The Cub Corner
December 20, 2024
Mrs. Stacy Murphy
Mrs. Susan Lovato
Dear Millbridge Families,
As we approach the winter break, I want to take a moment to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your continued partnership and support throughout this school year. Together, we’ve created a vibrant and nurturing environment for our students to learn, grow, and thrive.
The winter break is a wonderful opportunity to relax, recharge, and spend quality time with loved ones. Whether your family celebrates special traditions, enjoys cozy moments at home, or embarks on new adventures, I hope this season brings you joy and lasting memories.
During this time away from school, I encourage everyone to embrace the spirit of curiosity and discovery. Perhaps a good book, a creative project, or simply exploring the beauty of winter can inspire new ideas and connections. School will resume on January 2, 2025 and we look forward to welcoming our students back with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Until then, please take care, stay safe, and enjoy this well-deserved break.
Warm regards,
Stacy Murphy
Holiday Food Drive
PreK- Ms. Ptaszenski
Kinder wing- Ms. Arcaini
1st grade wing- Ms. K. Zeserman
2nd grade wing- Mr. Flamini/Ms. Wallis
400 wing- Mrs. Clauss
From all of us at Millbridge, along with the Knights of Columbus, THANK YOU!!
enVision Math Update - December, 2024
As the first trimester of the 2024-2025 school year has come to an end, we appreciate everyone’s patience and support as we continue to implement the new math program, enVision. Overall, our students are adjusting appropriately to the new program, as evidenced by report card grades, benchmark scores, and formative assessments. Despite enVision being more difficult than our previous math program, our K-5 students’ report card grades were comparable to first trimester grades last year. We will continue to monitor students’ progress throughout the year.
We have created a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document, which contains answers to questions submitted by parents following the Parent Math Info Night in October, and the recorded presentation sent in November.
New Safe Snack List
Please adhere to our new safe snack list for all parties/celebrations found here.
YMCA - Prime Time
Counselors Corner
HERE is an important link from our counselors regarding some tips about promoting kindness.
Dates to Know
December 23 - 31 - No School, Winter Break
January 1 - No School, New Year's Day
January 16 - Single Session, PM Preschool
January 17 - No Students, Staff Development Day
January 20 - No School, MLK Day of Service
Delran Education Foundation
Parent Resources
Contact Information
Email: mboffice@delranschools.org
Website: http://mes.delranschools.org/
Location: 282 Conrow Road, Delran, NJ, United States
Phone: (856) 461-2900