COUGAR NEWS 2024-2025
Issue # 20 December 14, 2024
A Message From Principal Scott
Tuesday 12/17 Boys Basketball vs TMHS
Tuesday 12/17 Girls Basketball @ TMHS
Friday 12/20 Girls Basketball vs Magnolia
Friday 12/20 Boys Basketball @ Magnolia
Friday 12/27 Boys and Girls Basketball @ MT Rice Tournament
Tuesday 12/31 Girls Basketball @ Klein Cain
Tuesday 12/31 Boys Basketball vs Klein Cain
Friday 1/3 Girls Basketball vs Klein Forest
Friday 1/3 Boys Basketball vs Klein Forest
Congratulations to the Charms on an amazing first contest this past weekend!
9th & 10th grade solo awards-
5th place- Sophie Waite
4th place- Kenzie Romano
3rd place- Katy Shomette
2nd place- Gracie Metz
Solo Winner- Amyra Hernandez
11th & 12th grade solo awards-
rd place- Lucy Shomette
2nd place- Sierra Kaplan
Solo Winner & Highest scoring dance of the contest - Alexa Chavez
Duet Winner- Lucy & Katy Shomette
Elite- 1st place Team Jazz
Officers- 1st place- all 3 dances
Team- 1st place Team Game Day & the Power Performance Award selected by the Judges
Congrats again on an awesome contest charms!
Congratulations to the Tomball FFA PR team!!
8th in the State of Texas!
Top 5% of competing students from the district, area, and then state level.
Way to go Coogs!
Tomball high school NJROTC competed in the Nimitz high school drill meet this past Saturday the cadets performed awesome taking an overall third place finish and qualifying for the area 17 championship drill meet.
Way to go Coogs!!!
THS Cheer
Congratulations to THS Cheer at NCA State!
White Squad received 1st
Red Squad received 1st and Back to Back State Champions
Mascots Weston and Carly earned 6th and 9th respectively!
Way to go Coogs!!
Softball - Kickball fundraiser
Congratulations to the Team Midnight Snacks for winning the THS Softball Team's Kickball Fundraiser.
Thank you to all the teams that participated in a successful fundraiser for Softball!!
Step Challenge Winners
Congratulations to the Tomball High School Team "Run DMC" for winning the November "TISD Moves" Step Challenge!
Counselor Spotlight
Kim Sepeda is a superstar case manager. She consistently communicates and collaborates with the counselor team. Kim strives to be proactive and meet all student needs. We enjoy working with her to ensure student success.
Susan Lee’s calm, caring, and empathetic personality makes her a great fit for the office of Mr. Moise and Mrs. Bollato. With such a whirlwind of activity, somehow, she manages many tasks and responsibilities while remaining positive and effective. The counselor team specifically appreciates how Mrs. Lee facilitates communication between our team and Mrs. Bollato.
Level Change
The final level change window opens December 16th. While it is too late to make elective schedule changes for your courses for 2024-2025, you can make level changes at this time (ie. moving from AP/DC/TAP to on level). Students have until 3 PM on January 10th to request a level change. All level changes must have parent approval in email form.
Please be aware that requesting a level change could result in several classes, teachers, and/or lunch changing as well.
To request a LEVEL CHANGE, please fill out this form, or students can scan the QR code at Counselors’ Corner during their lunch.
Course Selection
Parents and students, course selection is nearly approaching.
Follow the infographic steps and save the dates for our THS elective fair and parent meetings.
Parents the annual Gift crowd event is starting. Parents can give gifts to individual teachers through this activity. Teachers are able to combine all their gifts and chose various gift cards that they will use. Only teachers who have authorized the release of information are on this list, there are teachers who have chosen not to.
Reminders for Final Exam Days
Parents and Students of THS:
Please remember these few important things during final exam days next week.
Be aware of the exam schedule (see attached)
No exams may be taken early!
Students can NOT be checked out during an exam period. Parents, please look at the exam schedule and plan on checking your student out before a class with an exam starts or after a class with an exam ends. We will not pull students from a class during an exam as it is a distraction to those taking the exam still. Please plan accordingly.
If a student misses an exam, they may visit with their teacher to try to take it these last few days or when we return from Christmas Break. We will have two Exam makeup dates also.
Monday, January 6, 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM in the LGI
Saturday, January 11, 7:30 AM - 12:30 PM in the cafeteria.
Thursday and Friday are Early Release Days at 11:40 AM
Buses run at 2:40 PM on Thursday. If you can arrange transportation, it is great. If you cant, we will have a study hall for bus riders. Lunch will not be provided on Thursday so if your student is in the study hall for the bus you may consider sending them with a snack.
Buses will run at 11:40 AM on Friday.
Thank you for your attention to these reminders. We hope all students are successful on their exams and we wish you all the Happiest of Holidays!!
