See the Difference
DCSC Newsletter Vol. 6, Issue 10

•December 2024...
December has flown by, and as we part ways for winter break, we want to say THANK YOU for an AMAZING first semester. Class projects, building projects, community meetings, professional development...all of it has contributed to our success for the first half of the 2024-2025 school year. We will see you all in 2025, ready to kickstart another amazing semester!
The photo above is from the Choices Matter visit with Sting Ray Robb! He gave our students some incredible tips about making good decisions on and off the road.
At Danville Community Schools, WE ARE WARRIORS! Keep reading for more classroom happenings, student and staff celebrations, important notes for the future, and upcoming events!
• As Seen on Social Media •
Gobble, gobble...It's time for a Turkey dinner! Mrs. McAfee's class enjoyed a fun little Thanksgiving feast of turkey, popcorn, M&Ms, apples, and juice after receiving notes about why their teacher is so thankful for them. The photo gives this away, but it was a very cute activity, and the students had a blast!
Mr. Vrabel's class had an exciting opportunity to learn about a new culture through food! One student recently visited family in India, and his classmates had many questions about his travels when he returned. He shared a report of everything he did, which led to another fantastic idea. His family visited the class last week, bringing traditional Indian dishes with them! They shared photos, talked about their trip, and let every student try the dishes. Overall, the students agreed that everything was delicious and gave the whole experience two thumbs up!
NHS completed some more community service, stuffing stockings for a local nursing home! Inside were candy, toothbrushes, lotion, chapstick, and other essentials. Thank you for your dedication to serving our community!
•The Danville Difference•
Students of the Month
Our November Students of the Month are North Elementary School's Charlotte Tennery, South Elementary School's Owen Finchum (November) and Callie Walden (October), Danville Community Middle School's Eva Wray, and Danville Community High School's Peace Amusan. They were recognized at the December School Board meeting.
We are so proud of their hard work, positive attitudes and dedication to their community. Congratulations!!
***Please note that we also took the opportunity to recognize South's Student of the Month for October, as she was unable to attend the November Board Meeting.
Outstanding Warrior of the Month
Congratulations to our November Outstanding Warrior of the Month: Spanish Teacher Micah Souder!
This award, selected by our DCSC Admin Team, recognizes Warrior team members who have displayed our customer cores (Professionalize, Empathize, Personalize, Respond to Complaints and Be Exceptional) each day and who have gone above and beyond in our efforts to make a difference in every student's life. This is our second year celebrating this monthly award, and we are so excited to honor so many amazing staff members!
Student Athletes Recognized at Board Meeting
•DCSC News•
Future Considerations - Winter Weather and eLearning
Weather eLearning Closures are designed for days that fog, ice, snow and/or temperature make it very difficult or impossible to run transportation. (Learn more about how we make a weather closure decision here.) District alerts and/or communications will indicate if we will use a waiver day (no school) or engage in BASIC or LIVE instruction during an eLearning closure. Here are the differences between the two types of eLearning Days:
eLearning BASIC Day - These days will provide our students with virtual instruction like we have had on scheduled eLearning Days in the past. Teachers will be available to answer questions throughout the day, and assignments will be posted in Schoology for students to complete. On an eLearning BASIC Day, there should be a limited amount of student to teacher virtual engagement.
eLearning LIVE Day - These days will provide our students with live person-to-person virtual instruction that follows their normal school day schedule with a high amount of teacher engagement with students. At the secondary level, students will follow their synchronous bell schedule. At the elementary level, homeroom teachers should help guide students on a schedule similar to what they follow when they are in-person.
Construction Updates
•School Updates•
In case you missed it...
Here are the most recent newsletters from each school:
•Most Recent Update from the Superintendent•
•Upcoming events•
Winter Break
Winter Break will be December 20-January 3.
Friday, Dec 20, 2024, 07:00 AM
School Board Meeting - Regular Session
For more information and to view the meeting agenda once it becomes available, please visit www.danville.k12.in.us/Page/233.
Monday, Jan 13, 2025, 06:30 PM
Danville Middle School, West Lincoln Street, Danville, IN, USA
Monday, Jan 20, 2025, 07:00 AM
Join us on FMX!
Danville Community School Corporation utilizes FMX to manage and track all school events. This calendar allows parents and community members to view dates and times for all of the events that matter most to them. No matter what school your child goes to or what activity they are involved in, you can find the information that you need here!
To view the official DCSC calendar, visit https://danville.gofmx.com/calendar.
***You do not need to create an account to view the calendar.
Need help getting started? Be sure to check out our instruction sheet here!
2024-2025 School Calendar
Download the PDF here.
•About Us•
- Danville Community High School (grades 9-12)
- Danville Community Middle School (grades 5-8)
- Danville South Elementary (grades 2-4)
- Danville North Elementary (grades KG-1)
Danville students attend the same school with their grade level classmates regardless of where they live. This gives them the chance to build lifelong friendships and strengthens our community!
Email: aengland@danville.k12.in.us
Website: www.danville.k12.in.us
Location: 200 Warrior Way, Danville, IN 46122
Phone: 317.745.2212
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DCSCWarriors
Twitter: @DCSCWarriors
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See the Difference - Danville Schools' monthly community newsletter