DVUSD Parent Update Jan 2025

Welcome back to school! It is hard to believe we are already half way in to the school year and beginning a new calendar year. We look forward to all our students, staff, and our DVUSD community will accomplish together in 2025!
DVUSD Budget Priorities Survey Open Until Jan. 15!
The Deer Valley Unified School District Governing Board is seeking community input on allocating resources for the upcoming school year (2025-2026) to remain competitive and provide the best learning possibilities for students. This survey will remain open until January 15.
The Budget Committee has been formed and is reaching out to the community to assist with developing a list of budget priorities. For the 2025-2026 school year, the committee will look at balancing the budget with the results of the voters not continuing the financial M&O override, which will result in a reduction of more than $11 million for the next school year.
Additional reductions in future years are also expected if the M&O Override is not renewed (for more information regarding the M&O Override, see this link M&O Override information). Once the committee compiles and categorizes these priorities, a subsequent survey will be sent to the community in January 2025 to rank these budget considerations in order of priority.
Take the short, three question survey by clicking this link or by scanning the QR Code (to the left). Thank you in advance for your participation.
District Safety Update
State Superintendent Tom Horne announced the release of nearly $48 million in accumulated school safety funds to support schools requesting police officers, counselors, and social workers. Of the funds, $39.4 million will be allocated for 198 School Resource or Safety Officers.
Schools in the Deer Valley Unified School District (DVUSD) applied for this grant, and 10 of our schools were selected to receive funding for School Safety Officers. We are grateful for this opportunity as we seek ways to improve school safety. As a district, we currently have 24 schools with police presence on campus and remain committed to increasing that number to cover more schools. Having officers on campus provides multiple benefits, including having a law enforcement and public safety specialist present, a law-related educator who can interact with students and staff, increased visibility through campus patrols, and the ability to build positive relationships within the school community.
Incoming Governing Board Member Reception Jan. 14
Board Appreciation Month!
Thank you to our DVUSD Board Members: Steve Bottfeld, Paul Carver, Jr., Kimberly K. Fisher, Dr. Karen C. Pack, and Stephanie Simacek.
2025 Flinn Scholar Semi-Finalists
For the first time in district history, all five DVUSD High Schools have a 2025 Flinn Scholar Semi-Finalist! The Flinn Foundation announced the 78 Arizona seniors named as semifinalists on Jan. 7. All will advance in the process to earn one of the state’s most competitive merit-based college scholarships.
These six students representing Barry Goldwater High School, Boulder Creek High School, Deer Valley High School, Mountain Ridge High School (two semi-finalists), and Sandra Day O'Connor High School were among the 78 semi-finalists selected based on their academic achievement, leadership and service, and personal characteristics from more than 1,100 applications submitted in October. This prestigious scholarship is valued at more than $135,000 and provides a full ride covering tuition, housing, meals, and at least two study abroad experiences in partnership with Arizona’s public universities.
The DVUSD Scholars are:
- Maya Ysabella Bustos (Sandra Day O'Connor)
- Pravneet Chadha (Mountain Ridge)
- Nealah Haderly (Deer Valley)
- Dyuthi Heroor (Mountain Ridge)
- Cyra Khourdepaz (Boulder Creek)
- Bianca Leonard (Barry Goldwater)
Mountain Ridge, with Flinn scholars in 2024 and 2023, is aiming for a third consecutive year with the honor and has two candidates. DVUSD was also represented by Barry Goldwater High School Graduate Brendan Salisbury in 2024.
DVUSD Superintendent Wins Arizona Superintendent of the Year- Large District
To wrap up the first semester of the school year and the 2024 calendar year, DVUSD is now home to: 2025 Arizona Teacher of the Year, Arizona Superintendent of the Year — Large District, Association of School Administrative Professionals Member of the Year, Total Board Boardsmanship Award, Board Member Honor Roll, and the Golden Bell Promise Award (Emmett Burton, Boulder Creek High School AP World History and U.S. History Dual Enrollment Teacher, 2025 Arizona Education Foundation Teacher of the Year)— What a way to wrap up the first semester of the school year!
