The EJA Times
June 3, 2024
June 7
4th Quarter Report Cards Emailed
July 8-26
August 19
First Day of School 2024
Message from the Principal
Parents, thank you so much for an amazing school year!! We really appreciate your partnership and trust. Together, we have built a community that cares about the well-being and success of our children. Your involvement and encouragement have made a significant difference, and we as a staff are grateful for the collaboration we have shared. We know that you will continue to stay engaged and support the school in the years to come.
Thank you all for the support, kindness, and respect you have shown to me over the years. It has been an honor to serve as your principal. I will miss you all dearly and will cherish the memories we have made together! You are all truly a blessing to me, and I look forward to hearing about all the great things your children will do in the future.
I will be in the office until June 28th, if there is anything that you need from me. Have a wonderful summer, and may God continue to bless you all on this journey we call life.
~Ms. Nugent
Congratulations to our Class of 2024 Graduates!!
Farewell Lunch
Thank you Mrs. Claudia Massey and family for another wonderful and delicious meal! It was the perfect way to end the school year and start our summer.
The Mad Scientist Summer Camp is back at EJA!! Scan the QR code or visit www.acewallscholars.org for more information!
Summer Office Hours-June
We are available to assist you this month with completing online applications, finalizing your tuition payments, and whatever else you may need. Continue to check your emails for updates in the summer on the upcoming school year. Please see our office hours below, but please call ahead to make sure we will be available.
9:00 AM -1:00 PM
Closed on Fridays
All other times by appointment only. Please call to make an appointment.
Cashapp Payments
Don't Forget to Reenroll!!
We wanted to extend a friendly reminder regarding the upcoming school year enrollment. We are very excited about our new and potential students coming to EJA, but that means our classes are filling up quickly. Reenrolling now ensures that your child's place is reserved. We understand that planning for the future can sometimes slip through the cracks, so we're here to make the process as seamless as possible for you. If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to complete the reenrollment process at your earliest convenience.
Should you have any questions or need assistance with the reenrollment process, please don't hesitate to reach out to our administration team.
To access Family Portal:
- Please go to FACTS Family Portal (District Code: AEC-SDA)
- Type in your username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, please click on the link provided
- Go to left-side Navigation Menu
- Click on Apply/Enroll
- Click on Enrollment/Reenrollment
*Update on enrollment fee: Please let us know if you would prefer to pay the enrollment fee through our CashApp. You also have the option to pay it later with your monthly tuition payments. If you choose these options, we will need to waive it on our end.
Now Accepting Scholarship Applications
Parents, if you received the Virginia Tax Credit Scholarship last year, you will need to apply again for the upcoming school year. We are now accepting applications, and we ask that you complete this as soon as possible! Click here or use the link below to start your application process. We will be in touch with you about next steps once we receive and review your application.
Parent Survey for Accreditation
Parents, you should have received an import informational email about our upcoming accreditation and parent survey. The survey will provide you the opportunity to respond confidentially and anonymously. We would like to see 100% parent participation so we can have a true representation of how EJA is doing and where we can make improvements. You should have received the link in your emails. Please check your e-mail and let the office know if you have not yet received an e-mail link for the survey.
Upcoming Events
June 7
Report Cards Distributed
July 8-26
Mad Scientist STEM Summer Camp @ EJA
August 19
Back to School
You can always bookmark this page to view the most updated calendar on our website: https://www.ephesusjracademy.org/eja-calendar
About Us
Office Hours:
7:45 am – 4:00 pm
7:45 am-1:30 pm Friday
Email: info@ephesusjracademy.org
Website: www.ephesusjracademy.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ephesusjunioracademy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ephesusjunioracademyrichmond/
Location: 3700 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond, VA, USA
Phone: (804) 233-4582