Welcome December

Welcome December
"Winter teaches us that even the coldest days can lead to beautiful transformations"⛄
Mission Statement
The mission of the Lawnside School District is to educate our students, through mastery of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS), to become independent thinkers and problem solvers so they will be empowered to meet the challenges of and achieve success in tomorrow’s emerging world community.
The educational community will provide a safe, nurturing environment in which individual and civic responsibility is fostered and diversity is respected.
District Goals:
The following District Goals were established in collaboration with the Lawnside Board of Education members at the Board Retreat on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
Goal #1: English Language Arts
By June 2025, 25% of students will show proficiency of grade level standards by achieving a score of "Meets Expectations" as measured by the LinkIt Benchmark assessment.
Goal #2: Social Emotional Learning
90% of the staff will utilize the PBSIS goal of a 3:1 ratio of positive student staff interaction for every one corrective action as documented through Class DoJo and teacher observations/walkthroughs.
Goal #3: Math
By June 2025, 11.4% of students will show proficiency of grade level standards by achieving a score of "Meets Expectations" as measured by the Linkit Benchmark assessment.
Goal #4: Writing
50 % of students will achieve a proficient score, "3" for grades 3-8 and a "2" for grades K-2, as measured by a common rubric by the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
Upcoming Events
December 2nd- 6th: PTA Scholastic Book Fair
December 6th ~ Make-Up Picture Day
December 10th- National Junior Honor Society Induction @ 2 pm
December 10th- Media Day for Boys/Girls Basketball & Cheerleaders @ 4:30 pm
December 11th- Girls Home Basketball Game @ 4:15 pm/Boys Game @ 5:15 pm
December 12th- 2nd PTA Meeting @ 6pm
December 12- Monthly Board Meeting @ 7 pm (Board Conference Room)
December 13th- NJHS & Girls Basketball 2nd Annual Sneaker Ball from 6 pm-9 pm
December 14th- Earl Wardlow Love Lunch from 12 pm- 2 pm
December 18th- Girls Basketball Home Game @ 4:15 pm/Boys game @ 5:15 pm
December 19th- Girls Basketball Home Game @ 4:00 pm/Boys Game @ 5:15 pm
Winter Recess-December 23, 2024-January 1, 2025
NJHS Sneaker Ball
Tickets- $15
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Girls Basketball Schedule
December Calendar 2024
PTA Scholastic Book Fair
2nd PTA Meeting
Boys Basketball Schedule
November's Legendary Leopard
Prek-2: Carlos Garcia Otero
3-5: La'Saan Council
Middle School: Lyric Carr
Staff Member of the Month
Message From The Superintendent
Dear Lawnside Community,
As we approach the holiday season, I am filled with gratitude for our incredible school community. The past few months have been remarkable, and we are excited to share some highlights and upcoming events with you.
Academic Achievements
Our students continue to impress us with their dedication and hard work. This quarter, we've seen outstanding performances as three students achieved our highest honor of Principal’s List and forty-four students achieved Honor Roll respectively. Our students continue to work diligently on their iReady lessons which provides adaptive instruction based on how students answered the previous question. This program along with other supplemental programs has assisted our staff in already meeting our district goals for the 2024-2025 school year. We look forward to our students continuing to grow and strive to reach their highest potential.
Habits for Academic Success
* Come to school everyday on time.
* Pay attention in class and complete all class assignments.
* Complete all homework assignments and STUDY!
Important Reminders
- Winter break begins December 23rd and ends January 1st.
- Please ensure students are dressed warmly for outdoor activities.
- If your child is not feeling well, we ask that you keep them home until symptom free.
This season reminds us of the importance of kindness, understanding, and supporting one another. We encourage our students to spread compassion in our school and community.
Warmest wishes for a joyful holiday season,
Dr. Ronn Johnson
Department of Special Services
Contact Us
Mrs. Sabrina Forrest, Board President- sforrest@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Dr. Ronn Johnson, Superintendent- ronnjohnson@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Ms. Jenifer Johnson, School Business Administrator- jjohnson@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Mr. Mark Gordon, Assistant School Business Administrator- mgordon@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Mrs. Alyssa Miller, Director of Curriculum & Instruction- amiller@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Dr. Carmen Henderson, Director of Special Services- chenderson@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Ms. Niphon Kirk, Assistant Principal- nkirk@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Ms. ShaNell Wilson, Technology Coordinator- swilson@lawnside.k12.nj.us
❄️What is a snowman's☃️ favorite food?
A Brr-rito🌯🤣