Cascadia Elementary
SEPTEMBER Newsletter
Principal's Message
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
We are so grateful to be part of your child's education. September is a fun month getting back into our routines of school and learning about each student and family so we can do our best to help students grow this year. An important part of getting started is making sure we all understand the expectations and routines of school. Our Cascadia Elementary Student and Family Handbook is an important tool to help us have common understandings. Please take time to review the handbook and discuss with your child. (Spanish copy of Cascadia Elementary Student and Family Handbook)
As you review the handbook, please pay particular attention to the pages about attendance (Pg. 3-5) and the updated district policy for cell phones and electronics at school. (Page 9)
Today is going to be a year full of joy, hope and growth at Cascadia!
Proud to be your child's Principal,
Dawn (Cascadia Principal)
Arrival & Dropping of Students
Students may arrive at school no earlier than 9:15 a.m. (9:05 for breakfast). The first bell rings at 9:15 a.m. School begins at 9:25 a.m. Students are dismissed from school at 3:30 p.m. or at 1:00 p.m. on Early Release days.
For Student Safety and neighborhood cooperation, please follow the procedure below for traffic flow in dropping off/picking up students. We appreciate your cooperation!
VEHICLES ONLY. Traffic is ONE WAY, with an exit on Captain's Way. Please don't enter or park in this area. Please do not attempt to drive into the school using Captain's Way.
In the morning, you may drive in the lane next to the school and let your child out from the side of your vehicle nearest the school. Never allow children to walk behind or in front of vehicles if you can avoid it. It's unsafe. If traffic is backed up on the lane nearest the school, loop around again or park your vehicle and walk your child to the sidewalk in front of the school.
Students will not be allowed to go out into the parking lot UNLESS an adult accompanies them.
Please park your car and pick up your child at the entrance to the school. If you have a baby or other young children with you, please drive in the lane nearest the school and a staff member will release your child to you.
Student Sign-In and Sign-Out
When students leave school early or arrive late, they must sign in or out at the office. We also ask parents to notify the school in writing of any pre-arranged changes in arrival or departure times.
Home a Different Way
If your child's after-school routine varies from the usual, please send written notice of the change to the school office. For emergencies or unexpected changes, please telephone the office before 3:00 p.m. at 383-2300 to ensure that your child receives your message. If the school is not notified of the changes, students will always be sent home according to their usual routines.
Reporting Absences
Reporting Absences
Please phone the school by 9:30 a.m. if your child will be absent or arriving late. If we don’t hear from you, a Parent Square message will go out notifying you of the absence. Please excuse the absence by calling (360) 383-2300 and press 2 to report your absence or email sara.green@ferndalesd.org
Bikes, Non-Motorized Scooters & Skateboards
Students are required to wear a helmet if they are riding a bicycle, scooter or skateboard to school, and they must walk them on campus. Bicycles, scooters and skateboards must be locked to a bike rack.
Getting a Message to Your Student
Parents/Guardians, if you need to get a message to your child after they have left for school in the morning regarding a change of plans at the end of the school day, please call the school BEFORE 3:00 p.m. if at all possible. Our office messenger delivers the student messages and bus passes to students at 3:00 p.m. Thanks for understanding. We want to make sure your child receives his/her message.
Student Emergencies
In case of serious injury or illness of any student at school, the parents/guardians are called first at home or an alternate number (work, cell). If we are unable to reach the parents/guardians we will call the person(s) listed as an emergency contact.
If the emergency contact cannot be reached, the family physician may be called. If warranted, 911 may be called to secure emergency medical services and transportation to the hospital.
It is important for parents/guardians to give accurate contact information to the school office and to update it if there are changes.
Picture Day is Friday, September 27th
Child Protective Services
Child Protective Services is the state agency responsible for checking on the welfare of boys and girls in Washington. When children disclose a problem at home that appears beyond the scope of the school, school staff are required by law to report it to CPS so the agency can be sure children are safe. School staff is not allowed to decide for themselves whether a real problem exists. CPS will always contact parents to let them know they have spoken to their child.
Medication at School
If your child needs to receive oral medication at school this year, an Authorization for Oral Medication or Authorization for Metered Dose Inhaler, signed by the doctor and a parent/guardian, must be on file before we can administer any medication. Self-Administration of any prescription medication is included in this requirement.
Any student with a Life Threatening Food Allergy and/or Life Threatening Allergy to Stinging Insects must have an authorization signed by the doctor and a parent/guardian (renewed each year) on file in the school, along with the required medication. Upon receipt of this information, a plan must be developed and staff training completed by the school nurse prior to the student attending school. Discontinuing a previously identified life-threatening condition requires parent/guardian and Health Care Provider written documentation.
Over-the-counter medication (non-prescription, cough drops) forms must be signed by the student and the parent and only a one-day dose can be carried at school. Principal approval for this request is necessary for some medications and age groups.
All forms and detailed guidelines are available in the School Office and on-line at www.ferndalesd.org , click Parents and then Health and Nursing Services.
Roots of Empathy
We need a family and a baby to help with our learning next year!!!
At the heart of the program is a baby who is a “tiny teacher” of empathy! Parent(s) with a baby who is 2-4 months old in October visit the classroom 1x/month through the school year for a 30-40 minute lesson. You are with the same teacher/classroom, and a school or community member trained as a Roots of Empathy Instructor the whole year. Physical distance/germ boundaries are observed, and based on the parent(s) comfort levels as part of the lessons which center on caring.
For more information or to sign up to participate, please contact Sara Airoldi, Whatcom Roots of Empathy Program Manager at sairoldi@rootsofempathy.org
Looking Ahead:
Oct. 2: K-12 Early Release 1:00
Oct. 23: K-12 Early Release 1:00
Oct. 31: Dental Van