SVS News
Susitna Valley Junior/Senior High School: "Home of the Rams"
SVS Vision:
We aim to provide students with the necessary tools to achieve their full potential.
SVS Mission:
In collaboration with family and community, we will build strong relationships and share challenging, innovative instruction to inspire student passions, potential, and the ability to think critically and creatively
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We’re now a little over a quarter into the school year, and it’s been an exciting time at school! This month, our focus is on engagement, helping students stay active and interested in their learning. We’re focusing on three key values to make this happen: Focused, Cooperative, and Connected.
Values That Keep Us Engaged
~Focused: Staying on track helps students reach their goals, even when things get challenging.
~Cooperative: Working well with others helps students learn from each other and appreciate different perspectives.
~Connected: Feeling connected makes school a fun, welcoming place. When students feel they belong, they’re more excited to learn.
Wrapping Up Red Ribbon and Spirit Week
We’ve also had a fantastic Red Ribbon and Spirit Week, with lots of activities to build school spirit and celebrate our values together. Be sure to check out the photo below of our staff in their Halloween costumes—it’s always a favorite with the students!
Supporting Engagement at Home
You can support these values by talking to your child about their day with these themes in mind:
~Focused: “What did you work hard on today?”
~Cooperative: “Did you help someone or work in a team?”
~Connected: “What’s something you enjoyed doing with your classmates?”
Thank you for your continued partnership and support. Let’s keep our students inspired and engaged all year long!
Bryan Kirby, SVS Principal
Friday, November 1 - Volleyball home tournament, Wrestling at Mountain City, MS BB (Blue) at Birchwood, Girls (Gold) at Wasilla
Saturday, November 2 -Volleyball home tournament, Wrestling at Mountain City, MS BB (Blue) at Birchwood
Monday, November 4 - No School Parent Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, November 5 - No School Professional Learning Day (Voting in GYM)
Wednesday, November 6 - MS BB Home Jamboree
Thursday, November 7 - Volleyball at Unalaska, MS BB Boys (Gold) Teeland
Friday, November 8 - Volleyball at Unalaska, Wrestling at Homer, MS BB (Blue) at Nenana, BB Boys (Gold) Teeland
Saturday, November 9 -Volleyball at Unalaska, Wrestling at Homer, MS BB (Blue) at Nenana
Tuesday, November 12 - Volleyball vs Lumen (Home)
Thursday, November 14 - Volleyball vs CIA (Home)
Friday, November 15 - HS Wrestling at Menard Sports Center (Wasilla)
Saturday, November 16 - HS Wrestling at Menard Sports Center (Wasilla)
Thursday, November 21 - Volleyball at CIA (Conference)
Friday, November 22 -Volleyball at CIA (Conference)
Saturday, November 23 -Volleyball at CIA (Conference)
Thursday, November 28 - No School Thanksgiving Holiday
Friday, November 29 - No School Thanksgiving Holiday
Statewide Library Electronic Doorway
Get online tutoring for subjects like math, English, and history. Work with a live tutor or use the resources to study independently, all free to you! Live Homework Help also provides all Alaskans free help finding and applying online for a job, writing resumes and cover letters, interviewing prep, and applying for unemployment assistance.
Go to for more information.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a free, online educational resource that offers a variety of learning tools for students, teachers, and parents:
- Videos: Short video lessons on a wide range of subjects, including math, science, history, literature, and computer science
- Practice exercises: Interactive practice problems to help students master skills
- Quizzes and tests: Assessments to help students practice and master skills
- Personalized dashboard: A dashboard that helps students personalize their learning
Please contact Tamra Harrison at if you have questions.
Stay Healthy,
Romy Byrd RN - School Nurse
Matanuska Susitna Borough School District
Susitna Valley Junior/Senior High School (907) 733-9300
Activities / Athletics
MS Basketball
- MS Girls Basketball is gearing up for two away tournaments and a season-ending Jamboree at home over the next week. We have seen a lot of good progress from these athletes! ~Coach Sickler
- The middle school boys' basketball team has done well so far this season securing a few wins and showing great improvements. We look forward to finishing our season with two tournaments at Birchwood and Nenana. ~Coach Sandifer
HS Wrestling
SuValley wrestlers had a gritty performance last weekend at the Top Dog Varsity wrestling tournament in Nikski. Top placers were Violet Cole 4th, Tasi Taala 7th, Sawyer Love 8th, Ivan Schwartz 14th, and Christian Abang 16th. ~Coach Love
Transportation from practice:
Please make sure students are picked up from practice at 4:30 PM. There will be Sunshine Transit shuttles running IF RESERVED, first come first served. Students MUST tell the front office they plan to ride a transit before lunchtime each day in order to secure a spot.
We're excited to share that we are going to continue our podcast focused on all things Su Valley. We are excited about our journey so far and know things will get better. We're committed to improving with each episode.
Stick with us as we grow and refine our content. We're dedicated to providing valuable insights and engaging conversations as we are navigating the school year. Thanks for joining us on this journey!
We highly encourage families to fill out the Free and Reduced Meals application, even if you think you may not qualify. These dollars and this designation, is what gives our school it's Title I status, and helps provide additional dollars to put towards educating your child(ren).
This application does need to be filled out each school year, for all families who qualify, or would like to qualify.
Free & Reduced Meals Parents can submit applications to enroll their student(s) in the free and reduced meal program. Applications should be submitted annually and may be completed online (LINK here). Paper applications can also be picked up at SVS if you do not have the ability to print at home.
Paper applications cannot be submitted via email or fax, but must be submitted to the student's school or directly to Nutrition Services (690 E Cope Industrial Way, Palmer, AK 99645).
The application process will require the following information be provided:
- Total household size
- Income for all household members
- Student name(s)
- Additional information that is helpful, though not required, includes the student's birth date, enrolled school, and MSBSD ID number
Questions regarding the application process can be directed to (907) 861-5100.
Here at Su Valley we know that hungry, growing teenagers need to eat! Here are option for both in school, and families at home:
- We have free almond butter and jelly sandwiches & free fresh fruit available every day at the Snack Station - students can help themselves
- We provide free shelf-stable portable snacks as available through the Snack Station - students can help themselves
- We have a free School Food Pantry - available every Friday during lunch, or by request. This is food for any family who needs additional food at home. The items in the pantry are shelf-stable and range from snacks to ingredients for full meals. We also have toiletry items (toothpaste, deodorant, etc) available. Students may help themselves. This is provided in partnership with the Upper Susitna Food Pantry.
SVS PTSA has Su Valley spirt gear for sale. Please contact them at or call the school to leave a message for them. (907)-733-9300
PTSA Meeting
Thursday, Nov 14, 2024, 03:15 PM
Su Valley Library
Late Start Monday
Every Monday we will be starting school at 9:30 am. The rest of the week we will be starting at the normal time of 8:30 am. Another change this year is that we will be in school everyday of the week until 3:00. See Bell Schedule link above.
What are PLC Mondays, click on the link to go to an informative webpage to learn more.
The Public Information Office and Office of Instruction encourages schools to share this MSBSD website with their families to share what's happening for kids in the Mat-Su Valley. Schools, parents and other community stakeholders may download, read, or print informational flyers distributed for sharing to all schools each week.
Flyer approval requests may be sent to Laura Richardson, Family & Partnership Coordinator for review and approval for distribution to schools.
Susitna Valley Jr/Sr High School
Location: S. Parks Highway, Talkeetna, AK
Phone: 907-733-9300