St. Patrick Catholic School
Weekly Newsletter for February 29th, 2024
Registration For 2024-25 Due Tomorrow!
Registration packets have been sent home with your youngest child for the 2024-25 school year.
For staffing and planning purposes, we ask that you submit your registration form back to the school office as soon as possible, and ideally before our March 1st deadline.
Parent/Teacher Conferences March 5th & 7th
Mark your calendars as our Spring session Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up! This semester please note that we will have conferences on Tuesday, March 5th from 2-6:30 p.m. and again on Thursday, March 7th.from 2-5:30 p.m.
We will have a 1:30 p.m. dismissal on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the week of conferences. Circle of Care will be available from 1:30-5:30 p.m.
Scholastic Book Fair! 📚
Dear Parents and Families:
Get Ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming our way. Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them to become bolder, prouder, and stronger readers. AND… as always, every book they buy earns rewards for our school.
Here’s what you need to know about the Fair, which will take place after school on both Tuesday, March 5th and Thursday, March 7, during conferences. The fair will be located in the MPR. Please enter through the glass doors on the playground.
This year, we will again offer an alternative to cash: eWallet—your child’s digital payment account. Before the Fair, set up eWallet for worry-free, cash-free purchases. Anyone can contribute! Share each child’s eWallet so friends and family can add funds and give your kids more books to enjoy. Cash will still be accepted at the book fair, this is just an alternative to sending cash with your child.
If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop at our school’s Online Book Fair. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also benefit our school.
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping:
The countdown to more Bookjoy is on! Catch you at the Fair!
Happy reading,
Mr. Wiebers
✨Our New Sign! ✨
Drive by the corner of Washington and 6th St and take a look at our brand new sign, installed by Nagle Signs. It's the perfect spot to display school information and reminders!
First Holy Communion
Please continue to keep our second graders in your prayers as they make their First Holy Communion. Many participated this past weekend, and the remaining students will make this sacrament this upcoming Sunday.
Boys Basketball Photos! 🏀
Our 5/6th and 7/8th boys basketball teams will have their photos on Wednesday, March 6th at 1:30 p.m. in the Dutcher gym. Please make sure to bring your uniform the day of pictures! Parents can order pictures online here.
A World in Motion Exhibit - Gr. 7/8
Come join our 7th and 8th grade students as they showcase their A World in Motion vehicles on Tuesday, March 5 from 10-11:30 a.m. in the Dutcher Gym.
Spring Break Dates
We will not have school Friday, March 8th through Friday March 15th. This means there is no school, preschool, daycare or Circle of Care available during the dates we are not in session.
Enjoy your time with family and we will see you all back on Monday, March 18th!
Solo/Ensemble contest at Don Bosco this Saturday!🎷
The Solo/Ensemble contest will be held this Saturday, March 2nd, at Don Bosco from 9 am - 12 pm. Please contact Mrs. Lawrence directly if you would like more information about attending. Several St. Patrick Students will be competing at this contest and we wish them the best of luck! 🍀
Uniform Apparel Store Now Open!
With an early Spring seemingly on the horizon, now is a great time to check out our apparel store through Iowa Sports Supply. Order directly through Iowa Sports Supply at the link provided, and choose to either ship your items to your home or pick them up at their store in the Industrial Park.
Educational Savings Accounts and STO
Education Savings Accounts, ESAs, have given parents a choice in their child's education. Catholic education is becoming more affordable for families. For more than 35% of families, the Our Faith Student Tuition Organization, or STO, is the first piece of financial assistance income qualified families rely on. Even with the ESA's this year, more than 3100 students in the Archdiocese of Dubuque received more than $5.5 million in tuition assistance from the STO. Iowa taxpayers that donate to the STO receive a 75% Iowa tax credit, or 75 cents back for every dollar you contribute on your Iowa tax return. The 75% STO tax credit is the only tax credit of its kind, and it reduces the amount of taxes you pay to the state of Iowa at tax time. If you want to learn more about how to turn your taxes into tuition, watch this video, call the school office or go to
Affordable Catholic Education Is Here With STO and ESA's
Coming Events!
Art & Leadership Showcase
Mark your calendars! Our Art and Leadership Showcase will be April 10th, from 6-7 p.m. This is such a great exhibit of our talented students.
St. Patrick School Scrip Program
Stock up on Scrip
Scrip cards and certificates are great for gifts and everyday use. Visit our website to find out about our Scrip program. Place your order through your Raise Right account, email, or print a paper form.
Fareway Grocery has been added to the RaiseRight line up, but we will still be selling Scrip cards from our local Fareway store. If you would like to continue to support local, and possibly receive your Scrip cards sooner, choose "Fareway Local $__ " when placing your Scrip order on the app. Cards ordered as "Fareway Meat & Grocery" will be coming from Fareway corporate through RaiseRight.
You will find many other local gift card vendors available on our paper order sheet and on the RaiseRight app if you'd like to support our local community!
Columbus Sailor Section ⚓
Sailor Nation Athletics
There are several sports opportunities through Sailor Nation for students as young as Kindergarten age. Click on the graphic to see what's available. Contact information is included. These clinics and clubs through Sailor Nation do involve a fee.
Sailor Nation Baseball/Softball Information
Hello parents,
We are excited to announce our Mandatory Parent Meeting for those interested in participating in Spring and Summer Sports. Below are the details for this evening opportunity. Once again, please mark your calendar as it is the expectation that all parents attend this meeting in order for their child to participate in the sports outlined below. These meetings are important to ensure clear communication and expectations for student participation during these seasons.
Meeting Date: Wednesday, March 6th
Meeting Time: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location: Blessed Maria Commons
Summer Sports Season
* MS Baseball - Open to all boys in 6th - 8th grade
* MS Softball - Open to all girls in 6th - 8th grade
6th Grade Parents - This meeting is critical for your child's participation as this will be their first season option for their MS experience. Ensuring you know the required documentation for MS athletics is very important.
If you have any questions please contact Mr. Nick Miller ( for more information. Athletes who do not have a parent attend will be limited from participation until a parent has met with a school official regarding these season expectations.
We look forward to these exciting seasons!
God Bless,
Mr. Aaron Becker, Principal
Cedar Valley Catholic Schools
Fall Volunteer Sign Up upcoming needs are at the top of the list
Monthly Events at St. Patrick
St. Patrick Catholic School
Clover Patch Preschool Ages 3-5
Facebook cfcatholicschool
Instagram stpatrickcatholic
Location: Cedar Falls, IA, USA
Phone: 319-277-6781