West River Math Contest
South Dakota Mines hosted the 71st annual West River Math Contest. In total, 552 middle and high school students from across the region attended the annual contest that includes Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, Advanced Math, and Masters categories. The exams are created and written by math professors at Mines. Thirty-nine schools came from western South Dakota as well as northwest Nebraska. Two Sturgis Brown High School students placed
3RD Place Advanced Division
4TH Place Masters Division
Monday 5/15/2023
Senior Walk
Journalism: End of the Year Banquet @ East Gym; 5:30 PM
Tuesday 5/16/2023
SBHS Golf: West River Challenge @ Boulder Canyon Golf Course; 3:00 PM
SBHS Track: Black Hills Conference Meet @ Lyle Hare Stadium, Spearfish; 12:00 PM
Wednesday 5/17/2023
No Activities
Thursday 5/18/2023
SBHS Softball: vs. Stevens @ Parkview Softball Complex, Rapid City; 4:00 PM
SBHS Golf: West River Challenge, Second Round @ Meadowbrook Golf Course: 3:00 PM
Friday 5/19/2023
SBHS Softball: vs. Brookings @ Southbrook, Brookings; 4:00/5:00 PM CST
SBHS Senior Awards/BBQ/Scholarships/Graduation Practice
Saturday 5/20/2023
SBHS Softball: vs. Mitchell @ Cadwell Park, Mitchell; 11:00 AM/12:30 AM CST
Sunday 5/21/2023
SBHS Graduation: SBHS West Gym @ 2:-00 PM; Doors open @ 12:30 PM
Sturgis Brown High School Summer School
Welcome to the SBHS Summer School! We are glad you have chosen to attend summer school. Summer School is set up as an independent study program for those who wish to earn or recapture credits. Students will be assigned a teacher who will assist students with questions and tutoring they require. Students who take summer school courses must be motivated, be able to comprehend what they read, and work independently. The work at SBHS Summer School is rigorous and takes self-discipline and motivation. The teachers are here to help you reach your goals; please feel free to ask questions at any time. What you get out of this experience depends on what you put into it. We have many unique opportunities and hope you will take advantage of them. Classes Start May 30th and end June 29th. All course work must be completed by June 29th. Summer school hours are Monday word independently from home, Tuesday - Thursday from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
1.) Complete the online summer school registration form.
2.) Mail or bring payment to the High School (12930 Hwy 34, Sturgis, SD 57785) attention Jill Meirose between. Classes will not be assigned until payment is received.
PAY for only 1 course at a time .
1st 1/2 credit $50
Additional 1/2 credit $25 each
Monday, May 15, 2023: We will host our annual "Senior Walk." Seniors will meet at the high school first thing in the morning, loading a bus and going to different elementary and middle schools. This is an opportunity for the seniors to walk the hallway of those schools in their cap and gown. They will be able to see their teachers from years past and even thank them. If they want to give them a card of thanks or something, they can. Students will also see all the younger students in those schools giving high fives, fist pumps, and receiving congratulatory remarks. This opportunity is good for seniors and those younger students as they get a chance to see what a graduating senior will look like. SENIORS PLEASE FILL OUT THE SENIOR WALK 2023 FORM if you are planning to visit elementary schools. students who wish to NOT participate, please pick up a form in the front office.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023: Their last official day of school. We will start checking them out starting at 1:30 PM.
Friday, May 19, 2023: We will start with the senior BBQ at 11:30 AM in the West Gym. Please have your graduating student at the school by 11:25 AM, as we will begin at 11:30 AM. We will feed the seniors, and the class officers will present the class awards that the students voted on before the event. Around 12:30 PM, we will start the scholarship awards portion. This is where we hand out scholarships and awards students received this year. Parents, you are invited to the awards portion at 12:30 PM. After the awards portion, we will have our graduation practice before excusing the seniors. Practice will be brief, and we will be done before the rest of the school is excused.
Sunday, May 21, 2023: GRADUATION at 2:00 PM. We want the graduating students at the school by 1:15 PM, dressed in their cap and gown. They will be meeting in the back hallways of the school.
Additional information on graduation as it reads in our student handbook. Doors for parents and guest will be open at 12:30 PM.
Graduation is an academic ceremony recognizing students meeting the requirements necessary to earn a diploma. Students will not participate in the graduation ceremony if they have not completed all the requirements. Students who could complete the requirements over the summer or during an additional semester may participate in the graduation ceremony the following year. The graduation ceremony is a privilege and students can be denied participation based on their behaviors and/or actions.
Class Motto:
"We didn't realize we were making memories, we were only having fun" ~ Winnie the Pooh
Class Flower:
White Lily
Class Color:
Class Poem:
Zoey Holt
Class Song:
"I Lived" by OneRepublic
Class Speakers:
Jag (Hugh) Weyer & Landry Haugen
Appropriate Graduation Attire:
- Additional adornments to the original dress of a cap and gown, include: honor cords, honors tassels, National Honor Society stoles, military uniform if basic training has been completed, traditional tribal regalia -- an eagle feather or eagle plume (C.L. 13-1-66), tribal beading of cap or gown and a star quilt on chair.
- Dress expectations are as follows:
- Ladies: Dress, skirt and blouse, dress pants and blouse; shoes - No flip flops or tennis shoes and shoes must have a back strap.
- Gentlemen: Dress slacks, black jeans, dress shirt; shoes - No flip flops and no tennis shoes.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.
On behalf of the teachers and administration, thank you, parents, for allowing us to help and assist your senior child throughout the years and to this graduation milestone. It has been our pleasure to watch your child grow through the years.
2022-23 Semester Test Schedule (9th-11th Grade)
- 8:05 AM-9:35 AM: Red 1 Test
- 9:40 AM-11:15 AM: Red 2 Test
- 11:20 AM-1:25 PM: Red 3 Test
- 1:30 PM-3:10 PM: Make-Up Test
Tuesday, May 23:
- 8:05 AM-9:35 AM: Red 4
- 9:40 AM-11:15 AM: White 2 Test
- 11:20 AM-1:25 PM: White 3 Test
- 1:30 PM-3:10 PM: Make-Up Test
- 8:05 AM-9:35 AM: White 1 Test
- 9:40 AM-11:15 AM: White 4 Test
- 11:20 AM-1:25 PM: Make-Up Test
After-School Program
The After-School Program is available in the library from 3:15-5:15 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Three teachers will be available to help students with homework. Students should arrive by 3:30 p.m. but can leave whenever they complete their work if they have their own ride. Students who need a late bus pass are required to stay until 5:15 p.m. Any questions, contact Mrs. Buchholz at sandra.buchholz@k12.sd.us.
Sturgis Brown High School
Pete Wilson, Principal
Joe Williams, Assistant Principal
Coleen Keffeler, Assistant Principal
Email: MeadeSBHS@k12.sd.us
Website: Sturgis Brown High School
Phone: (605) 347-2686
Location: 12930 E. Highway 34, Sturgis, SD. 57785