DVUSD's Superintendent, Dr. Finch, was named the Arizona School Administrators/Arizona School Boards Association All Arizona Superintendent Award-- Large District for 2024-25! He was recognized for his extraordinary leadership which is grounded in his personal, approachable, and hands-on leadership style where he fosters genuine relationships with everyone from Kindergarteners in the classroom to Board Members and elected officials.
Another major shoutout belongs to Sheila Taylor, Dr. Finch's Executive Assistant and DVUSD's Board Secretary.
She was named the Association of School Administrative Professionals (ASAP) Member of the Year! Sheila was recognized for this award for her outstanding leadership, professionalism, dedication to DVUSD as well as her involvement with ASAP!
DVUSD Community Education Spring Break Camp & New Pre School Camp!
Registration for the upcoming Spring Break and new Preschool Spring Break Camp opens February 3 at 12:01 a.m. and closes March 3 at 11:59 p.m. Space is limited! deervalley.ce.eleyo.com
Spring Break Camp will be offered at Park Meadows Elementary School for children ages 5-14 at a rate of $40/day (10% multi-child discount given for each additional child)
The newly introduced Preschool Camp will be offered at Greenbrier Elementary School for children ages 3-5 at a rate of $45/day. (10% multi-child discount given for each additional child)
Contact Beth Harvill with any questions- beth.harvill@dvusd.org or 623-376-3976
Preschool Registration for 25-26 School Year
DVUSD Community Education Preschool Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will begin soon! DVUSD Employee priority registration will be from January 16 - January 27.
General Preschool/Pre-Kindergarten registration begins on January 31. We are excited to announce that we are opening a new preschool/PK program at Sandra Day O'Connor High School!!
Parents inquiring about locations and other information may visit our website at www.dvusd.org/preschool or contact Traci Piccoli at Traci.Piccoli@dvusd.org / 623-376-3979.
DVUSD Employee Priority Before & After Registration Information -
Early registration for employee dependents/children for Before & After Care will begin on March 27. Employees are eligible for 10% off our rates. Early Registrations being accepted are for paid contracts only.
Employee PLC contracts are not eligible for Early Registration. PLC contracts will be accepted pending capacity in August.
General Registration will be open to DVUSD families on April 3rd
Kindergarten Registration Open for 2025-26!
Kindergarten registration is now open for the 2025-26! Students need to be 5 years old by August 31, 2025.
If your child will be 5 years old between September 1 to December 31, 2025, you can have your child tested for early entry. Early Entry Testing will take place during the summer of 2025. You can sign up for Early Entry Testing beginning in February.
DVUSD Kindergarten Program Highlights
Free Full-Day Program for those 5 years of age by August 31, 2025
Special Classes offered every day including: Art, Physical Education and Music
Before and After School care programs
Last year, over 94.6% of our senior graduates earned more than $74 million dollars in scholarships
35 of DVUSD Schools are A or B Rated Schools
DVUSD is one of the top districts in Arizona with the highest number of dollars invested back into students’ education
Variety of Specialized programs including: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), Academy of Arts, Gifted Program Models, and Language Immersion Programs (Spanish and Mandarin)
Every teacher in DVUSD is a certified and highly-qualified
3rd Annual DVUSD 5K
Please join us for our '3rd Annual 5K&1 Mile Run/Walk' that is being held on Saturday, January 25th at Sandra Day O'Connor High School! All staff, students, families, and community members are encouraged to join! Use the QR Code below to register!
Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place 5K finishers (in age groups).
We hope to see you there!
FREE Vaccination Clinic By MCDPH
The Maricopa County Department of Public Health is hosting FREE vaccination events that are open to the public. Please see the flyer below for more information or call Maricopa C.A.R.E.S at 602-506-6767 with any questions or to locate additional resources.