LVHS Weekly Update
May 17, 2024

We met with seniors on Friday, May 3rd and we talked through important dates related to graduation, end-of-year events, and CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service project formerly known as Capstone) participation reminders. See the links below for the information that was shared.
- Slide Deck Presentation
- Important Dates - very important information regarding end-of-year events and graduation. Please read thoroughly and carefully.
- Google Form for Senior Walk at former elementary school CAS One-Pager - important information about CAS (formerly capstone)
Email Ashley Taylor with any questions about graduation.
Email Michael Skvarch or Sarah Grantham with any questions about CAS
Attention Seniors!
We want to remind all graduating LCPS students who are not attending summer school that they will have the following access to their Google and Microsoft Accounts through the following dates:
Seniors need to export any data from these accounts by August 1, 2024.
For information on how to export the data, please download the
For questions, please contact the Department of Digital Innovation at
DDI-TechnologySupportCenter@lcps.org or via phone at 571- 252-2112
As we prepare for school opening and welcoming our community back, we wanted to share some important dates and events to start the 2024-2025 school year, beginning with our first event on August 16, 2024.
Save the Date August 16, 2024
On this date we host two different events to support students and families with the transition back to school. Please see the descriptions below for the events and times.
Freshmen and New LVHS Student Orientation
August 16, 2024
3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
We are excited to welcome 9th grade and new LVHS students to Valley! At this event, students will get their class schedule, tour the building, and learn about LVHS norms and expectations prior to classes starting on August 22. Additionally, we will offer a parent session at 3:00 p.m. in the auditorium – separate from the student orientation. Doors near the auditorium entrance will open at 2:45 pm for parents and students.
LVHS 2024-2025 Open House
August 16, 2024
4:00pm - 5:30 p.m.
This event is for all students and families in grades 9-12. At the event, students will get their class schedules, walk their schedule, and briefly meet their teachers. This is a great opportunity for students and families to receive a brief introduction of what they can expect in their courses during the 2024-2025 school year through teacher one-pager handouts.
Opening Football Scrimmage
August 16, 2024
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Following Open House, we invite all students and families to our opening football scrimmage of the year against Sherando High School in the LVHS Leonard stadium. There is no charge for entrance to the scrimmage.
Viking Fest
August 26 & 27, 2024
During the School Day
Viking Fest will be incorporated into the first two days of school, which will allow students to explore different clubs and student organizations to participate in during the school year. The first day of school for LCPS is August 22, 2024.
Fall Parent Conference Night
October 2, 2024
Parents can schedule meetings with specific details. More information will be shared as the date gets closer.
Look for additional information about school opening as we get closer to the first day of school.
We look forward to seeing you!
While the start of the 2024/25 school year is still several months away, it is important that you begin to schedule required vaccinations for your student now. All 12th-grade students are required, per Virginia Code 32.1-46, to have the following vaccinations and to show proof of vaccination to the student’s school:
Required Vaccinations for All 12th-Grade Students
One dose of Meningococcal Vaccine (MenACWY, Menactra, or Menveo) given at age 16 or older. Please note: Men B, Bexsero, and Trumenba are not the same as MenACWY and will not be accepted in place of the required vaccinations listed above.
Please ask your private healthcare provider, the Loudoun County Health Department, or your school nurse to review your student's immunization record to ensure they have received the vaccine.
Vaccines are available from the Loudoun County Health Department, pharmacies, urgent care providers, or your child’s pediatrician. Contact information for the Loudoun County Health Department is provided below:
Loudoun County Health Department
102 Heritage Way NE, Leesburg
703-777-0236 – Call for an appointment
You will need to submit a copy of your student’s immunization record to the Health Department to schedule an appointment.
MenACWY vaccines will be offered at no cost to the family.
The first day of school for the 2024/25 school year is August 22, 2024. Students without the appropriate documentation will not be able to start school on the first day of school. Don’t wait until August! Vaccinate your student early and provide your student’s school with the appropriate proof of vaccination anytime prior to the first day. Acceptable documentation includes one of the following:
A copy of your student's immunization record, signed/stamped by the provider, showing the date the immunization was given.
A signed note from the healthcare provider on the provider's letterhead stating the date the immunization was given.
A healthcare provider’s signed statement of a permanent or temporary medical exemption for a student who cannot receive the immunization due to medical reasons.
A notarized Religious Exemption Form, which is available on the LCPS website.
