School Newsletter Term 3, Week 9
Friday 20th September 2024
Kia ora West End whānau,
This week has been full of excitement as we celebrated Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week). While our school embraces Te Reo Māori every day, this week holds a special significance. Our tamariki and staff engaged in a variety of Māori games and challenges throughout the week. A huge thank you to the organisational team for making this week such a success. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.
Congratulations to our amazing EPro8 team, who participated in the interschool EPro8 competition and made it to the finals held today. This is the first time West End has made the final and we’re eagerly awaiting the results.
Week 9 also features the preliminary rounds of the West End School Dance Festival, where classes from each area team showcased their dance moves to compete for a spot in next week’s finals. A big thank you to all the parents who came to cheer on our students, your ongoing support for our school events means a lot.
The Richo sports event that was originally scheduled for week 6 has been moved to Thursday of week 10.
Finally, a reminder that next is the last week of school for this term a heartfelt thank you to all our students for showing our school values this week, especially with the wet weather we have been having. Ka rawe koutou, have a great weekend.
Tui Halatokoua
Deputy Principal
West End School - Te Kura O Urumutu
Upcoming Events
- Best Me Talent Show Rehearsal - Monday 23rd September
- West End School Dance Festival FINALS - Tuesday 24th September
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 25th September
- BEST ME TALENT SHOW - Friday 27th September
- END OF TERM 3 - Friday 27th September
- First day of Term 4 - Monday 14th October
West End School Parent/Caregiver Information
It is very important that we have your correct contact information in case of an emergency.
- Have you changed your address?
- Have you changed your phone number?
Please let us know at the school office either by dropping in to see us or emailing office@westend.school.nz
Enrolments/Leavers for 2025
Please contact the School Office if you know that your child may not be returning next year.
Please contact the School Office if you have a New Entrant that will be starting on 2025.
If you are living out of our school Zone you will need to apply through the Ballot which will be advertised (if there are places available). These will be found on our school Web Site and on our Face Book page.
If you have any questions, please come in and see Amanada or Sue at the Office.
Senior Camp Information
Week 10, Term 3, 13th September Health Forms to be completed online.
Week 1, Term 4 , 31st October, Parent help evening. All camp information to be given regarding expectations.
T.W.N.O.T Senior Camp Health Forms for students
Please find attached the student health form for T.W.N.O.T camp, all children are required to have one of these filled out in order to attend. If the health form shows anything that you believe needs further discussion, please contact your classroom teacher. We would like all of these filled out before the end of Week 10.
Please fill out our Google Form
EPro8 Interschool Competition
West End School have just competed in the EPro8 Interschool Competition. We had 2 teams represent our school - The 4 Einsteins - Olivia, Luca, Liam and Aadhya, and Mahuru with Kingi, Asher, Isaiah and Bill. We went to College Street Normal on Wednesday and built for 2 and a half hours. We were there from 4pm to 7pm at night. Our teams built a washing machine, a scooter and a rollercoaster. The 4 Einsteins came 3rd and Mahuru came 2nd. Mahuru made it it into the Finals for the first time.
Today, Mahuru competed against 11 other schools. They built a lawnmower with a moving blade and a toaster that popped out toast. We had to set up a vertical measuring tape and set up a camera stand. We had to use rubber bands to make the toast pop really high. We were only 40 points off the top team. We finished 5th overall, but were really close to finishing as the top team. We showed great whakamana by not giving up - and mana aotūora by showing innovation using circuits and making things work. Our 4 tamariki also showed great kotahitanga by working well with each other for the whole 2 and a half hours.
West End School Dance Festival
This is a Student Council initiative where after talking to the students and getting feedback on how to make West End an even cooler place to be, they wanted to have more whole school fun events and more competitions to explore our passions and practice our Mana Aotūroa and Whakamana.
We had our three team dance offs on Wednesday and it was fantastic to see some amazing Mana Aotūroa (creativity) as well as bucketloads of whakamana to get up and perform in front of their teams and our amazing whānau who came to watch. Our finalists for next weeks Dance Finals are:
1st place: Room 15
2nd place: Room 13
3rd place: Room 17
1st place: Room 1
2nd place: Room 10
1st place: Room 3
2nd place: Room 4
These 7 classes will perform their dances to the school on Tuesday afternoon.
Finals on Tuesday 24th at 1.30pm. Whānau welcome!
The Best Me Talent Show - next week!
