Smartphone Free for Student Success
New Policy Starts on the First Day of School!
To maintain an environment conducive to learning and minimize distractions, the use of smartphones, cell phones, smart watches, earbuds, air pods, or Bluetooth headphones during class time will be strictly prohibited effective Monday, August 19, 2024.*
Limiting cell phone use is essential to foster a focused, respectful, and equitable learning environment. Research has shown that cell phone use in schools can significantly distract students, impair their concentration, and negatively impact their mental health.
Students in Grades PK – 5: Students may bring personal electronic devices to school, but they must be placed on silent or turned off and must remain off and away in the student’s locker, backpack, or teacher-designated area at all times during the school day while on school grounds. Usage may resume at the end of the school day upon dismissal.
Students in Grades 6 – 12: Students may bring personal electronic devices to school, but they must be placed on silent or turned off and must be off and away at all times during instructional periods, which are defined by the school’s bell schedule, and class changes. Principals may allow the use of personal electronic devices before the first instructional period, during lunch, and after school.
We appreciate your support as we enforce this policy to keep your students engaged in learning. If you should need to contact your student during the school day, please contact the school's main office by phone. In the event of a school emergency, parents will be notified via the contacts on the Annual Emergency Information Card.
*The policy is subject to change pending board approval.
This newsletter was published on August 18, 2024.
Email: info@berkeleycountyschools.org
Location: 1453 Winchester Avenue, Martinsburg, WV, USA
Phone: 304-267-3500