Soaring into WEEK 18
Thank you to all that attended and volunteered at our Winter Wonderland! What a wonderful event. Special thanks to our Sunshine Committee!
We hope that you all participate in our HMES Schoool Holiday Spirit Week, see schedule that I posted in the SMORE 2 weeks ago below.
As we approach the 18th week of school, reminder to complete our MID YEAR SURVEY! Please click link below to complete! Thank you to all that took the time to provide us some reflection so that we can improvement. Your feedback is valuable to our improvments. We want to hear from you! The survey will close on Wednesday December 18th.
I want to remind once again of the importance of consistent attendance. Please ensure that your child is at school every day, on time, unless they are genuinely ill. It’s critical that students do not miss more than 18 days in a school year. Our overall attendance rate last year was 80%, but our goal is 95% this school year and we need your help to maintain this gaol. Daily attendance plays a direct role in academic success, and it’s essential that your child arrives before 7:45 AM to avoid disrupting the learning environment for others. If you’ve recently moved, please notify the school immediately.
Additionally, I continue to ask that all families review our shared safety responsibilities to help keep our community secure and welcoming for everyone. During carpool hours, it is so important that you follow the guidance of our school staff on AM and PM duty to ensure the safety of all students and staff.
More great events happening this week!!!
Please have your child to check lost and found. All missing items will be donated on Friday, December 20th.
Please see links below to support. We look forward to seeing both families and students actively engaged!
Thank you always for entrusting us with the privilege of educating and nurturing your children!
-Dr. Blanton
Please also see important dates that were also posted on Class DOJO, we look forward to seeing you all!
Upcoming Events
- Rescheduled, Robert Jackson assembly for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Students December 20th at 9:00am.
- NBA- Party December 18th 1:15pm-2:00 pm in the cafeteria.
- Candelight Holiday Luncheon- December 19th -1st, 3rd, and 5th ONLY. Our cafeteria is unable to hold all grade levels with their families. Please do not pull your child from another grade level to have lunch with your younger or older child. SKIP the line and pre purchase your tickets online link BELOW! Adult lunch is $4.00 and a non Henderson Mill child lunch is $3.00. You will bring confirmation of your purchase on Thursday.
- Holiday Class Celebrations - December 20th
- Winter Break (No School)- December 23rd – January 6th
- See more upcoming dates on the PTO calendar below.
PTO is hosting its annual Staff Holiday meal Wednesday, December 18th. Please consider sponsoring a staff member's lunch!
We also need drink and dessert donations, see sign-up here:
We’re gearing up for something exciting at Henderson Mill Elementary—an ADULT Casino Night to support the incredible STEAM programs that make our school shine! Mark your calendars for an unforgettable evening of card games, entertainment, and a lively auction, tentatively set for Saturday, March 15 for ADULTS only.
This will be a fun, adult-only Mardi Gras-inspired night out featuring a bar, light apps, and plenty of opportunities to mingle and support our school. But we can’t make it happen without YOU!
If you have an interest in Mardi Gras, casino games, event planning, fundraising, have industry connections, or just love creating something exciting from the ground up, we’d love to have you on our planning team! No matter how small or large you think your contribution can be, we want to hear from you.
How to get involved:
Fill out our INTEREST FORM below and tell us about your ideas and connections. Once we gather our core group of planners, we’ll kick off the fun part—brainstorming and planning—together in early January.
This is your chance to be part of an unforgettable evening that supports STEAM activities at Henderson Mill. Let’s make this inaugural event one to remember!
- School doors open at 7:00am and breakfast begins, to avoid traffic plan to arrive early!
- After breakfast Intervention/Enrichment begins. This is a critical time for students that need support.
- 7:30am breakfast ends
- 7:40am Morning Announcements start
- 7:45am Instruction begins
- 2:15pm Dismissal begins, bus riders, van riders, walkers, car riders, and then aftercare are released. We ask that parents that pick up students in cars, allow our buses to be first in line. Buses arrive at 1:30pm and should be able to park in front of all cars.
- 2:30pm All students should be dismissed from classes.
- 2:45pm Parents arriving after this time will have to pick their child up from aftercare and there is a drop in fee that you will be required to pay.
-Henderson Mill Staff
Henderson Mill Elementary
Email: regina_smiley-blanton@dekalbschoolsga.org
Website: https://www.hendersonmilles.dekalb.k12.ga.us/
Location: 2408 Henderson Mill Road, Atlanta, GA, USA
Phone: 678-874-3102
Twitter: @henderson_mill