOCK their bike at the bike racks.
- Car Riders - Please have patience and be nice to your neighbors. The red light at 242 and Needham Road can cause back ups.
- There will be several staff members to help you navigate through our car rider line.
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal Procedures
- Irons JH begins dismissal at 4:05 PM.
- Car riders will be dismissed through the front doors at 4:05 PM.
- Car riders - follow the same procedure as arrival. Drive SLOWLY and look for your child. Pull all the way forward and allow your child to enter from the passenger side.
- Please do not cut or pass others in order to move to the front of the line.
- Bikers and walkers - will be dismissed around 4:10 PM.
- Bus riders - Will be called around 4:15 PM where they will dismiss through the back doors.
- At 4:20 PM - any remaining bus riders will be released to wait in the cafeteria.
During the first week of school, will begin the dismissal process 5-10 minutes early. Please plan accordingly.
Important Immunization Information
Important Immunization Information
As a friendly reminder, all students must be caught up on vaccines or have a current exemption before they are able to pick up their schedules. Incoming 7th graders are required to have their Tdap and MCV4 vaccines. Incoming 8th graders have no new required vaccines. If have not already done so, please bring updated records to Nurse Glenda, or email them to gcastillo@conroeisd.net. Please reach out if you need assistance.
Stock the Nest: Snacks for Irons Staff
Let's treat our teachers to a room full of snacks to choose from during their planning meetings in
"The Nest". You can find our Amazon Wish List on the flyer below where items purchased will be automatically delivered to Irons, OR you can go to the store and purchase pre-packaged items and drop them off at our Schedule Pick-Up event on August 5th. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Irons PTO
1. Join the PTO! We need volunteers to support our kiddos, teachers, and staff at Irons JH. https://bit.ly/Join_IronsJH_PTO The $10 membership fee can be paid via cash or check.
2. Spirit Wear Sale—happening ONLINE! Link for spirit store: https://nhathletics.com/irons-spirit/
A variety of sizes will be available to see in-person at schedule pick-up.
Order online from Aug 5 to Aug 23. All orders will be available for pick-up at Open House on Sept. 12.
Support our Irons Cheerleaders
We love our Oak Ridge War Eagles!
Irons Jr. High
Email: contactirons@conroeisd.net
Website: https://irons.conroeisd.net/
Location: 16780 Needham Road, Conroe, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-8500
Twitter: @IronsJHCISD