MMS Parent Newsletter
May 2024
We are so excited to celebrate our students of the month! These students were chosen based on their embodiment of one of the four REAL character traits. Responsible students show up to class and activities on time and use effective strategies to manage their responsibilities at school. Students who were chosen for engagement demonstrated the ability to focus in class and apply themselves to their assignments and/or activities. Our accepting students displayed kindness and treating others the way they wished to be treated. Our student leaders were chosen for setting positive examples for their classmates in all areas of Mustang Middle School! We are so proud of all our students and look forward to the continued celebration of our amazing scholars this school year!
Important Dates for 2024-2025 School Year
Mustang families, here are the following dates we have for next year!
8/5/24-7th Grade Orientation 8 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
8/6/24-Schedule Pick Up
8/13/24-First Day of School
8/19/2024-Middle School Open House
Wrestling 2024-2025
Hello Mustang Families. If your students are interested in wrestling next year please read the information by clicking Wrestling Letter. It must be filled out and returned as soon as possible.
For questions, please contact Coach Delk at sheltondelkw@mustangps.org
State Testing Window April 18th through May 10th
The state testing window is approaching. It will be open from April 18th and to May 10th of 2024. The required tests will be English and Math for 7th grade and English, Math, Science, and Writing for 8th grade students. The state tests will be given in the morning. When making appointments, checking out students, etc. please try to keep those in the afternoon. Thank you for your support!
A Message From The Cafeteria
As of Thursday, April 25, 2024, charging will not be allowed in the cafeteria for the remainder of the school year and charges must be paid. Please have money in the account, pay at the register, pay online or bring food from home from this date through the end of school.
Thank you,
Mustang South Middle School Cafeteria
Varsity Tutors-Free Resource!
We are so fortunate to have access to Varsity Tutors this semester! All students at MMS have access to free, unlimited, 24/7 tutoring through Varsity Tutors. This is a great resource for students. The steps to login are listed below.
Step 1
Go to clever.com/in/mustang on your chromebook. If asked to sign in, use your Mustang Google account.
Step 2
In Clever, find the Varsity Tutors icon. If asked to sign in, students will use their Mustang Google account.
Additional Info
For more info, scan this QR code, go to https://www.smore.com/6v2u8-mps-indian-ed-varsity-tutors or email murrahb@mustangps.org.
Library Books Due
Library books checked out from Mustang Middle School will be due on May 1st. Please remind your students to return their books. Thank you for your help!
Student Devices Turn In
District issued chromebooks and charging cords must be turned in May 10th. If charging cords are not returned a fee will be placed on the student's account.
Spring Sports Tryouts!
May 1-3 Volleyball Tryouts 3:45-6:00
May 6 & 8-Cheer Clinic 4:30-7:30
May 11-Cheer Tryouts 10:00-4:00
May 9th and 10th-Softball Tryouts 3:45-6:00
May 14 & 15 Spring Cross Country 7:00 am-7:45 am
May 6-10 and May 13-15 7th & 8th grade spring football prep 3:45-4:45
Cheer Clinic and all tryouts will be at Mustang Middle School's gym
If you have questions contact our athletic director Mr. Sawyer at sawyerch@mustangps.org
Athletic Summer Camps
Mustang offers several different camps for student athletes. If you are interested in your child attending please click the link to learn more information!
Cross Country Youth Running Camp
New Sports Physical Form
The OSSA has update the sports physical. You may access it through the link below. If you have questions about tryouts, Physical Day, etc. please contact our athletic director Mr. Sawyer. sawyerch@mustangps.org
Mustang Sports Physical Day
Hello Mustang families! Physical Day is quickly approaching! Please make sure your student brings their completed physical form. The Rank0ne forms must be completed online before Physical Day. Please use the links below to access the necessary forms.
Academic Recovery!
Before and after school Academic Recovery is ramping up. If your student is struggling to keep pace or needs extra help, we may be calling to assign them that extra time. If you believe that your student would benefit from this opportunity, feel free to give us a shout!
School Hours
Classes are 8:40 a.m. - 3:35 p.m.
The building is open 8:10 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. each day
Please do not drop off your student(s) prior to 8:10am. Students will not be allowed to enter prior to that time regardless of weather conditions, and there is no supervision.
If you are coming to MMS, please come through the Front (West) Doors and check-in at the office.
Grades and Stuff
A Message from the Transportation Department
STUDENT CONDUCT ON BUSES Riding a school bus is a privilege and students must maintain safe and respectful conduct to ensure safe travel to and from school. Student safety is our main priority and rules that are enforced at school also apply on the bus. Our bus drivers have the same authority over pupils while riding buses as the teachers have while in school. The following rules and regulations shall govern the conduct of school bus passengers: Students must be respectful of the driver and other passengers at all times; All students must stay in their seats from the time they load the bus to the time they exit the bus; Students must keep their hands and feet to themselves; Students must avoid tampering with the windows or the emergency door of the bus unless instructed by the driver to do so. Disruptive behaviors, which potentially jeopardize the safety of all passengers, will not be tolerated. The following are some examples of disruptive behaviors which may bypass the warning and result in the loss of bus-riding privileges: Fighting, shouting, profanity, horseplay, using tobacco or electronic cigarettes, extending any part of the body through an open window, throwing objects, refusing to obey the bus driver, *vandalism. *Students who deface or vandalize a school bus in any way may have bus riding privileges suspended and will not be permitted to resume bus privileges until all damages are paid. The following items will not be permitted on the bus: Balloons Glass containers Trash from snacks and drinks WRITTEN CONDUCT REPORT A written report about a student’s unsatisfactory conduct will be issued by the bus driver and delivered to the school principal for disciplinary action. The action taken by the principal may include short-term or permanent suspension from bus riding privileges and/or suspension from school- depending on the severity of the behavior.
Safety Guidelines For Sporting Events
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Please do not park in the north parking lot when picking up students. This requires students to cross through the pickup line and through several lanes of traffic. We are also getting reports of parents turning left from the right lane or right from the left lane from the pickup lanes onto Dowden. Please follow the arrows on the pavement for the safety of everyone.
Thank you to Mr. Peter Bostwick! We are very fortunate to have him at MMS to assist with student safety in the parking lot and on the west crosswalk in the mornings and afternoons.
Chromebooks, Chromebooks, Chromebooks
Canvas Help
Using Canvas From Home:
To access Canvas from home, students will need to go to: https://mustangps.instructure.com/login/canvas
When they log on, they will need to select log in with google.
More helpful canvas information is located on our canvas for students and parents link:
Mustang Middle School Principal