Ben Hill Middle School
Parent Newsletter for Jan 2025 - Best Wishes for 2025!
Home of the Bears!
🩸 2024 School Theme - BE(ar) Positive 🩸
📆 Our Schedule This Month
1/6 - Students return & Early Release Day
1/6 - FFA Club meeting
1/7 - Dungeons & Dragons Club meeting
1/8 - Scrabble Club meeting
1/9 - Student Council meeting
1/9 - 1/11 - All State Music Conference
1/10 - All Pro Dad
1/13 - Early Release Day
1/13 - FFA Club meeting
1/13 - Garden Club meeting
1/14 - Dungeons & Dragons Club meeting
1/15 - Scrabble Club meeting
1/15 - Track Meet @ Sickles HS 5:30PM-8:30PM
1/16 - End of 2nd Quarter
1/17 - Beginning of 3rd Quarter
1/17 - NJHS meeting
1/20 - MLK Day - no school
1/21 - 6th grade health screenings
1/21 - Dungeons & Dragons Club meeting
1/22 - Jeans Plus Wristbands will be on sale during lunches
1/22 - 6th grade band night
1/23 - Jeans Plus Day
1/23 - 6th grade health screenings
1/27 - Garden Club meeting
1/27 - FFA Club meeting
1/28 - Dungeons & Dragons Club meeting
1/28 - All County Chorus rehearsal
1/29 - Scrabble Club meeting
1/30-1/31 - 8th grade JA Biztown fieldtrip
As we enter the cold months, be reminded that students' outwear (i.e. jackets, hoodies, etc.) is to also be school uniform colors. Sweatpants or jogging pants are not allowed.
Here comes the bus! 🚌
Is this mic on? 🎤 Calling All Dads!
Students who attend All Pro Dad with mom or dad will receive PBIS points and entered in a raffle to win a gift card!
A Few Reminders💡
Electronics Policy:
Devices (cellphones, earbuds, headphones, tablets, or any electronic device) will not be permitted from 9:15AM to 4:30PM. When the 9:15AM bell rings to allow students on campus, students will place their devices in backpacks. Devices are not to be seen (even in clothing pockets) or used in hallways, bathrooms, cafeteria, gymnasium, locker rooms, fields, etc.
Uniform policy:
khaki bottoms and navy, white or maroon polo
Outerwear is expected to be plain navy, white, or maroon
Shorts are to be minimally finger tipped length, secured at waist and unrolled.
School-wide Field Trip Criteria:
During the designated criteria period, students need to have earned a D or higher in academics, C or higher in conduct, and no referrals leading to ISS/OSS.
Please Note:
Sign-Outs end at 2:45PM on early release days and 3:45PM on regular days.
For PE classes - Due to locker room supervision, a student may only be signed-out during PE class, the first 5 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class.
Please know your child's class schedule and plan accordingly.
Late Pick-ups! 🚗
HOST/Car Rider Policy (late pick-ups)
Parents, we understand that life sometimes get in the way.....
Students must be picked up from the car line within 30 minutes of dismissal. Students not picked up within 30 minutes will be required to enroll in the HOST Drop-In program. The fees for the Drop-In program are a $30 registration fee and a $50 daily fee.
Parents, Canvas is a great tool to monitor your child's progress!
Gently Used Uniform Bottoms, anyone?
We are in need of gently used uniform bottoms for girls. If you have any gently used uniform bottoms that you would like to donate to our school, please send with your child or drop off at the main office.
Thank you!
PTSA Corner!
Soccer Tryouts!
Before trying out - all paperwork must be completed and approved at planeths.com. Completed paperwork is due by Monday, January 13th. More information to come about tryout dates and times.
Tryouts will be the week of January 21st.
Tentative Soccer Schedule
2/6 - VS Walker @ Sickles - away
2/11 - VS Martinez @ Steinbrenner - away
2/18 - VS Farnell @ Gaither - home
2/26 - VS Smith @ Gaither - home
3/5 - VS Davidsen @ Gaither - home
All games start at 6:00PM.
Girls play first, followed by the boys.
Students must be picked up by 8PM.
All students attending the games must attend with their parents.
🏈⚽🏀🏐👟Athletics Information🏈⚽🏀🏐👟
Increase engagement and student interest through stimulating task development
Developing positive relationships with all stakeholders
Vision Statement:
Using respect, responsibility, and relationships to foster student achievement
Mission Statement:
Prepare students to achieve their fullest potential