If you have questions about these requirements, please contact the nurse at your student’s school. Additional information can be found on the Student Health Services webpage.
We are reaching out to ask for your support in ensuring that your student arrives to school - and therefore to their first or fifth block class - on time. With the spring testing season approaching and the end of the school year drawing near, it is crucial that students are present to receive important information and instruction. Late arrivals to school disrupt not only the individual student's learning but also that of their peers. Our teachers have expressed concerns about the impact of tardiness on classroom dynamics and academic progress.
As we enter the final quarter of the school year, we are taking a more proactive and systematic approach to addressing tardiness. It is important to note that classes start at 9:30am and any student late to their first or fifth block class is missing instructional time. This week, teachers will be reviewing this Slide Deck this week in preparation for next week.
You can expect the following from us moving forward:
- We will consider Marking Period 4 a clean slate for tardies only for all students, meaning we will begin tracking tardies from zero starting at the beginning of the quarter.
- As students accrue unexcused tardies, they will meet with their assigned assistant principal to develop a plan for improvement, aimed at gaining understanding and reinforcing expectations.
- Students who do not show improvement and continue to accumulate unexcused tardies will make up the missed instructional time through various means, such as lunch detention and/or a special assigned study hall and/or during their early release.
How you can support this initiative:
- Talk with your student about the importance of being at school on-time.
- Actively monitor your student’s attendance. In researching this topic and connecting with families, we found that many families do not have the notification feature in ParentVue turned on, and so they were unaware of their student’s tardiness. Please refer to the linked information for how to enable notifications (English ParentVue Notification Instructions/Spanish ParentVue Notification Instructions).
- Communicate to the school regarding any absences and/or tardies (English Attendance Instructions/Spanish Attendance Instructions).
- Connect with your student’s school counselor and/or assistant principal if there are extenuating circumstances preventing your student from being on time to school (School Counselor List).
We appreciate your support in this matter and are looking forward to a strong, successful finish to the school year.
LCPS Restroom Privacy and Safety Pilot Program
Construction and/or Sensor Technology Operational
As I wrote in a recent newsletter, in an effort to enhance the safety of LCPS students and increase opportunities for privacy, LCPS is implementing a school Restroom Privacy and Safety Pilot Program in nine schools. We are one of the nine.
The restroom construction and sensor technology is in place and operational beginning Monday, March 18. Students may use the new restrooms and will see lights on sensors functioning. Notifications about vaping, aggression, tampering and more will be received by designated administrators, who will respond with student safety and privacy in mind. You can learn more about the [construction and/or sensor technology] at www.lcps.org/restrooms.
Most of our students at Loudoun Valley are respectful of the school rules and other students. However, there are instances when undesirable behaviors occur inside the restrooms, like vaping. Loudoun Valley high school continues to balance the need for privacy and safety for all students, as governed by School Board policies, and is piloting these new restroom configurations and technology to help meet this need. The safety of LCPS students and staff remains the Division’s top priority.
For information about the program, participating schools and FAQs, visit https://www.lcps.org/restrooms.
To learn more about substance use, and how they might impact someone you know, please visit the LCPS Drug Awareness webpage to find information and resources. You can also contact the Mental Health, Substance Abuse & Developmental Services to get help for a friend or loved one struggling with substance abuse.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, you may reach out to me your child’s counselor or assistant principal
Programa Piloto de Privacidad y Seguridad en Baños de LCPS
Como escribí en un boletín reciente, en un esfuerzo por mejorar la seguridad de los estudiantes de LCPS y aumentar las oportunidades de privacidad, LCPS está implementando un
Programa Piloto de Seguridad y Privacidad de los baños escolares en nueve escuelas. Somos uno de los nueve.
La construcción de baños y la tecnología de sensores están en su lugar y operativas a partir del lunes 18 de Marzo. Los estudiantes pueden usar los nuevos baños y verán luces en los sensores funcionando. Los administradores designados recibirán notificaciones sobre vapeo, agresión, manipulación y más, quienes responderán teniendo en cuenta la seguridad y privacidad de los estudiantes. Puede obtener más información sobre [la construcción y/o la tecnología de sensores] en www.lcps.org/restrooms.
