Brunswick High School Newsletter!
October 2024
2024-25 School Year
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,
On Tuesday October 15, 2024, ALL Students in the 10th and 11th grade will be taking the PSAT or the PSAT/NMSQT. Students need to bring their ID (Student ID, State ID, Drivers License), their school issued computer fully charged, an approved calculator, and a pencil. Students will report directly to their assigned testing room by 7:25 a.m.
Transportation will be provided at the regular scheduled times in the morning and the afternoon for students in 10th and 11th grade. Most students will finish around 11:00 a.m. After finishing the PSAT, the students who do not have a ride home, will report to the East Cafe for study hall and can purchase a bagged lunch, until dismissal at 2:10 p.m.
BHS will abide by The College Board testing guidelines and protocols. Cell phones and smartwatches are not permitted. Please leave those items at home, in their locker or car.
To learn more about the PSAT and The College Board: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/psat-nmsqt-student-guide.pdf
9th and 12th grade students will not report to school that day. Seniors are encouraged to schedule a college visit to help with their future plans.
Thank you for your continued partnership,
Mr. Keith Merrill
Brunswick High School
330-273-0495 option 8
BHS On WKYC- Thank you to Our Community, Students, and Staff!
Issue 14
On November 5th, our community can vote on Issue 14, a RENEWAL operating levy that accounts for 4% of the BCSD operating budget. The funds generated by this renewal levy pay for the day-to-day operation of our school district and directly impact students in the classroom. Because this is a renewal levy, it will NOT INCREASE TAXES and simply renews a levy initially passed in 1994. The renewal levy will help the district maintain its current level of funding and support for its students and programs. If passed in November, the district does not anticipate being on the ballot again until 2028!
Dr. Bryon Thomas
Major Christopher Farrenholz
Teacher Erin McCourt Kraly
Learn More about Renewal Levy on 9/24 at 5 p.m. in the Concord Little Theater
Brunswick City Schools State Report Card
On Thursday, September 12, 2024, the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) shared report cards for all public schools in the state. The aim of the Report Cards is to provide parents, educators, communities, and policymakers with information on the performance of schools and districts. This information celebrates achievement, identifies areas for improvement, and promotes local discussions on school improvement.
It is important to know that Report Cards only offer a partial insight into what is happening within our district. To gain a more comprehensive understanding, we encourage you to visit our buildings, speak to our teachers and administrators, attend Board of Education meetings, visit our district webpage, and follow our social media accounts.
Using data collected from standardized tests administered throughout the year, ODE asses several focus areas: achievement (measures how well students did on tests), progress (measures how much growth students made), gap closing (measures the reduction of educational gaps among student subgroups), graduation (measures the graduation rate), and early literacy (measures reading proficiency and improvement for K-3 students). From these metrics, school districts earn an overall rating. Districts and schools are given an overall rating ranging from 1 to 5 stars in half-star increments. 3 stars are earned when a school district meets state standards. 4 stars are earned when a district exceeds state standards. 5 stars indicate a district significantly exceeds state standards.
Proudly, the Brunswick City School District earned an overall rating of 4.5 stars for the second consecutive year! Only 169 of Ohio’s 607 public school districts earned an overall rating of 4.5 or higher. This puts our district in the top 30% of public schools in Ohio (click HERE for more information). Additionally, BCSD earned 4 stars for achievement, 4 stars for progress, 4 stars for gap closing, 5 stars for graduation, and 3 stars for early literacy. For more details, please click HERE to view the BCSD report card. Click HERE to see ODE's guide for understanding state report card metrics.
While report cards are important, they only provide one piece of information. Our school district has many positive things happening every day that cannot be measured by a report card. These are the intangibles that make BCSD a unique and special place.
Congratulations to the students and staff of our district for their tireless efforts and relentless dedication to excellence!
From the District's "B" Informed News Letter!
Join LLS- Team Brunswick For a Brighter Future to help Fight Childhood Cancer!
Upcoming Events & Opportunities at BHS
Do You Want to go to France in the Summer of 2026?
National Honors Society- Applications due by 10/10
See Austria, Germany & Italy This Summer of 2025
Interested in the Military? Talk to a Recruiter during lunch!
Senior Baby Picture Yearbook Ads!
College Tour Opportunity for Juniors, Sign up early!
Senior Yearbook Pictures
IMPORTANT information regarding senior photos and yearbook. Please read all the way through, make a plan to have your Senior Picture taken!
- ALL SENIORS MUST BE PHOTOGRAPHED by Cavanaugh Photography by December 16, 2024 to be included in the yearbook and on the class composite.
