11th and 12th Grade Update
April 2024
Classroom Happenings
Thomas Craig - tcraig@crec.org - High School Assistant Principal
Benjamin Simon - bsimon@crec.org - High School Dean of Students
Ryan Aeschliman - raeschliman@crec.org - Special Education Teacher Grade 11
Elizabeth Campbell - elcampbell@crec.org - Music HL Year 2
Aleta Dubecky - adubecky@crec.org - Mixed Media
Gina Gadue - ggadue@crec.org - Senior Project; CAS Year 1
Senior Project students have completed their Cornell notes and outline and are starting to write the rough draft of their paper. Rough drafts will be due on April 19th. The last part of the month will be spent revising their paper.
Angela Gegetskas - agegetskas@crec.org - Accounting; Business HL Years 1 & 2
DP Business Management HL1 are exploring concepts involving the manufacturing process. They will be learning about inventory controls, sustainability, lean production and quality management. The students will also be participating in a manufacturing simulation activity.
DP Business Management HL2 students will be taking their DP Exams on April 26th and May 1st. Students will be spending time reviewing and applying information to a case study.
Christopher Glowacki - cglowacki@crec.org - Leadership in Sports
Catherine Leogrande - cleogrande@crec.org - Global Politics HL & SL Year 1
Global Politics HL Year 1 and SL Year 2 students will complete Human Rights unit by taking a GloPo Paper 1. We are reviewing how to answer the 4 text based questions and will be using a document which will assist them. HL students will be working with other case studies to prepare for their 10 minute self chosen IB case study.
Bonnie Livingston - blivingston@crec.org - Visual Arts HL Years 1 & 2; Digital Art
Thomas Macey - tmacey@crec.org - Literature HL Years 1 & 2
Literature HL Year 1 students are finishing 1984 and moving toward their final novel of the year. Throughout April we will be reading Red Sorghum, working toward our first IB assessment to close the year.
Literature HL Year 2 students are reading Ceremony. We are moving toward our final approach toward Paper 1 and Paper 2, dates of May 9th and May 10th.
Daniel Marolda - dmarolda@crec.org - Global Politics HL & SL Year 2
DP Global Politics Year 2 HL students have their IB exams on April 26th and May1st. We will spend this month preparing and having practice exams.
DP Global Politics Year 2 SL students are starting review for their IB exams.
Aldo Morin - amorinamblodegui@crec.org - MLL Instructor
Stacey Pagliaro - spagliaro@crec.org - DP Coordinator
Lindsay Petroski - lpetroski@crec.org - Film SL Year 2; Exploring Computer Science Grades 11 & 12
Regina Pierrot - rpierrot@crec.org - Special Education Teacher Grade 12
Daniel Piper - dpiper@crec.org - Language and Lit HL Years 1 & 2
DP Lang and Lit HL 1 students are exploring how Nike and Apple developed brand identities deeply associated with moral frameworks identified by cognitive linguist George Lakoff. They will begin writing essays analyzing an aspect of advertising of their choosing.
DP Lang and Lit HL 2 students are reading and responding to August Wilson’s Fences, and preparing for IB Paper 1 and Paper 2.
Glenn Rogers - grogers@crec.org - Applications and Interpretation SL Year 1; Analysis and Approaches SL Year 2
Applications and Interpretation SL1 students have just finished testing on Logarithms and Exponential Functions. We will dive into our next topic, Geometry and Trigonometry. Students will be starting with measurement, percentage error and significant figures.
Analysis and Approaches SL2 students are have just finished their Internal Assessment. We will finish the year with discussing calculus and review for our final assessment at the start of May.
Stacey Rowe - strowe@crec.org - SEHS HL Years 1 & 2
Julio Santiesteban - jsantiesteban@crec.org - Spanish SL Years 1 & 2
James Soar - jsoar@crec.org - Environmental Systems and Societies SL Years 1 & 2
Alfredo Torres - altorres@crec.org - French SL Years 1 & 2
Rebeka Tousignant - rtousignant@crec.org - Biology SL Years 1 & 2; CAS Year 2
Biology SL 1 students will be diving into enzymes and proteins. From there we will go into DNA and genetics to finish out the year.
Biology SL 2 students will wrap up the human body and do a quick overview of ecology. We will be doing a lot of IB Test Review as our Biology exams are May 13th and May 14th which will be the final exam equivalent for the course.
Emily Wright - ewright@crec.org - Theory of Knowledge Years 1 & 2
Theory of Knowledge Year 1 students will be working on three important activities for their Diploma Program Extended Essays: writing an annotated bibliography, synthesizing their research notes, and developing the outline for their essay. They will be learning how to do these things through lessons and practice, so that they will be ready for them when they are expected to do them in college!
Theory of Knowledge Year 2 students will be preparing for their DP exams. We are reading chapters from Outsmart Your Brain: Why Learning is Hard and How You Can Make it Easy by Daniel T. Willingham, PhD and students are taking tips from the book and applying them to how they get ready to succeed on their DP exams (which begin at the end of the month). These are skills that will be valuable as they transition to college-level expectations next year.
Financial Reality Fair
Junior and Senior students participated in the Financial Reality Fair at Rentscheler Field. Students chose a career and were given a budget through an app created by the CT Credit Unions. The students then were able to make spending decisions and learn about living within a budget. The students were engaged and enjoyed practicing for success. They also met with a financial counselor who provided them with additional suggestions and information.
The Juniors and Seniors in Mr. Glowacki’s Leadership in Sports class created a Health Fair for Middle School students. They created displays and activities based around personal hygiene, mental health, importance of sleep and more. It was great to see our older students being role models and teachers to our younger students.
IB Testing Information
Please review the IB Exam schedule with your student to make sure that they are aware of the dates they are required to be present in school and for important information about the DP Exams. Please schedule any appointments, etc. around these dates.
We need your help! We are looking for volunteers to help supervise during the IB exams. If you are able to help, please fill out the IB Exam Volunteer google form. We thank you in advance if you are able to help on one or more days!
Yearbook Website
Please visit the Yearbook website. It has links to submission forms, deadlines, and a link to the Yearbook store where you can pre-order books.
Yearbook website: https://sites.google.com/crec.org/crecaisyearbook/home
Class of 2024 Information Page
Principal Hernandez has put together an information page for seniors and their families. Please use the following link to access important Class of 2024 information.
Dates to Remember
Monday, April 8th - Friday, April 12th - No School (Spring Break)
Wednesday, April 24th - Early Dismissal