#RoyalFam Newsletter
Message from Principal Ballard
As we enter the final week before winter break, I want to take a moment to thank you for your continued partnership and support of your scholar's learning. This time of year can be both joyful and challenging, and I want to share a few important reminders and reflections.
Please take some time this week to check your scholar’s grades in Canvas and encourage them to complete any outstanding assignments. Maintaining strong communication between home and school is essential, and your support in ensuring scholars stay on track is greatly appreciated.
We also recognize that for many of our families, this break provides an opportunity to travel and engage in beloved family traditions. At the same time, we are reminded of those in our community who are facing significant challenges, including homelessness and food insecurity. Our commitment to caring for all members of our Hopkins family remains strong.
To support those in need, we are compiling a list of community resources that may be helpful during this season. We will share this information with you later this week so that families can access the support they need.
Thank you for being part of our Hopkins High School community. Together, we continue to uplift and support each other in meaningful ways. Wishing you all a restful and joyful winter break.
Commencement Caps and Gowns
The deadline to order cap and gowns is December 20th. Seniors may find the ordering information in their Hopkins email accounts. Scholars must have a cap and gown to participate in the ceremony. Cap and gowns are free of charge for HHS scholars. Use this link to determine if your scholar has ordered their cap and gown. The list will be updated at the end of each school day.
Scholar Spotlight
Building Hours Over Winter Break
Over Winter Break, December 23 through January 3, HHS will be closed. Staff will not be available during this time.
Kleenex Tissues Needed
Cold season is approaching, and we could use your Kleenex tissue donations! Please send your donations to school with your scholar, and they can drop them off at the Main Office. Alternatively, you may drop donations off at our welcome desk at Door A (main entrance).
A special thank you to everyone who has donated kleenex to HHS so far this year!
Important Dates to Remember
Mark Your Calendar
12/23 - 01/03 - Winter Break - No School
01/16 - Digital Learning Day (Scholars access learning online)
01/20 - Martin Luther King, Jr Day - No School
01/24 - Grading Day - No School
02/17 - Professional Development Day - No School
02/20 - Digital Learning Day (Scholars access learning online)
02/27 - Conferences - No School
School Calendars
Upcoming Safety Drills
02/05/25 Lockdown, 2:30pm (block 4)
03/14/25 Fire Drill, 2:40pm (block 4)
04/15/25 Fire Drill, 12:45pm (block 3)
04/24/25 Fire Drill, 1:00pm (block 3)
05/01/25 Tornado/Severe Weather, 9:20am (block 1)
Counselor's Corner
Appointments with Counselors
Parents/Guardians: If you wish to meet with your scholar’s counselor, please schedule an appointment by emailing the counselor to ensure they will be available to meet with you. School counselors' schedules fill up fast. Thank you for your understanding, partnership, and cooperation.
Freshmen Grade Counselor Workshops
These are mandatory to help build relationships and share important information with our scholars.
Monday, December 16 - Thursday, December 19, 2024
Chromebooks will need to be fully charged as this is heavy on introducing Maia Learning
Passes will be sent to the scholars who are invited to attend this session
There will be posters with the small group location, time, and list of names on the walls in the Mall outside the College & Career Center
12/16 & 12/17
Dana Baker (Last Names Ch - G) in Wellness Center
Jeff Matchette (Last Names O - Sm) in the College & Career Center
Rachel Nelson (Last Names Sn - Z) in S197 (The conference room in the back of the Media Center with the big window)
12/18 & 12/19
Samantha Bratrud (Last Names A - Ce) in the Media Center
Denise Nohlquist (Last Names H-K) in the Wellness Center
Janelle Gillis (Last Names L - N) in the College & Career Center (in the counseling office suite)
FYI: Sophomore Workshops are tentatively set for the week of Jan 16, 2025.
College scholarships are being uploaded into the local scholarship section of MaiaLearning on a regular basis. Please have your scholar start checking and applying for scholarships. They will have videos and tutorials in their Royals Connect that show them how to do it.
