Leander ISD Insider

Aug. 7, 2024
We wanted to extend our appreciation to community members who attended the Town Hall last night. Between LISD district and campus administrators and City of Leander officials, we hope that the information shared was helpful as we navigate the weeks ahead together.
As shared last week, effective today, the traffic pattern along Raider Way and Woodview Drive is moving in a clockwise direction where vehicles enter Woodview off of the 183A frontage road, head east before traveling south on Raider Way and exiting onto Crystal Fall Parkway.
There is a virtual town hall scheduled for this evening (Wednesday, Aug. 7) at 5:30 p.m. to continue the conversation. You can access the town hall through this Google Meet link.
Further updates related to Leander ISD and its impacted campuses will be posted on the District webpage dedicated to Raider Way. Likewise, the City will have traffic plan updates and additional details on the City of Leander webpage.
Questions or Concerns?
If you are unable to attend the town halls, or if you have any additional questions or concerns, please submit a Let's Talk.
Again, we want to thank our partners with the City of Leander and CTRMA for working with us to create what we believe is a safe and effective approach to traffic during the construction phase of the improvement project. We are grateful for your care and attention. Together, we can make this transition smooth and successful for everyone.
Leander ISD #1LISD