Wildwood Weekly News
February 28st , 2025
Principal Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
With the turn to warm weather its very wet outside, please make sure to send some extra cloths. Students are attracted to the wettest parts of our playground like moths to a flame.
This week we had our monthly Drax sponsored hot lunch on Tuesday. The Poppy Grill and Deli in Evansburg provided students some delicious grill cheese and potato rings. Thank you to School Council for organizing this for our students.
Wednesday was a big day this week. To start the day School Council Volunteers were at it again, cooking up pancakes for all the staff and students. This month they were bright pink in honor of Pink Shirt Day. Pink Shirt Day recognizes anti-bullying and the role that all people can play in creating a caring and welcoming school community. In the week leading up to Pink Shirt Day, students had an opportunity to create custom pink buttons with Best coach Mrs. Riggs. We also had our picnic lunch in the gym.
You may have heard your students discuss a lot of new adults in the school this week. These are members of our divisional teams that came out to assess and help students in their learning journey's. More in our Spotlight on School Success.
Next week will be a short week for students as teachers have a Professional Development Day on Friday.
Earlier this week I sent our a link to our school website with an update on CUPE negotiations. Link here. I will continue to share out updates as I receive them.
Please see this link to a survey regarding the GYPSD school calander.
If you have any questions or concerns you can always reach out to the school through the office or email me at alanstoy@gypsd.ca.
Alan Stoyles
Important Dates
March 4/5th - Alien Inline Skating
March 7th - PD day (No School For Students)
March 11th - Hot Lunch
March 18th - Pancake Breakfast
March 21st -Archery Provincials
March 21st- Report Cards Released
March 25th - Hot Lunch
March 27th- April 6th Spring Break
Attendance Calls Update
In the coming days Wildwood School will be switching from manual calling for students that are marked absent to an automated safe arrival system. At 9:30 each day the system will call the parent or guardian of all students marked absent. Students that are previously identified as illness, family priority, or no bus will not be called. If you receive this call and your child should be at school please call the school office at 780-325-3858. If you would like to identify your student as missing for the day or update the absence after receiving the call please email your student's homeroom teacher (email's below) or Mrs. Vankosky . Please be patient with us during this transition.
K/1- Miss Jonzon stepjonz@gypsd.ca
2/3 - Mr. Ehnes markehne@gypsd.ca
3/4 - Miss Weninger sammweni@gypsd.ca
5/6 - Mr. Brophy johnbrop@gypsd.ca
Office- Mrs. Vankosky shirvank@gypsd.ca
Spotlight on School Success: It Takes a Team
There are many people who help support our students beyond their classroom teachers in Wildwood School. We have 3 Wonderful Educational Assistants and an Early Childhood Educator on staff. Two of our teachers work with Response to Intervention Groups, and one is also our Learning Support Teacher. Each week we also have an Family School Liaison Councilor and a Therapy Aid come work out of our school.
In addition to school based staff we work with an Educational Psychologist, a Speech-Language, an Occupational Therapist, a Behaviour Support Specialist, A Communicative Disorder Assistant, and are supported by a Director of Inclusion. This team of experts help support our students directly and indirectly to reach their academic and life goals. We are forever thankful for all of their work.
5/6 Graffiti Art
JKs Working on Motor Skills (and being silly)
Grade 3/4s Flip Book Writing
K/1 Pink Shirt Day & Crafts
Kinder Bear Dens
2/3 Reading Practice
2/3 Pink Shirt Crafts
Pink Picnic Lunch
From BEST coach Karen Riggs
Working Across Schools: A Message from Evansburg PAC.
Parents and Guardians of Wildwood School, I am reaching out to see who might be interested in helping with our annual Grouch’s Ball. I am sure the news has spread that we will need to fundraise for a playground at the new school. Evansview PAC has decided that a portion of our profit we will be making a donation for the new playground. That being said, if you have free time April 25th to help assemble donated items and possibly help set up please reach out. Or possibly April 27th for take down. Please reach out by email! Also, please feel more than welcome to attend!! We would love to see more of the Wildwood community there to make it an ever bigger success! Thank you for your support!
Rebecca Sibley
(Evansview PAC President)
3/4 Classroom Calendar
Inline Skating Permission Form March 4th & 5th
Would you like to volunteer at Wildwood School?
Below you can find the updated volunteer package for 2024-2025, you can also drop by the school for a paper package and we can help with any questions you might have.