Learning for the Real World. Every Class. Every Day.
Week of September 16, 2024
An Invitation from Dr. Harris
Join the Parent Advisory Council!
NEAAAT's Harding has featured photos
Sam Harding (12th) recently has photographs being featured in the magazine publication The Magazine Antiques. The article, The Life Historic, tells about historic Edenton and features five of Sam's photographs! Congratulations, Sam!
Photos below from The Penelope Barker House Welcome Center Facebook page.
Photo By Sam Harding
Photo By Sam Harding
Thank you, parent volunteers!
Thank you to Page Fenimore and Ashley Wardrobe for volunteering and making our Senior Breakfast amazing!
Congratulations, Students of the Week!
HOSA Care Wash Success!
Thank you to all who supported our HOSA club and their fundraiser. They raised over $300! Way to go, Griffins!
Get your yearbooks!
September Lunch Menu
Students are to sign up for lunch through the form sent in their email each week.
Perquimans Haunted Trail
Volunteers are needed at the Perquimans National Night Out at the Perquimans County Rec Department on Tuesday, October 1st from 5pm to 9pm. Volunteers should arrive at 4:30pm to receive their trail assignments. Volunteers will be characters along the trail; the spookier, the better! Included is the save the date information.
Students should use the following email to log volunteer hours,
If there are any Coaches or Staff that have a love for the spooky season, they are welcome to volunteer as well!
Day of Caring
The Albemarle United Way is excited to offer volunteer opportunities on the Annual Day of Caring, September 20, 2024. If any student would like to volunteer at the Boys & Girls club,108 East Ward St., Elizabeth City or at Just Girls 304 South Road St. Elizabeth City, from 9am-1pm should reach out to Lorri Barrett at All participants must complete the release form linked below.
Volunteer at La Casa
La Casa offers tutoring to young students. If you are interested in volunteering please contact the La Casa volunteer coordinator at
Cap and Gown Photos
Expo and Student Portfolio Information Night
Meeting ID: 823 7563 6326
Passcode: 302875
NEAAAT's Annual Fall Family Fun Night
Grades 5 and 7 students will be presenting their carnival PBLs on October 29 from 5-7pm to showcase their learning in probability, ratios and force and motion! (More information for those grade levels coming.) What a great opportunity for NEAAAT to share this with our community by expanding the PBL presentations to a community event. Here is the plan and ways you can help.
Inside the multipurpose room we will offer carnival games as presented by our students. Participants in the carnival games will receive tickets and can redeem those tickets at a prize table. Please consider donating to our prize table. We have created an amazon wishlist to simplify the process, but any prize donations are greatly appreciated (dollar tree would be awesome too). Please ship Amazon items to the school at 1413 W Ehringhaus St. Elizabeth City, NC 27909
Outside in the parking lot, we will have our own trunk or treat! We need volunteers to decorate a trunk for some treaters! This can be families, or businesses. Please spread the word so we can fill the parking lot with lots of fun! Sign up at the link below if you are able to help and feel free to share the link with others! Can’t decorate? Donate bags of candy! All help is appreciated.
This event is open to the public so please spread the word and share our social media event and posts!
2025 Commencement
Arts of the Albemarle
School of the Arts - Afterschool classes for K-12 students in violin, musical theatre, acting/improv, visual art, theatre tech, and more. Tuition assistance is available by emailing
Link to registration:
Kate Dean Color Run - Support our Kate Dean endowment for K-12 visual arts programming by participating in the Color Run on Saturday, September 28th at 10AM in Whitehall Shores.
Link to register:
What is the NEAAAT Foundation?
The NEAAAT Foundation maximizes the return on your generous support, ensuring continued funding for the vital programs NEAAAT provides students through a robust and sustainable structure. The foundation's broader network and donation capacity will ensure that every dollar contributed goes further while supporting NEAAAT’s educational programs and opening new avenues for impactful collaboration.
What can WE do with your donation?
Accept: Monetary Donations, Stocks, Securities, Bequests, Beneficiary Designations, Real Estate
Give Back: Support of Current NEAAAT Programs, Student and Staff Growth Opportunities, Scholarships, and much more
Consider Becoming A Business Sponsor
Thank You, Business Sponsors!
Stay Connected ~ Get the NEAAAT App!
Bullying Resources
Resources for parents on bullying and students coping with stress.
Bullying Resources
Students coping with stress
The work-based experiences made possible through our Business Alliance Partnerships are already helping us to achieve our vision of being a model for teaching and learning and a leader in the movement to ensure that all children have equitable access to a high quality education.
We’re currently seeking opportunities to build stronger connections with our Business Alliance partners. We’re pleased to announce that we will be growing our internship program this year, and we’re currently looking for employers who are willing to welcome 1 or more students to complete 80 hours or more of on-site work. Other opportunities will include guest speaking in our classrooms, judging projects, providing student feedback on public speaking events, and partnering with our coaches to create lessons that allow our students to explore what we call “the real world of work”.
For more information, please contact
Kimberly Mawhiney, Director of STEM
252-562-0653 Ext. 105
Stay In The Know
We like to keep our parents in the loop! Here is how you can stay in the know:
X @NEAAAT_Aerospac
Instagram northeast_academy_for_aero
Weekly Newsletter (emailed during the school year)
It is VERY important to let the school know if you have a change of email address. Please check your email regularly as email is a MAJOR form of communicating announcements to our families.
NEAAAT is on
X, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube!
NEAAAT has a YouTube channel!
Recorded sessions may be viewed on Northeast Academy's YouTube channel. Go to: YouTube, Northeast Academy for Aerospace and Advanced Technologies, videos!
Northeast Academy for Aerospace and Advanced Technologies
Location: 1413 West Ehringhaus Street, Elizabeth City, NC, USA
Phone: 252-562-0653
#teamneaaat #neaaatrocks #neaaatproud