Home of the Hornets!
*Principal's Newsletter: October 1-31
Hornet's Monthly Quote:
"The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it."—C.C. Scott
Mission: Roswell High School's mission is to create a positive and safe learning environment, to foster the development of each student's potential, and to provide pathways to success after graduation.
Monthly Updates: Please check back weekly for updates!
**New additions to the newsletter**
All Things Back-to-School! Instruction!
- Parent Meetings
- Curriculum Night
- Student Success Skills-Parent News**
- College Support Days: Tuesday and Thursday!
- Join PTSA
- Celebrate Life, Live Drug Free!
- PTSA Reflections
- Early Release Day: October 25, 2022 (PSAT Day for 9th-11th) (Update: Seniors will work asynchronously on 10/25/22)**
- Digital Learning Days (Asynchronous)
- No School Days
- OSP Payments
- Here Comes the Bus App
Student Highlights!
- Academic Highlights**
- Student Highlights**
- Staff Highlights
School Meetings!
- Stakeholder Meetings
Action Items
- Student Code of Conduct (Review & Sign)
Hot Buttons!
- Register to Volunteer
- Student/Parent Handbook
- Student Code of Conduct
- Advanced Studies/TAG
- Parent/Student COVID Portal
- Fulton County Schools Calendar
- Fulton County Meals Application
- Roswell High School's Website
Community Resources
- Coca Cola Scholars Foundation
- A Time of Remembrance!
- School Safety Q & A
Happy October
October 16, 2022 (3)
The National School Safety Center, state governors and state school superintendents sponsor America's Safe Schools Week, October 16-22, 2022. This observance is also actively supported by local, state and national public officials and professional organizations.
Significant progress is being made to ensure that all of our nation's schools are safe, secure and productive. At the forefront of this movement are hundreds of exemplary school, district, state and national programs. To recognize these successes and encourage others, October 16-22, 2022 has been proclaimed America's Safe Schools Week. NSSC invites you to participate in this annual observance that was originally established by the National School Safety Center in 1984.
Roswell High School is committed to ensuring our school campus is safe for our students. We cannot accomplish the feat alone. It is the responsibility of all stakeholders to ensure we adhere to school-wide expectations in an effort to keep everyone safe. Over the course of the next few weeks you will receive safety tips, observe new, but necessary practices, revisit current practices, and learn more about our safety efforts.We appreciate your support as we champion for improved outcomes for the safety of all.
Student ID badges and lanyards will be distributed this week
Underclassmen students may make-up their photos on October 20, 2022
Please review the Safety Q & A for safety updates and answers to commonly asked questions
Domestic Violence (Purple), Breast Cancer (Pink), Fire Safety (Orange), Red-Ribbon Week (Red) and Halloween Safety! Please continue to wear your colors proudly!
Principal's Newsletter Updates for this week!
Commit to the R: Be Respectful, Be Ready, Be Responsible!
Student Success Skills Parent Letter*
Early Release Day: October 25, 2022 (PSAT Day)
More Information**
Digital Learning Days!
Student and Staff Highlights*
Bus Driver Appreciation Week*
Academic Data Highlights**
Attached: School Safety Q & A
From Good-to-Great-to-Unstoppable! Let’s go HORNETS! #Commitment Matters
October's Principal's Newsletter: Click here to stay connected!
Principal Miley
Email me: RoswellPrincipal@fultonschools.org
All Things Back-to-School! Instruction!
Student Council Presents: Fall Spirit Week!
Tuesday: teacher/student swap
Wednesday: bbq dad vs. soccer mom
Thursday: twin day
Friday: adam Sandler day
Celebrate Life, Live Drug Free!
The Red Ribbon Campaign is the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation, reaching millions of young people during Red Ribbon Week. Fulton County Schools and The Office of Student Supports is excited to recognize the annual celebration of Red Ribbon Week on Monday, October 24th- Friday, October 28th. The week’s theme is “Celebrate Life, Live Drug Free”.
Please encourage your students to participate in the scholastic contests which will include artistic, musical, spoken word, and written category options.
Student Success Skills (SSS)
October 24, 2022
Dear Parents,
This week of Student Success Skills lessons will focus on Resilience. Students will tackle the topic of developing a positive and self-managing mindset. These lessons emphasize the ability of managing emotions and reactions to help bounce back from situations that don’t always turn out as planned. Below, you will find links to the “Home Connection” literature for the lesson.
From ReThinkEd: “Resilience is the ability to manage and recover from daily setbacks and adversity. While self-control, focus, problem-solving, and goal setting can help students manage many situations, some situations can't be controlled. Resilience is the inner resolve that although a situation may be out of the students' control, they can control how they perceive and respond to it. Resiliency is a skill that can be developed through developing positive relationships, managing one's emotions, becoming more autonomous, and accepting challenges as opportunities to grow.”
The literature for the lesson can be found here:
Have a great week! Let your student know you are part of their support system!
Thank you for your support!
Roswell High School
Student Success Skills Champion
College Support Days @ the NEST: Tuesday and Thursday during 4th Period!