Dr. Kuhl’s Open Office Hours
Dr. Kuhl, College and Career Readiness Coordinator will be holding open office hours after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She will also hold an in-school SST every Wednesday during Royals Connect time. These hours do not need an appointment and are specific to planning for what scholars will do after high school.
Common App Tutorial
How to fill out the Common App tutorial videos can be found here.
MaiaLearning Tips
How to navigate MaiaLearning tips sheet found here.
FREE Business PreCollege Summer Camps at UW-Madison
The Wisconsin School of Business offers FREE, Precollege Programs for high school students interested in exploring a career in business through one day workshops and weeklong summer camps. Click here for more information.
More information about the program to include registration is attached in English, Hmong or Spanish.
Upcoming at HHS
Exciting New Course at HHS!
We have an exciting new course at HHS for juniors and seniors—AP African American Studies! We study history, art, music, literature, poetry, and more. Students will be well-prepared to take the APAAS exam in May and can earn college credit. This course counts as two Social Studies elective credits. Interested students should see their guidance counselor soon to secure a spot for terms 3 and 4.
Senior Class Party
Volunteer at RAC Concessions
We have ONE more date to earn money for the party at the Concession counter in the RAC.
Work concessions at the Wrestling match on Saturday, January 4, 2025.
Donate Raffle Prizes
Shopping online or in stores for Black Friday? The Senior Class Party could use your help in donating raffle prizes. These prizes are a BIG hit at the party!
We make shopping easy with wish lists just in time for all the holiday deals:
If shopping on Amazon, the prizes will automatically ship to the home of a Sr. Party Committee Member. If purchased on SignupGenius, someone will reach out to you to arrange a pick-up at your home.
Follow us on social
FB @ Hopkins Senior Class Party
Senior Photo Inventory and Senior Photo Deadline has been Extended to Jan 10
We are missing many senior portraits and we will extend the deadline to January 10, 2025. This deadline cannot and will not be extended. All photos must be uploaded by January 10th. Please visit this link to see full instructions on how to upload, and remember to upload only one photo.
To see a full list of all the photos we have and to verify we are using the correct identification for each scholar please click here.
email jeff.kocur@hopkinsschools.org if you have any questions.
Global and Well-Traveled
Current, Past or Next Year’s AP African American Studies Scholars
We are taking an amazing trip over spring break in 2026! We are doing a civil rights/HBCU tour to Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana. We will be visiting famous sites like the Edmund Pettus bridge and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, and we’ll tour the Whitney Plantation and Lafayette Cemetery. We will tour Spelman and Morehouse Colleges and more! I will host some information nights beginning in November, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, you can view the entire itinerary and see the price at www.explorica.com, enter tour ID Heimlich-8408 You can sign up to pay monthly payments too. Students, you can always stop by Ms. Heimlich’s room, W112, with any questions. Families, you can email me with any questions at jennifer.heimlich@hopkinsschools.org
Hopkins Schools Information and Opportunities
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) meeting
If you are a caregiver of a student with a disability, you are invited to join us for our SEAC (pronounced seek) meetings. We will share Hopkin's Special Education Department updates with you and create space for you to advise us on how to best serve you and the community. https://www.pacer.org/parent/parent-leadership/seac/
Tuesday, January 21, 2024, from 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Tuesday, March 18, 2024, from 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Eisenhower Community Center, Board Room #233
If you have any questions, please email Ryan.Simenson@Hopkinsschools.org
Join Us for a Virtual Budget Engagement Session
The Hopkins School Board invites you to a virtual budget community engagement session on December 18, 6–7:30 p.m. This session will feature Krista Kaput, a nationally recognized expert in public education funding, who will provide insights into the complexities of school funding and its impact on Hopkins and districts across Minnesota. The event includes a 60-minute presentation followed by a 30-minute Q&A session. Community members can submit questions in advance or during the event. Look for more details on our website.
Hopkins High School
Email: crystal.ballard@hopkinsschools.org
Website: https://hopkinsschools.org/schools/secondary-schools/hopkins-high-school
Location: 2400 Royals Drive, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305, USA
Phone: (952) 988-4500
Facebook: facebook.com/hopkinsroyals270/
Twitter: @HopkinsHigh270