Hornet News
October News #readytofly
A Note from Mrs. Phillips
Dear Hornet Families,
Fall has returned! It's beginning to cool down and the leaves are changing colors. Please make sure you send a jacket with your child. We believe in taking our students out unless it's raining or below freezing. Also, our rooms need time to adjust to the outside temperatures. Sending your student to school in layers is always the best option.
Attendance is critical when it comes to your child's learning. Our goal is to maintain 95% or higher for the school year. We are currently at 95.38 %. We have experienced many illnesses this past week. Just a reminder, your child needs to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school. Please call our attendance line anytime your child is sick. Dojo messages may not always be reported to the office and reflected in your child's record. Below is a list of our grade level percentages:
Kindergarten 91.87%
1st grade 95.82%
2nd grade 96.05%
3rd grade 96.16%
4th grade 94.89%
5th grade 96.21%
6th grade 96.57%
Our K-Kids will begin their service projects this month. They will be helping with the food pantry at Little Spartans Preschool. We are excited to help them experience budgeting, shopping, creating meals, and delivering them to our community. We would love to connect and build more partnerships with local non-profits. Do you work with or know of any non-profit organization that could use support from our K-Kids. Let us know!
Our Fall Carnival is this Friday. Thank you for all the donations that help make our carnival a success. Just Smokin, LLC and Kona Ice will be on-site for your dinner needs. Every FCE student will receive a free dinner ticket to Just Smokin, LLC for a macaroni and cheese bowl with either pulled pork or chicken. We will also have pumpkins, cotton candy, and popcorn for sale. Games will be set up in the back like last year and parking will be on the south end of the school. We will have assistance in helping you park. Please do not park in our neighbors' yards or block drives.
Quarter 1 is coming to an end and conferences are currently being scheduled. There will be no school on 10/11. This is a great time to ask your child's teacher about their progress and how you can support learning at home. Our goal is 100% parent participation in conferences. If you are unable to make your scheduled conference, please make time for a phone conference. This is a great time to update your address and phone number if you have moved.
We would like to welcome our new secretary, Mrs. April Wulff. Mrs. Wulff comes to us with over 20 years of experience with the State of Indiana. We look forward to her settling in this week and learning the new role. We want to thank Mrs. Darlene Summan for stepping in and supporting us all during this transition.
My goal is to be as transparent as possible as your leader. If there is anything we can do better, please let me know. You can always message me on Dojo, Facebook or Twitter. I am also available by email and phone. I will return your communication within 24 hours. Have a great month of October!
Be kind, be amazing, and ALWAYS be ready to F.L.Y.!
Mrs. Phillips
Upcoming Dates:
10/5: K-Kids meeting (officers only)
10/5 & 6: Bookmobile
10/6: Student of the Month, Fall Carnival
10/6: Too Good for Drugs (3-6), JACY House (K-2)
10/9: JACY House (K-6)
10/10: JACY House (3-6)
10/11: No School/Parent-Teacher conferences
10/13: Too Good for Drugs (3-6)
10/18:Too Good for Drugs (3-6)
10/18: K-Kids shopping for LSP
10/19: K-Kids distribution at LSP
10/19 & 20: Bookmobile
10/20: Book Character Parade
10/23-27: No School-Fall Break
10/31: R.I.C.H.E.R Principle presentations from Student Athletic Council
Priority Standards
Quarter 2: Oct. 9th -Dec. 22nd
Too Good for Drugs
- Setting Reachable Goals
- Making Responsible Decisions
- Bonding with Pro-Social Others
- Identifying and Managing Emotions
- Communicating Effectively
Wednesday, Sep 13, 2023, 08:00 AM
Fayette Central Elementary School, Harrisburg, Connersville, IN, USA
Attention 6th grade Families- Check out the amazing programs WCC offers on 10/11
Save the Date
Home of the Hornets
Mrs. Kirsten Phillips
Follow directions, Listen and learn, Your personal best
Email: kphillips@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: https://faycentral.fayette.k12.in.us/o/fayette
Location: 2928 North County Road 225 West, Connersville, IN, USA
Phone: 765-825-6261
Facebook: facebook.com/fayettecentral
Twitter: @FayCtrPrincipal