Cottonwood News
January 2025
A Note from our Principal
Welcome to 2025! We’re finally starting the 2nd semester of the year and ready for all the fun and learning to begin!
In 2024 we celebrated, ate, decorated, played our band instruments, wore fun clothes, and had a fabulous end to the semester. Thank you for celebrating with us with gifts, food, and coming up for our various activities! It was a great semester with lots of growth academically and physically for many of our students, and we look forward to more accomplishments this year!
A reminder, with a new semester, we are required by law and policy to monitor absences and tardies. Those notes are sent home every few weeks. If you receive one and have questions or concerns, please reach out.
January and February tend to have higher indoor recess days. We will go outside whenever we can but are limited once the temperature/wind chill dip below 20; at that point we stay inside. If it’s above 20 degrees we do our best to go outside, even if it’s only for 10 minutes. Please make sure your child has weather appropriate clothing in case we can make it outside. If it’s wet outside, we monitor conditions and temperature. We don’t want wet and cold kids, so typically that means we’re inside until it’s dry and the playground is usable. Snow Days are called by the district and they will send out all information on those days. We’ve all had good practice with that these last few days!
I will continue to utilize our Facebook page so you know what’s happening here at CES. Our page is https://www.facebook.com/CottonwoodElementary - please like and follow our page so you can see what’s happening here at CES!
Finally, a reminder that parents should drop off their children using the back/north doors UNLESS you are parking in a stall in the south lot and walking your students all the way up to the front doors. Pulling over to the curb and letting them out is not what the front area is designed for. If you want to stay in your car and/or not park, please go to the back where staff are positioned to help with a quick and safe exit out of the car for your child.
We have a lot to look forward to during this quarter of school, so make sure you check out the upcoming dates farther into the newsletter.
Wishing you a wonderful start to 2025!
With education at heart,
Dr. Michelle Adler
Brrr...it's COLD outside!
We all need fresh air and the chance to run around so recess is held outside, whenever possible. Teachers monitor the wind chill and temperature before going outside. Please make sure your child dresses appropriately for cold weather. Coats, hats, and gloves are sometimes a must!
If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the office.
Snow Days
If school is canceled because of weather, the Andover School District will send out a call through School Messenger to let parents know of closings. School Messenger only calls updated numbers in PowerSchool, so please keep your information current.
The Spelling Bee is Buzzing this way!
Our Cottonwood Spelling Bee will be held on Thursday, January 23rd at 9:00 am in the cafeteria. We are excited for the students who were chosen to represent our school and wish them the best!!
Best of luck to these AWESOME spellers:
3rd grade: June Broderick, Alex Evans, Reese Karasek, Layken Michler, Maggie Relihan, Wrigley Pipes
4th grade: Makenna Jamerson, Elam Larsen, Jackson Peterson, Ava Shea, Audrey Underwood
5th grade: Taylor Armstrong, Nicole Bramhall, Callan Carrier, Cambrie Morris, Jase Pena, Roderick Pipes, Cordelia Sutter
Early Learning Info Night: January 16
Spread the word! Applications for the 2025-26 school year at Andover Learning will open at
7:00 am, Wednesday, January 22nd. These half-day classes for children, ages 3 and 4, are designed to create a firm foundation to prepare them for Kindergarten and beyond. Spots do fill quickly, so we recommend that you apply early.
Join staff from 6:00-7:00 pm, Thursday, January 16th, at Prairie Creek Elementary for an Early Learning Info Night. You will have the opportunity to learn about the program, tour classrooms, meet teachers and ask questions. Please let other district parents know about this opportunity!
If you have additional question, please contact Prairie Creek Elementary at 316-218-4830.
This month we will start our new Counselor curriculum from Safer, Smarter Kids!
Kindergarten: Lesson 1-Introduction, Safety Rules, Safety Stop Sign, and I Mean Business Voice
First Grade: Lesson 1-Introduction, Safety Rules, Grown-Up Buddies, Trusted Triangle
Second Grade: Lesson 1-Introduction and Review, Safety Superstar Tools, Grown-Up Buddy, Trusted Triangle, Safety Stop Sign, I Mean Business Voice, Think, Feel, Act, Safety Barometer
Third Grade: Lesson 1-Good Citizenship
Fourth Grade: Lesson 1-Kids' Bill of Rights
Fifth Grade: Lesson 1-Finding the Courage within You, Peer Pressure
New Year: Sit down with your child and come up with some New Year's resolutions. In addition, aide in helping them keep their resolutions. This will be good practice in setting and obtaining goals. Goals are so important in children's lives. It is important to keep going and to have 'grit' and to keep persevering until it is accomplished.
"Winners don't set limits, they set goals." Anon
Reading: Please be reading at home with your child at least 20 minutes every day. This is an excellent habit to get into. This is a great goal for the family!!
Family Time: Parents should find a special time each week to set aside for family time. Everyone's lives are hectic but this should be a top priority. It reminds your children that you are accessible and willing to listen. It lets them know that time with them is important and it is a good way to boost their self-esteem. During this time, ask your child how his/her school day was. Make sure you ask for specifics; don't settle for 'it was okay.'
The holidays can be a difficult time. Please let me know if there is anything I need to address with your child. Also, let me know if there are any major changes that I can help with.
Marcie Faust-LCPC/NBCC
Cottonwood Counselor
316-218-4620 ext. 2
Welcome back from Winter Break! We hope that you and your family had a happy and healthy time together. Just a reminder to please let the health office know if your student has been diagnosed with strep throat, Influenza A or B, COVID, or pink eye.
In accordance with KSA 72-6251, which requires all school children to be provided with free annual dental inspections, Cottonwood Elementary will provide free visual dental screenings for all students (visual inspection only, no x-rays or office visits). These will be performed on January 17th. If you do not want your child to participate in this opportunity, please contact your school nurse at: rebeld@usd385.org. There is a form to sign to opt out of screening. All participants will receive a report of the inspection.
Thank you!!
Denis Rebel, school nurse
Emily Graber, health clerk
Dates to Remember...
January 6 - Grade cards available to parents in PowerSchool
January 20 - NO SCHOOL (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
January 23 - 2/3 grade Music program
January 23 - Cottonwood Spelling Bee
Communication is Key
School website: http://cottonwood.usd385.org/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CottonwoodElementary
PTO Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cottonwoodelementarypto/
Andover Twitter: https://twitter.com/AndoverSchools
Peachjar-- Peachjar is an “electronic backpack” system where schools post calendars, activity information from enrichment providers, and school letters. This system is used exclusively for distribution of school-approved fliers. Your email address will not be shared or used for any other purpose.
Cottonwood Elementary
Email: adlerm@usd385.org
Website: http://cottonwood.usd385.org/
Location: 1747 N Andover Rd, Andover, KS, United States
Phone: 316-218-4620