The Buffalo Bulletin
February 2, 2025
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Happy February!
We had a great first week of STAAR Interim testing as students showcased their academic progress. We have 2 more tests to go this week: Tuesday- 6th-8th Grade Math/Algebra 1; Thursday- 8th grade Science. Please be sure your student brings a charged chromebook and their charger each day.
Lost and Found
Please encourage your student to check the lost and found for any lost or misplaced items by February 6th. After this time, all remaining lost and found items will be donated. If your student has lost glasses or smaller items, please encourage them to visit Ms. Knapp in the front office.
Let's have Buff-mazing 4-day week! There is no school on Friday February 7th.
Upcoming Campus Events
February 4th- Math STAAR Interim Test (6th-8th grade)
February 6th- Science STAAR Interim Test (8th grade only)
February 6th- Boys basketball home vs. Llano 5pm, 6pm
February 6th- FHS Color Guard Informational Meeting (8th graders) in the new FHS Band Hall.
February 7th- No School Student/Staff Holiday
February 8th- Boys Basketball District Tournament @Llano
February 10th- 7th Grade Course Selection Student Meeting during HERD
February 11th- 6th Grade Course Selection Student Meeting during HERD
February 17th- No School Student/Staff Holiday
February 18th- No School/Staff Professional Development
February 21st- 6th-8th grade Valentines Dance 6-8pm
FMS Dance
A Valentines Day Dance for FMS 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will be on February 21st. Tickets will be available to purchase in the Cafeteria from Coach Cunnington starting February 10th.
8th graders Only
2025-2026 Student Course Selection Sheets
In February, our 6th and 7th grade students will begin choosing courses for next school year. On February 10th and 11th during HERD classes, Ms. Camacho will be presenting to our 7th and 6th graders and handing out course selection sheets. 7th Grade 2/10 and 6th grade 2/11.
Students will bring home 2025-2026 Course Selection sheets to discuss and have signed by a parent, these will be due back to school on February 20th.
Attendance--FMS Goal 94%
Week of 1/20/25 Campus Attendance Rates: 92.46%
6th Grade-89.71%
7th Grade- 96.71%
8th Grade- 91.16%
Year-to-Date Campus Attendance Rates: 95.2%
6th Grade-95.71%
7th Grade- 96%
8th Grade- 94.11%
Send all attendance notes to: fms-attendance@florenceisd.net.
Questions about Skyward or an attendance letter? Contact Ms. Flores
Email: yflores@florenceisd.net
Phone: 254-793-3127
HERD Highlights
Congrats to all of our UIL Academic participants! FMS Students compete the last couple weeks in home contests and on Friday January 31st at Llano. We are proud of their hard work and EFFORT!
Shout out to our 7th and 8th grade girls' basketball teams for their SWEEP over Brady in an away contest last Thursday! Good luck to our girls this Saturday at the district tournament in Llano!
Another big shout out to our 7A, 7B boys teams for their 7th grade SWEEP vs. Brady at home last week! Our boys' basketball teams host one more home contest on 2/6 vs. Llano prior to their district tournament on 2/8. 8B and 8A teams play at FHS at 5pm, 6pm; 7B and 7A play at FMS at 5pm, 6pm. Good luck to our teams!
Notes from the Nurse
Attention Parents of 7th grade girls and/or 8th grade boys
Please read the attached scoliosis screening letter mandated for 7th grade girls and 8th grade boys.
Attention Parents of Current 6th graders
During your child's well visit this year, they should receive both the Tdap and Meningococcal vaccine. These are two vaccines required by that state, prior to starting 7th grade. Please email a copy of their updated vaccine record to mtipsword@florenceisd.net after they have received their shots. If you email them after they get the shots, it's one less thing to have to remember to do before the start of next school year!
Please reach out to the School Nurse, Nurse Tipsword at mtipsword@florenceisd.net, if you have any questions. Thank you!
Healthy Habits Reminders
Please encourage your student to consistently was their hands to prevent the spread of illness.
24-hour rule for fevers and vomiting.