Make Up Exams
- Scheduled Makeup Exam Dates and Times:
- January 6th, 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM in the LGI
- January 11th, 7:30 AM - 12:30 PM in the cafeteria
- Front doors will be unlocked from 7:30-8:00 on January 11th.
Any students who miss an exam must make them up with their teacher or during the scheduled exam make up times. Students should communicate with their teacher for makeup exam expectations.
Students are NOT allowed to take a Final Exam before their scheduled time.
Week of December 16th-20th
College & Career Counselor Corner
- Young Women’s Leadership Challenge - Program for rising sophomores, juniors and seniors for 25-26. We will hold an information session during Cougar Block next semester, details to come!
- Virtual Senior Financial Aid Night Presentation Links & Other Helpful Resources
- Fall Financial Aid Night Presentation Link
- 2025-2026 FAFSA (for current seniors) is NOW OPEN. Helpful FAFSA Instruction Sheet
- GenTX Week 2024 - Click HERE for all the resources shared the week of November 18th-22nd
- Fall College Knowledge Night Presentation Links
- Local Tomball Scholarships for Seniors - Many of the local scholarships are now active!! More being moved to the active tab as we hear back from donors. Seniors need to check back frequently! These are great scholarship opportunities!
- CURRENT DUAL CREDIT STUDENTS - Spring 2025 course fees are now posted in your MyLoneStar accounts! PAYMENT DEADLINE: JANUARY 4, 2025. Instructions on how to make a payment
- Save the Date! Course Selection Kickoff & Electives Fair - January 14, 2025 at Tomball High School. Details coming soon!
- Save the Date! Spring College Knowledge Night - February 6, 2025 from 6:00-8:00 pm at the Tomball Event Center. Details coming January 2025!
Opportunities for Students with the College & Career Counselor
- Lone Star College Rep Visits - Our Lone Star College rep will be on campus twice each month throughout the year to help answer any questions students have about their program, admissions, etc. LSC has many great opportunities for our students. Seniors planning to attend LSC after graduation definitely need to sign-up for a visit! Click here to sign-up
- College & Career Classroom Videos - Every other week, Mrs. Nichols will share videos for each grade level covering many college and career related topics throughout the year. Videos and presentation links will be shared in each grade level Schoology course for students to refer back to and parents to stay in the loop. Videos posted in grade level Schoology courses under 24-25 Classroom Videos & Slides section.
- Grade Level Schoology Courses - Each grade level will have their own Schoology course provided by Mrs. Nichols, College & Career Counselor. Here students will have information on events, event sign-up, C&C Classroom Video library, C&C Series information, rep visit sign-ups, and more. Parents do not need to do anything to join the course. Once the student joins, parents will have access through their own Schoology login. Information will be provided for parents who do not have accounts set up yet. Click here for parent Schoology instructions
STUDENT Access Codes (will not work for parents, see above)
- Class of 2025 - 8K2K-QFMQ-HSJDS
- Class of 2026 - WWJJ-4GN9-ZFZHP
- Class of 2027 - XB4J-9799-4N6MW
- Class of 2028 - 9F2Z-WD68-D2V3V
Senior Parent Organization 2025
We need all Senior Parents for the Class of 2025 to get involved.
Make sure you follow SPO 2025 on
Facebook: THS SPO Class of 2025spo2025@gmail.com
Instagram: thsclassof2025spo
Website: https://www.thsspo2025.org/
You can also email us at THSSPO2025@GMAIL.COM
OUR NEXT MEETING is scheduled for Thursday, January 9th at Tomball High
Some SPO Senior Events already scheduled:
Senior Ads
Information on Yearbook Senior Ads
Membership Link at the website: https://www.thsspo2025.org/
Cougar Claw App
Stay up to date on things happening on campus with the THS App. You can watch our twice-weekly news shows, check headlines from the school paper, send photos to the yearbook and check the sports calendar to see what time the game starts. Download today, it's free!
Important information
· Scan the QR code to sign up
· Request can take 24-48 hours to be filled
· Once filled you will receive an email confirmation
· You will need to request a VOE for both your permit and your license
· VOE’s are valid for 30 days
· Student/Guardian can pick the VOE anytime during school hours once filled
Mark Vierkant @THS_Mr_Vierkant
Lisa Streat @THS_Ms_Streat
Daniel Craft @THSAP_Craft
Sara Cooley @THS_cooley
Jennifer Foley @THS_jennlee
Carl Moise @C_Moise22
Carrie Sack @CSackTHS
The purpose of the Cougar News Weekly Newsletter is to inform the community of everything going on at Tomball High School.
Feel free to email MarkVierkant@tomballisd.net with any celebrations of our students or any valuable information for the THS Community!
I put together the newsletter, but depend on Parents, Students, Staff and the Community to get stories to me to share.
Please share anything newsworthy for consideration. Photos to go along with the story are appreciated.