La mayoría de nuestros estudiantes en [Nombre de la escuela] respetan las reglas de la escuela y a los demás estudiantes. Sin embargo, hay casos en los que se producen comportamientos indeseables dentro de los baños, como vapear. [INSERTAR NOMBRE DE LA ESCUELA] continúa equilibrando la necesidad de privacidad y seguridad para todos los estudiantes, según lo rigen las políticas de la Junta Escolar, y está poniendo a prueba estas nuevas configuraciones de baños y tecnología para ayudar a satisfacer esta necesidad. La seguridad de los estudiantes y el personal de LCPS sigue siendo la principal prioridad de la División.
Para obtener información sobre el programa, las escuelas participantes y las preguntas frecuentes, visite https://www.lcps.org/restrooms.
Para obtener más información sobre los peligros asociados con el vapeo o el uso de sustancias, y cómo podrían afectar a alguien que conoce, visite la página web de Concientización sobre las Drogas de LCPS para encontrar información y recursos. También puede comunicarse con los Servicios de Desarrollo, Abuso de Sustancias y Salud Mental para obtener ayuda para un amigo o ser querido que lucha contra el abuso de sustancias.
Como siempre, si tiene preguntas o inquietudes, puede comunicarse conmigo en counselor o asistente principal.
Below are some helpful resources related to Course Information Night, which was held January 10, 2024. This event gives a high level overview of course offerings available at Loudoun Valley High School, as well as contact information for each department.
During the event, the following information was shared:
Additionally, during the event multiple questions were asked. We captured these questions and provided answers in this Course Information Night FAQ 24-25.
All students were provided with a letter from their counselor about which SOL tests they will be taking in May. An email will be sent in early May with SOL test dates, times, and locations.
Students who are registered to take AP exams will receive an email on April 15th with testing information and locations. Students can confirm which AP exams they are registered for by logging into myap.collegeboard.org.
Ms. Stecura is Loudoun Valley’s School Testing Coordinator. Her office is located in the main office. The best way to contact Ms. Stecura is through email at melissa.stecura@lcps.org.
The LVHS Testing Website has more information about testing.
The purpose of this email is to provide you information about our International Baccalaureate program that might be useful as students continue to explore their course selection for the 24-25 school year. .
IB Information, Question, and Answer Night Slide Deck
Slide 8 - An Example Schedule of an IB Diploma Student
Slide 9 - Considerations for course selection for current 8th grade students
Slide 10 - Considerations for course selection for current 9th grade students
Slide 11 -Considerations for course selection for current 10th grade students
Linked here are common questions that have been asked about the International Baccalaureate.
Please reach out to Michael.skvarch@lcps.org with any questions you might have about the International Baccalaureate Program.
At Loudoun Valley High School, we value teaching and learning and we reflect often on ways to improve and grow as a school community. Our Valley teachers, staff, and students have indicated a common theme that must be addressed as we prepare for this upcoming school year: student cell phone and earbud use in class. This year teachers have expressed concerns with students’ use of cell phones and the impacts it has had on engagement in instruction, opportunities to build collaborative relationships with peers, and building and utilizing critical thinking skills.
For the 23-24 school year, our school wide expectation is that students place their cell phones and earbuds in the designated space in each classroom. Phones will not be accessible during instructional time or Viking Time. Students may use their phones and earbuds during class changes, study hall, and lunch.
Students are not permitted to bring cell phones to the bathroom. Students should use all LCPS provided apps on their LCPS provided Chromebooks such as e-hallpass and Remind.
If students need to communicate with parents, coaches, employers, etc., they should do so during passing periods or lunch. If it is an immediate concern, students may go to the main office. Likewise, if you need to reach your student for an emergency, please contact the main office.
We ask that you begin having this conversation with your students now so they can start to understand these new changes in our Valley practices at the beginning of the 2023-24 school year.
For additional information and resources to support your student in this transition, please see below from the LVHS United Mental Health Team. This is a rich resource with helpful information and we invite you to take a moment to look through it.
This initiative for the 23-24 school year is a collective and collaborative effort with the LVHS leadership team, teachers, students, administrators, and counselors. Together, we can work to strengthen learning engagement for students and improve their opportunities to go deeper in developing important life and learning skills.
Instagram: @valleyschoolcounseling
Click below to read the newsletter to find out the most up-to-date information from the Counseling Department, Mental Health Team, and Career Center.
Viking Alley will be open for rising 9th grade families on on May 16, 2024 from 5:00pm-7:30pm. Please stop by our store to purchase spirit wear for your incoming freshman student! We are located across from the library between rooms 101 and 102.
