Lester Park School Newsletter - #8
October 3, 2024
Hello from the Front Desk
October sure is busy! Lots of events and several days off this month! Reading our newsletters and teacher emails is a great way to stay up to date with what is going on in school. We also try to include events on our school calendar as well!
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions:
Does Lester Park School have a Family Handbook?
We sure do! It is here: Handbook for Lester Park Families
Does the School District have a Family Handbook?
Yep they do! It is here: Family/Student Handbook
How do I change my phone #?
Parents can change their phone #s and emails in the Parent Portal.
How do I volunteer in my child's classroom?
This information is on our website HERE
Will I still receive messages from the school and teacher if I do not have a ParentSquare account?
Yes, as long as your contact information is correct in Infinite Campus.
What is Infinite Campus?
Program containing the database with all our student and guardian information, schedules, bussing, etc.
What is the Parent Portal?
Parent/Guardian access to Infinite Campus and how they view their child's information, as well as change their own contact information.
What is ParentSquare?
The communication system our school district uses to send emails and phone calls to families, and families can respond back in a secure way. It uses the contact information set up in Infinite Campus. ParentSquare syncs with Infinite Campus every night, so any updates will go into effect the following day.
Click HERE for more information on ParentSquare
Click HERE for instructions on signing up for ParentSquare
Have a wonderful evening!
Tracy Thompson & Brianna Solberg
Lester Park Admin Assts
Upcoming Dates:
Tomorrow...School-Wide Pajama Day
Next Week...Parent/Teacher Conferences & Book Fair
Oct 14...NO SCHOOL (Teacher PD day)
Oct 16...1st-5th/Staff Pajama Day (Oct 15 for Kindergarten)
Oct 17-18...NO SCHOOL (MEA weekend)
Oct 25...Halloween Dance
Nov 4...Paw Award Assembly
Nov 6...Picture Retake Day
Nov 8...4th & 5th Grade Music Program
Nov 22...Grandparents Day
Nov 27...NO SCHOOL (Teacher PD day)
Nov 28-29...NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving)
Lester Park Calendar can be found HERE
2024-25 District Calendar with 4 day rotation can be found HERE
(PD=professional development/NO SCHOOL for students)
Because we reached over $15,000 with the Fun Run Fundraiser...we get to have 2 Pajama Days!
One is tomorrow/Friday and one is Oct 16th (except 15th for Kindergarten)
Sooooo...let's all dress in our comfy PJs tomorrow!
Walkers Who Also Want Breakfast....
Does your child want a school breakfast and walks to school?
Please have them to school as close as you can to 7:30. This will give them plenty of time to eat breakfast. Thank you!
Handicap Ramp in Front of the School
Please do not block the Handicap Ramp in Front of our School. It needs to be available for our families with students with physical disabilities. We will try to remember to put cones out, but you can also tell where the ramp is as there is a crosswalk that ends there.
Also please remember no waiting or parking in Handicap Parking Spots. Not only do some of our families need them, but it is also the law.
Morning Drop Off Tips
When pulling out from the Fire Lane, please use your blinker. If you are in the middle drive-thru lane, please keep an eye out for vehicles on your right with their blinkers on.
While we love to see the long kisses and hugs parents give their children, when this happens during drop-off it can really slow down the process. If this was done before you leave for school, it would be one way to speed up the drop-off line.
Thank you for understanding and for your help in making our drop-off process go smoothly, quickly and safely!
Teacher Conference Meals
Conference days can be very long for teachers, and not worrying about supper while they are here is a huge treat! Please consider signing up for something to bring on the 8th or the 10th:
Try to use disposable packaging if you can. If sharing your crock pot please use liner for easy clean-up, include your name and number. There will be a power strip to plug in any crock pots. More information can be found on the sign up.
If you have any questions please contact the PTA at ptalp709@gmail.com and someone will get back to you. Thank you very much!!
Volunteers needed for the Book Fair
The book fair is coming! Your student will bring information home soon about shopping at the book fair. Please click the link and volunteer to help run register and make it a successful experience for students!
No time, no problem! Donate here to help support these and other PTA sponsored events!
Book Fair eWallet!
The Book Fair is coming! Watch backpacks next week for the flyer and more information.
