Madison Minutes
NOVEMBER 24, 2024 - DECEMBER 7, 2024
Principal Message
Dear Madison Families,
Thanksgiving break will be next week. I hope everyone has an opportunity to pause, take a breath, and focus on that which you are truly thankful. Classes will resume on Monday, Dec. 2.
School Nutrition Services has included their monthly recipe for Homemade Vinaigrette. We hope it's to your liking!
STAAR EOC testing will occur on Dec. 10 - Dec. 12 as follows:
Dec. 10 - English 1 & US History
Dec. 11 - Algebra 1 & English 2
Dec. 12 - Biology
Please be sure your students are in attendance and plan appointments accordingly.
The 2025-2026 FAFSA opens for Seniors on December 1st. The FAFSA form determines eligibility for federal student aid and requires a Social Security Number or Permanent Resident ID. Students without either can complete the Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA). Most financial aid, both need- and merit-based, requires FAFSA or TASFA completion. Completion of either form is also a Texas Graduation Requirement. A Financial Aid Help Night will be held on December 12th from 6-8pm in the Madison Library for assistance with the FAFSA or TASFA. Please contact Mrs. Griffith if you have any questions. See attached flyer below.
An email has been sent regarding upcoming Exam Exemptions. NOTE: All exam exemptions must be entered at the same time. Students will not be able to leave the exemption page then go back in to make an additional choice.
The first administration of the TSIA will be offered to seniors on Dec. 4th and 5th. The sign up form is posted in the Senior Google Classroom. Deadline to pay is Dec. 2nd by 4:15pm. Test information and prep can be accessed on the Madison CCMR google site: https://sites.google.com/neisd.net/madison-ccmr/tsia2-college-readiness
REMEMBER: Most schools don't require an SAT or ACT to qualify for admission, but ALL schools will require a qualifying test score to prove the student is College Ready. For SAT the minimum qualifying scores are 480 in Reading/Writing, and 530 in Math. For ACT the minimum qualifying scores are 23 in Math, and 40 (combined) Reading/Writing. If your score in either section falls below the minimum you will need to either retake the SAT or ACT, or take the TSI. There will be more opportunities to take the TSI here at Madison in the spring as well.
Makari's Mission 8th Annual Sock Drive is happening until Dec. 13, 2024. See the flyer below for a QR code to scan for more information.
Go Mavs!
Eric Wernli
Email: ewernl@neisd.net
Website: Neisd.net/Madison
Location: 5005 Stahl Road, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: 210-356-1400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MadisonNEISD
Twitter: @mavs_jm
- Varsity Boys Basketball Corpus Christi Tourney / All Day / Corpus Christi, TX
NOV. 25 - DEC. 1
- JV & Varsity Boys & Girls Wrestling Quad meet vs Harker Heights HS & Churchill HS / 9:00am - 2:00pm / Madison HS
- Mariachi Club Meeting / 4:30pm - 5:0)pm / Orchestra room in PAC
- Athletic Winter Sports Night / 6:00pm - 8:00pm / DEMAC
- Chess/Checkers Club Meeting / 8:00an - 8:40am / Theater room in PAC
- Freshmen, JV, & Varsity Boys Basketball vs East Central HS / Freshmen in Small Gym: Team 9B @ 5:00pm, Team 9A @ 6:15pm. In Main Gym: JV @ 5:30pm, Varsity @ 7:00pm / Madison HS
- Freshmen, JV & Varsity Girls Basketball vs Antonian HS / Freshmen @ 5:00pm, JV @ 6:15pm, Varsity @ 7:30pm / Antonian Catholic College Preparatory High School
- SENIOR TSTA TESTING / 8:00am - 1:00pm / Classroom E25
- Varsity Boys & GIrls Wrestling Quad meet vs Clemens HS, New Braunfels HS, & Longs Creek HS / 3:00pm - 7:00pm / Clemens HS
- Pokemon Club meeting / 4:30pm - 5:30pm
- Madison Choir Christmas Social / 6:00pm - 8:30pm / PAC Choir Room
- Chess/Checkers Club Meeting / 8:00an - 8:40am / Theater room in PAC
- HOSA Office Meeting / 8:00am - 8:45am / Classroom K20
- SENIOR TSTA TESTING / 8:00am - 1:00pm / Classroom E25
- Varsity Boys Basketball SAISD Tournament / Times & Location TBA
- Varsity Girls Basketball Canyon Tournament / Vs Leander HS @ 12:00pm, vs Canyon HS @ 3:00pm / Canyon HS
- Madison Guitar Club meeting / 4:20pm - 5:00pm / Classroom F06
- Madison Dance competition Showoffs / 6:00pm - 7:00pm / PAC Auditorium
- Varsity Boys Basketball SAISD Tournament / Times & Location TBA
- Swim Team South Zone TISCA Meet / All Day / Josh Davis Natatorium
- Varsity Wrestling Maverick Stampede / Times TBD / Morton Ranch HS, Katy TX
- Varsity Girls Basketball Canyon Tournament / vs Texas A&M Consolidated @ 2:30pm / Canyon HS
- Parent's Night Out and Holiday Gift Wrapping /6:00pm - 9:00pm / PAC Auditorium
- Varsity Boys Basketball SAISD Tournament / Times & Location TBA
- Varsity Wrestling Maverick Stampede / Times TBD / Morton Ranch HS, Katy TX
- UIL Academics Contest / 7:00am - 3:00pm / Madison HS
- Madison Winterfest Craft Fair and BBQ / 8:00am - 5:00pm / PAC Parking Lot
- Varsity Boys & Girls Wrestling Rough Rider Invitational / 8:00am - 4:00pm / Roosevelt HS
- SAT Testing Weekend / 8:00am - 1:30pm / L Building Classrooms
- Saturday School & Detention / 8:00am - 1:00pm / Library
- Special Olympics Bike Day at Winterfest / Front Parking Lot / Madison HS
- Varsity Girls Basketball Canyon Tournament / vs Champion HS @ 2:00pm / Canyon HS
If you have a small business or a craft you want to try to sell for the holidays then please join us and help make this event a success. You may contact Mr. Wesley Perkins at 210-356-1469 or via email at wperki@neisd.net.