When you’re getting ready for your higher education journey, whether it’s a 2- or 4-year college, career training, or something else altogether, it can be hard to know where to start. Insight on how your peers are preparing for life after high school can help.
Below are seven steps high school seniors from across the country have taken to get ready for higher education. Use this as a checklist when preparing for college. Click here to learn more.
PTSA Reflections! Explore the Arts and Express Yourself!
Join PTSA! Parent, TEACHER, and Student Association (PTSA)
Take a moment and join the RHS PTSA today. Just follow the link https://roswellhsptsa.new.memberhub.store/store
We will soon begin the raffle of surprises! But, you must be a member to receive a surprise!
PSAT Day! Early Release Day! October 25, 2022
- 9th-11th: PSAT Testing Day On-Site!
- Seniors will work asynchronously! Seniors must complete all work assignments!
Questions: PSAT Day? Please email Celeste Moore, Testing Coordinator.
Roswell Teen Talk Podcasts!
Roswell Teen Talk Podcasts!
Exciting news! Roswell Rotary and the Wellstar Foundation have partnered to produce an OUTSTANDING podcast series called “Roswell Teen Talk”. This five-episode limited podcast series highlights OUR Roswell teens and addresses a wide variety of topics related to behavioral health and suicide prevention topics while providing critical information on when, where and how to seek help (personalized for the North Fulton community). We are SO PROUD of our students that were part of this project and could not be more thrilled with this engaging opportunity to support youth and their parents. Listen TODAY to better understand what our Roswell teens are facing and how you can help to support them…you’ll be so glad you did!
DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN TO THE PODCASTS here: https://roswellteentalk.podbean.com/
Digital Learning Days for All Students!
FCS No School Days!
Online School Payments: School Fees!
Welcome to the Fulton County Schools Online School Payments (OSP) portal. This service is provided to parents and community members to facilitate payment for school fees for a variety of products and services. For further information or to request additional information, please contact the main office. As part of the onetime setup of your student account, you will need to enter the student ID number. This number is indicated on your student’s report card and is also used in the cafeteria line. While some purchases are not specifically for students and may not require the ID number, in most cases you will also need the student ID number to complete the transaction. If you have questions regarding the student ID number, please reach out to your school’s front office.
School Highlights!
Great News to Share! Click here to share your great news!
Staff-of-Excellence! Congratulations, Beverly Michaud-Media Center Paraprofessional
Please join me in celebrating our Staff-of-Excellence for the month of August!
- August: Beverly Michaud
- September: Ali Ahmed
Congratulations to our Roswell Rotary, Teacher-of-the-Month and Student-of-the-Month
Thanks for coming out to support our VOX Open Mic Night!
Open MIC night was great! We hope to see you in April!
AGC Georgia Partners with Brasfield & Gorrie to Host High School Students Skill Challenge
- Roswell High School's Construction Program
Welcome Back to our French Exchange Students!
French Exchange: Roswell Hornets!
Our students started their day Basel, Switzerland and traveled by bus to Épinal, France with a brief stop in the town of Colmar for lunch. The students met their French penpals and had their first night in their host families after getting a tour of the school, Lycée Claude Gellée. The week continued with great experiences, including a visit to a French bakery and learning how to make a few classic French pastries from a very charming local baker! RHS students had a guided tour of historic Épinal and afterward another guided tour of the American WWII Cemetary just outside town. Lots of walking, lots of learning! The students also went on an excursion to the city of Strasbourg. After class, students had PE with Madame Poirot. They went rock climbing and then for a short hike through the forest!
Sounds like an amazing time for our RHS students! An experience that will never be forgotten!
MTN Biking Race, 3rd Series in 5, Jackson, GA
We are so proud of our MTN Biking Racing team. While, it is not a sanctioned GHSA sport, our athletes love their sport so much that they continue to proudly race! Teams from all over that state race together. We joined other North Fulton Schools with the Nitro Group.
Way to go MTN Bike Racing Team!
Tyler Bailey (11)
Tanner Begin (10)
Nate Covington (9)
Kyle Jenkins (9)
Henry Long (9)
Emi Mills (11)
Bodie McGlynn (9)
Gavin Vickers (10)
We welcome spectators to join us for our next race on Oct. 22 at Road Atlanta.
Youth Day Parade! RHS Band & CHS Band Collaboration!
SAT Success Continues for Fulton County Schools Students
National Merit Semifinalists & Commended Students!
RHS is very proud of our National Merit Semifinalists!
- Harrison Burns
- Kate Carpenter
- Cyra Moobed
- Samuel Roby
- Alexander Rouhizad
- Stone Smith
- Christina Wu
We are pleased to share with our community, that alongside our National Semifinalists, Roswell High School announces our 10 Commended Students. Commended students are recognized for the exceptional academic performance. The students will not continue in the competition for the National Merit Scholarships offered next spring, but are commended for their outstanding performance on the qualifying test used for program entry. Congratulations!