Students will shop during the week of Oct 7th in the library during their media specialist time.
Easily sign up for an eWallet below so your student is ready to shop! This eWallet is run by the PTA. It is not the one in Infinite Campus.
Fill Out The Educational Benefits Form before Oct 15
Every parent/guardian is asked to fill out this form, regardless of income by Oct. 15 to help the district secure as much funding as possible from the state and federal government.
Why is this so important?
- Increased Funding for Our Schools: The information from these forms helps our district secure essential state and federal funding for the next school year. More funding means better programs, resources, and opportunities for all our students!
Potential Benefits for Your Family
You may qualify for benefits like:
- Discounts on field trips
- Reduced activity fees
- Lower internet costs
Every application counts! Let's work together to ensure our district receives the maximum funding possible.
Complete the Educational Benefits Application online through Infinite Campus or pick up a paper copy at your student's school office today!
Give Your Feedback About Lester Park School
Dear Lester Park Families,
We are asking all parents/guardians to fill out our school climate survey. Your input is extremely valuable to us and provides schools with a comprehensive understanding of how families perceive school climate.
This information will be used to inform school and district plans to make improvements. The survey is anonymous and voluntary and you do not have to provide your name and have the option to select “Prefer not to answer” on all items including demographic information.
At Lester Park, our PBIS Team (positive behavior interventions and supports) will review our student and family data to drive the decisions we make for each year with our systems. Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. It's extremely helpful for us! We will also have a table at conferences for families to complete.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact our PBIS leader- Jordan Fleek. (218) 336-8875 x 3165
Jordan Fleek
Social Emotional Behavioral SpecialistLester Park Elementary
218-336-8875 x 3165
Second Harvest Backpack Program
The Backpack Program provides a supplemental supply of weekend food to children in need.
Students receive a 3-6 pound bag of food twice a month to carry home from school in their own backpack or book bag. Deliveries start September 18.
Availability varies but often includes shelf-stable entrees like soup or pasta, fruits and vegetables, cereal, snacks and more.
For more information, contact:
Heather Rappana
Lester Park School Social Worker
218-336-8700 x2429
Families will need to first obtain a referral from the school social worker. Lester Families should contact:
Heather Rappana
Lester Park School Social Worker
218-336-8700 x2429
OPTIONAL Student Directory
2024-25 PTA Lester Park Elementary Public Directory Online Form
This form is to voluntarily participate in a public family directory of Lester Park students and families, so students can contact their classmates and friends via telephone or email. We are not including physical addresses in the directory.
By completing and submitting this form, you acknowledge you have read and understand the following:
This directory is not being created by ISD 709, Lester Park Elementary or any of its representatives, and is a volunteer effort by the Lester Park PTA. By filling out and submitting this form, you acknowledge that you are aware that you are making your contact information public, and that the Lester Park PTA does not have control over how this information may be used by those who access the directory.
The Lester Park PTA will create a public Google Doc that will be made electronically available to members of the Lester Park Elementary School family community who filled out the form. The Lester Park PTA is not the source of the information, therefore has no control over its accuracy. We will remove information from the directory upon written request, but this process may take a few days due to the volunteer nature of our organization. By submitting your information here, you acknowledge that you have read these terms, and understand that the Lester Part PTA is not responsible for misuse of any information you choose to make public through this directory.
Please submit a separate online form for each student.
Online Form due BY OCT 25!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at ptalp709@gmail.com .
PTA Membership Contest!
The classroom that returns the most new/renewed memberships
by OCTOBER 25th, wins an extra recess!!
What do I do if my child is going to be absent from school?
Email lesterattendance@isd709.org (the office & nurse will both see these emails)
or call attendance line 336-8875 then “3” to leave a recorded message
Please list any specific symptoms.
Teachers may have a preferred way for you to report an absence to them.
If the office does not know why a student is absent, an automated phone call and an email message will be sent out at sometime between 8:30-9:00. This is for safety reasons.
If you have health questions, you can call our school health office at 336-8875 x2654
Community Flyers & Registrations
Email: lesterpark@isd709.org
Website: https://lesterpark.isd709.org
Location: 5300 Glenwood Street, Duluth, MN 55804
Phone: (218) 336-8875
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lester-Park-Elementary-1900216436910729