All parent or doctor notes may be sent to the Attendance office to save time. DOCTOR NOTES MUST BE ON LETTERHEAD OF THE CORRESPONDING DOCTOR'S OFFICE.
Our Attendance Clerks are Emilia Vela (9th & 11th Grades) and Lizette Brenner (10th & 12th Grades). Their phone numbers are:
Mrs. Vela - 210-356-1401
Mrs. Brenner - 210-356-1432
Any attendance issues with specific classes should be addressed via email to the particular teacher(s) in question prior to contacting the Attendance office.
Please review family access in Skyward to confirm your phone numbers and email. If you are unable to access Skyward, you can call our Help Desk at 210-356-HELP (4957).
Saturday School has changed this year and students are required to sign up and pay in advance. Students that just show up or have not prepaid will NOT be allowed to enter. Attached is a flyer below that talks you through the process of registration. You will only have the ability to sign up for one Saturday School session at a time. The window to sign up opens Monday mornings at 8:00 AM and closes at 8:00 PM Thursday evenings. If you try to sign up outside of these times you will receive an error message.
Hello Mavericks!
It's time for another exciting school year to start and we hope your start has been a great one. A very important part of Madison High School is our PTSA.
Madison's PTSA supports critical academic needs, is an active voice on decisions that impact your child's health, safety and quality of education, and builds a stronger, more inclusive school community. Who can join? Anyone can join; parents, guardians, students, grandparents, teachers, alumni, and family members.
We invite you to renew your membership and PTSA FOR ALL STUDENTS because increasing our membership, even by one, makes it possible to:
*Bring educational & enrichment programs to our campus;
*Advocate for every child and teacher at the State and Federal level;
*Support various campus student organizations;
*Sponsor Senior Scholarships;
*Support Madison faculty and staff.
There is no wrong or right way to be involved-anything you can give, whether it's time or money, will support your child's potential. Volunteering is not a requirement to join PTSA. We invite you to join because we can do more together than apart. It only take 5 minutes to join: www.joinpta.org
If you have already joined, THANK YOU!
With kindest regards,
James Madison Senior High PTSA
#themadisonway #wearemadison #onceamavalwaysamav
Email: Madison.HS.PTSA@gmail.com
Greetings PTA Presidents and Principals -
The Clothes Closet looks forward to partnering with your campus for the 2024-25 school year to fulfill our PTA mission to make every child's potential a reality by providing students with school appropriate clothing. To achieve this goal, we need your help.
First, please share in your Welcome Packet this 24-25 Clothes Closet Flyer. Many families are unaware of this resource, how to utilize it when there is a need, and how to donate needed items. Part of our continued success will be found by spreading the word to new families and to others in our community.
Secondly, please familiarize your board with the 2024-25 Clothes Closet Schedule and Volunteer SignUp.com link. Each campus is assigned one volunteer shift for the school year. This is an opportunity for your general membership to participate in a very impactful program - no experience necessary!
We look forward to working with you. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Leigh Henry
North East ISD Council of PTAs, President
cell 210-789-7529
The standard processing period is 5-7 business days. Once your application is processed, you will be issued a volunteer ID# and you should receive a confirmation email (noreply@neisd.net) when your application has been processed and approved. During peak seasonal activities/events, processing periods may be extended. Paper applications are no longer accepted. Active volunteers should be reprocessed every two years. Adult applicants should be 18 years + to volunteer and not a current NEISD student. District employees who would like to participate as a volunteer will need to complete the online form as the volunteer office does not have access to employee's HR information. Thank you in advance for considering to be a volunteer!