Viking Alley will be hosting our End-of-the-Year Sale from May 29-31 featuring select merchandise marked down up to 50%! We are open in the morning from 8:55am-9:25am, during VikingTime from 11:00am-11:30am, or via appointment (please reach out to Mrs. Frye (Katelyn.frye@lcps.org). We are located across from the library between rooms 101 and 102. Have your student stop by to stock-up on discounted apparel and accessories for the next school year!
NHS chapter is continuing its peer tutoring program, with goals of increasing the usage and awareness of the program. Our goal is to support you and our fellow students by providing NHS tutors to supplement a student’s learning process.
NHS members have indicated the subject areas in which they feel comfortable tutoring, ranging from World History to Calculus BC! Students will have the opportunity to directly fill out a Google Form to request a peer tutor and will then be connected to someone who fits their needs.
Here is the link to the form which students may use to request a tutor: https://forms.gle/hBt5dh76EvWF2kVB6
Tutors will facilitate the learning process with a strong emphasis on academic integrity.
Order your yearbook now and enjoy the memories for a lifetime!
No matter how fast the school year flies by, the Loudoun Valley Saga yearbook captures every highlight! The deadline is Tuesday, February 27, 2024 to guarantee your copy.
Spread out the cost of your order with an interest-free Jostens Payment Plan.* The power is in your hands.
*Minimum purchase requirements and eligibility restrictions apply.
- The TicketSpicket App is to be used for ticket purchase. Ticket cost is $7.00 per person.
- No outside food or drink is allowed
- No signs/posters are allowed
- Noisemakers are not allowed at indoor athletic events
- No backpacks or equipment bags will be allowed inside the stadium or the gym or gym lobby/hallway areas - keep them at home or in your car.
- No balls, footballs, sticks, skate boards, frisbees, etc are allowed inside the stadium or the gym areas.
- No throwing and/or playing any games on campus – including inside the stadium or gym or gym hallway areas during the games.
- If you come to the games you are expected to sit in the bleachers/ stands, watch the games and support the Valley Viking teams; walking around in groups is not allowed - parents will be called for pickup if this occurs.
- Please carry out your trash to the nearest trash receptacle.
Thank you for contributing to a safe and pleasant experience for all Viking fans and players.
LVHS Athletic Administration
Congratulations to Charlie Pugh, who broke the Virginia state record for
career Face-off wins. Charlie surpassed the previous record of 897 and now sits at 906 wins and counting.
Congratulations to the girls tennis team Semi finals win and advancing to the District Finals!
Senior Signing Ceremony
Congratulation to all of our senior athletes who had their signing Ceremony :
Girls Soccer:
Tessa Heffron - PennWest Clarion University
Cole Kielhorn: William & Mary
Michael Kabban: William & Mary
Jackson Hodges: Hampden-Sydney University
Ella Peterson - University of Delaware
Ty Blair- Eastern Kentucky
Bradlev Bernard- Lynchburg College
Lily Whiting- Randolph College
Clarice Hartman - Army, West Point
John Lyth - St Francis University
Brodie Green - University of Mary Washington
Avery Bannerton - Rollins College
lan Valenti - Grove City College
Maddie Green - UVA
Ava Lomelin - St Bonaventure University
2023 - 2024 Sponsors
Direct Links for Students to Instructional Tools
TOOL: Google
LINK: https://drive.google.com
HOW TO SIGN IN: Google: student email address IDnumber@lcps.org, i.e. 000000@lcps.org
TOOL: Schoology
LINK: https://learn.lcps.org
TOOL: Google Meet
LINK: https://meet.google.com/ OR the link you created for your class
TOOL: Clever (for app integrations)
LINK: https://clever.com/
HOW TO SIGN IN: Student ID and Password
TOOL: StudentVue
LINK: https://portal.lcps.org/
HOW TO SIGN IN: Student ID and Password
I've used the links and received sign-in errors. Is my password wrong?
Sometimes an LCPS Go outage is limited to LCPS Go, and other times it may be a network problem affecting multiple sites. In this instance, a password or other sign-in error may or may not reflect the actual problem. Wait and try later, refresh your browser window, and clear the cache if needed.
Contact Information
Website: https://www.lcps.org/lvhs
Location: 340 North Maple Avenue, Purcellville, VA, USA
Phone: (540) 751-2400
Twitter: @LVHS_official
2023 All Rights Reserved – Loudoun County Public Schools