Friday 27th September at 1.30pm
We will hold this on the last Friday of Term 3. We have our acts locked in and we look forward to showcasing a wide range of amazing performances to celebrate the end of the term. This is also a dress up day where children can come dressed as someone who has talent! The possiblilites are endless! We will also be having a couple of special guest appearances. All whānau welcome to watch. The PTA are also having a sausage sizzle and selling juicies.
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori
Whakanuia Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori!! Ake! Ake! Ake! West End School has been celebrating this week with lots of competitions - Me Kite, Me Rongo, Me Kōrero! We also held a competition for anyone who wanted to show Whakamana and say the longest māori word... We had some amazing students and staff give this wero a go!. Check out the videos below of some of the amazing mahi.
Sports at West End
Term 4 Sports Registrations continue in the following sports:
- Indoor Futsal
- Summer Football
- Hockey
Ricoh Sports Tournament - Ricoh Sports on THURSDAY the 26th of September. The other details for the sports tournament roll over from the original tournament.
School Working Bee - Let's Tidy Up Together
Week 1, Term 4 – Friday, 18th October 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Kia ora Whānau,
As we welcome Term 4, we’re calling on our wonderful school community to lend a hand and help us spruce up our school grounds! Our tamariki thrive in a clean, inviting environment, and we’d love your support to make sure our outdoor spaces are looking their best.
Join us for a fun and productive Working Bee on Friday, 18th October, from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Whether you’re an expert gardener, love to lend a hand, or can simply bring some positive energy, there’s a role for everyone!
Tasks for the day include:
Weeding and planting
Cleaning and tidying play areas
Pruning trees and bushes
Rubbish removal
This is a fantastic opportunity to come together, catch up, and make a visible difference for our kids. Even an hour or two of your time will make a huge impact – and we’d be incredibly grateful for your help.
What to bring:
Gardening gloves
Spades, rakes, or any tools you think might be useful
A smile and a can-do attitude!
Let’s get our school looking fabulous for our tamariki to enjoy. We can’t wait to see you there!
Thank you to the parents who have already filled in the form and returned it to the school office. If you haven’t yet and would prefer to let me know by email, please email me at a.zambazos@westend.school.nz to let me know you are keen to come along and help out.
Ngā mihi nui,
Amanda Zambazos on behalf of the Enviro Team
Swimming will start in Term 4
Swimming will start up at Hilton Brown at the start of next term. We will send out a timetable in next week's newsletter. This is a great opportunity for your child to have FREE swimming lessons with trained instructors once a week! We are very fortunate to be able to offer this - so it would be great to have all of our tamariki swimming next term!
Sunhats are compulsory in Term 4
A reminder that in Term 4, wide brimmed sun hats are compulsory. Please have these at school for the first day back of next term so your child can enjoy playing outside in the sun. If you could also have some sunscreen in their bag, it would be greatly appreciated.
Mobile Dental Clinic at West End
A Mobile Dental Unit will be visiting West End School from Monday, 26 August 2024 (operational Tuesday – Thursday) to examine and provide preventative treatment (cleaning, fissure sealants, x-rays and fluoride treatment) where required for patients due for their annual check.
Students requiring further treatment, (fillings and extractions) will be sent an information pamphlet, medical history update form and consent form. These will need to be signed and returned to either the Mobile or the school office before any treatment is undertaken.
If parents have any concerns or wish to be present at their child’s dental appointment please contact us on either of the numbers below.
Regards from the Dental Team
Telephone 027 4440085/0800 825 583
Juicies sold next Friday
Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Monday 29 Jan - Friday 12 April
Term 2: Monday 29 April - Friday 5 July
Term 3: Monday 22 July - Friday 27 Sept
Term 4: Monday 14 Oct - Friday 13 Dec
Term Dates 2025
Term 1: Wednesday 29 January – Friday 11 April
Term 2: Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June
Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September
Term 4: Monday 6 October – Friday 12 December
Community Notices
If your child is absent from school.
It is really important under the current circumstances you notify the school if your child is absent.
Please remember to advise the office by 8.30am if your child is not attending school.
You can telephone 358-2465 and leave a message or txt 021 118 0156.
In both cases please give a reason for absence.
Thank you.
Kindo Online Shop
It is very important that families register with Kindo, as this is now the only way to register your child for school sports, and ordering PTA lunches.
Below are the links to register.
If you require help please call the Kindo helpdesk on
0508 454 636
New users need this link
Existing users need this link
Location: West End School, 196 College Street, Palmerston North
Phone: 06 358 2465