- Isabel Bothelho
- Reagan C. Garrett
- Olivia Getz
- James Guglielmo
- Emma Hubscher
- Ashley Meyer
- William Nicholson
- Simon Pellegri
- Thomas Rhodes
- Luke Unglo
Unstoppable HORNET AWARD! TBA-October!
What is the Unstoppable Hornet Principal's Award?
Each month Principal Miley selects 2 students who exemplify what it means to be a committed Hornet who represents characteristics we hope that all our students will embody.
- What does it really mean to Commit to the R? This commitment is exemplified by a student who is dedicated and steadfast in representing their school, community and family with pride and honor, through respect, responsibility and a readiness level that is difficult to define. They simply become unstoppable in their quest! An unstoppable hornet defies the odds and rises to the occasion when others are not looking, and even sometimes when there are onlookers; modeling excellence is often observed.
Congratulations to our Unstoppable Hornet Principal's Award Recipients:
October: TBA
PTSA Sponsored Academic Recognition Program: Spring 2022
Congratulations to all the students who earned a place on the Spring 2022 Principal's Honor Roll (semester average of 92 and higher) and Honor Roll (semester average of 88 to 91.99).
Academic Recognition Award Certificates will be distributed to students in Advisement classes on Tuesday, September 20th. The list of students who earned these recognitions may be accessed via the link below.
Overall 511 students received Principal's Honor Roll certificates and 239 received Honor Roll certificates. Great job to all 750 of these students on their academic achievements!
Students who achieve Principal's Honor Roll for both semesters of the 2021-2022 school year will receive an Academic Letter or an Academic Pin. Academic Pins are awarded to students who earned an Academic Letter in a prior school year.
Student grade point averages are available on the unofficial transcript that is accessible via Infinite Campus. For any questions regarding RHS's Academic Recognition program, including any suspected errors, please email stephaniechambers7@gmail.com.
Band: The Super Bowl of Sound!
What an AWESOME day yesterday, October 1, at the Super Bowl of Sound. The band had a great performance! The band received Superior ratings in all captions.
The band placed 2nd in their class (a very competitive class of 7 bands). The percussion section took home the 1st place trophy for their class and the color guard took 3rd place.
Onward and upward as we prepare for our next competition on the 22nd in Rome, GA!
Band Directors: Josh Roberts and John Renfroe
Featured CTAE Class: Cosmetology Personal Care Services Class
-Congratulations students on accomplishing your 1st quarter standards! We can't wait to see how your skills progress this year!
Instructor: Ms. Tiffiney Robinson
US HISTORY: Meeting of the Minds Mixer
Fine Arts: Chorus
RHS Interact Club supports first responders!
In honor of the anniversary of 9/11, Roswell Rotary treats our local first responders and their families with a cookout. Local Interact clubs are invited to help set up the event, serve the attendees, and then clean up. This year, the Roswell High School and Blessed Trinity Interact Clubs sent volunteers to help! RHS Interact students that participated were Cyra Moobed, Collin Pierce, Aarav Shah, and Christina Wu.
Stakeholder Meetings!
School Governance Council Meeting: October 12 @ 4:00 p.m. (TBS)
- Review the Agenda
- Review the Minutes
Community Meeting: October 19 @ 6:30 p.m. (Roswell High School)
- October 19: Roswell High School (6:30 p.m.)
- November 16: Mountain Park Elementary (9:30 a.m.)
- December 7: Vickery Mill Elementary (9:30 a.m.)
- January 18: Holcomb Bridge Middle (9:30 a.m.)
- February 15: Sweet Apple Elementary (9:30 a.m.)
- March 22: Mimosa Elementary (9:30 a.m.)
- April 19: Crabapple Middle (9:30 a.m.)
- May 17: Elkins Point Middle (9:30 a.m.)
Action Items!
Student code of Conduct: Review & Sign (NEEDS YOUR ATTENTION!)
What is the Code of Conduct?
The Fulton County Student Code of Conduct and Discipline Handbook contains some vital information that will help your child understand the expectations of the Fulton County School District.
- All students above 10 years of age and their parents, guardians, or other person having control or charge of the child is asked to sign acknowledging receipt of the Code of Conduct and Student Handbook.
ACTION: Use the link How to sign the Code of Conduct
Community Resources
A Time of Remembrance: October 6, 2022
Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation: Time Sensitive!
Each year, the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation awards 150 college scholarships worth $20,000 to high school students across the United States through the Coca-Cola Scholars Program. Students need a 3.0 GPA and to fill out an online application that requires no essays, no recommendations, and no transcripts by October 31, 2022, at 5 p.m. Eastern.
The Roswell Administration reserves the right to amend or change policies within this handbook.
Our mission is to create a positive and safe learning environment, to foster the development of each student's potential, and to provide pathways to success after graduation.
The consideration for gifted services may be reported or automatic as defined by the GaDOE Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services. (Contact L. Kouns)
We Are Roswell: Go HORNETS!
Email: RoswellPrincipal@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/Roswellhs
Location: 11595 King Road, Roswell, GA 30075, USA
Phone: 470-254-4500
Twitter: @RoswellHighSch