- Cavanaugh Photography will hold two Senior Mini Sessions on October 11 and 12 at BHS. This is ABSOLUTELY FREE for all seniors. This picture will be the one used in the yearbook and families will have an opportunity to purchase the pictures. Please sign up for your spot here.
- If you cannot make the mini sessions, please call Cavanaugh Photography Studios to schedule an appointment to get photographed before Dec 16. (440) 973 4390
- Yearbooks can be ordered at this link:Order your 2025 yearbook here!
If you have any questions, please contact, Mrs. Pinkerman at Cpinkerman@bcsoh.org
Cell Phone & Earbuds Policy
Cell Phone & Earbuds Policy
In an academic period/classroom, the expectation is cell phones and earbuds will be off. Teachers may utilize the classroom pocket chart to store phones. Students are not permitted to wear earbuds during an academic period/classroom during the day (earbuds will be stored out of sight in the personal backpack, pocket etc.)
Students leaving to go to the restroom, will not be permitted to take their cell phone with them. Cell phones remaining in the classroom will reduce distractions during instruction, taking pictures of other students during class, academic integrity, helps students disconnect from social media while increasing student engagement and achievement.
With Brunswick High School being a 1:1 school (all students have school issued Chromebooks), student’s personal cell phone devices aren’t necessary to be engaged in learning or to complete classwork. If a student needs to call home, they can report to the nearest office.
I ask for your support by talking with your child(ren) about the cell phone policy, expectations, the importance of being engaged in their learning, and to help ensure their academic success. I also ask that our parents are guardians refrain from texting and calling your child during school hours.
Start of the Year Information and Important Links
- BHS 2024-25 Homeroom List
- Final Forms Make sure to update contact your information, emergency contacts, etc.
- New student parking location, arrival and dismissal traffic patterns, parent drop off back west and center lot, and new one way exit on Boyer during dismissal.
- BCSD 2024-25 School Calendar
- PaySchools Parent Registration - Point of Sales Payment System for Lunch/Breakfast
- Free & Reduced Lunch Application
- Opt-In Transportation Link Complete if your family will be riding a bus to school
Football Tickets Pre-sale Student Tickets $5
No Backpacks or Balls/Toys/Noise Makers Permitted at Varisty Games
BHS Welcomes Bluey the Blue Devil!
New Attendance Office Location:
If your child is going to be absent, please call the appropriate attendance line each day. You can call the attendance line anytime day or night. Attendance lines are by grade level, please see the numbers below. Consider adding the attendance line as a contact in your phone.
9th/10th Grades (West Office): (330) 273-5964
11th/12th Grades (East Office): (330) 273-5966
NURSE: 330-273-0408
When picking up or dropping off your child: if they are coming in late or being picked up for an appointment, they MUST sign in and out at the New Attendance Office in the back West.
If you have any questions, please contact the grade level office.
If your child is sick and with the nurse, your child will be signed out at the Center Entrance Doors. For Safety reasons, never leave with your child without notifying and signing out with a grade level secretary, office or the Nurse.
BHS SAT, PSAT, & EOC/OST Transportation and Final Exam Changes
Just a reminder that the transportation changes set last year for the PSAT, SAT, Midterms, Final Exams, and Senior Exams are in place. Please reference the letters linked below for the remainder of this year and every year moving forward.
BCSD 2024-2025 Updated School Calendar
Brunswick High School Athletic Events
Mr. Jim Kovi
Athletic Director
Phone: 330-273-0496
Email: jkovi@bcsoh.org
Ms. Athena Fleming
Athletic Secretary
Phone 330.273.0496
Email: afleming@bcsoh.org
See Something, Hear Something, Say Something
The Brunswick City School District encourages students, teachers, staff, parents and other members of our community to report any instances of potential violence, bullying, self-harm or any other issue where our students may be at risk. Information about the SaferSchools Tip Line can be found on the Brunswick City Schools webpage. The Brunswick City School District partners with SaferSchools Ohio to provide our families with a free resource for keeping our schools safe. The anonymous tip line service helps alert local law enforcement to potential school safety crisis. By calling or texting the statewide tip line (844-SAFEROH), you can report anything that is suspicious or endangering to you, your friends or your school. The SaferSchools Tip Line accepts calls and texts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Thank you for keeping our Brunswick Community SAFE.
Upcoming dates to remember:
District & BHS Calendar of Events All Building. Quick event check to see what is happening around the district in all schools! Great one stop check for parents, guardians, and students.
*Dates, times, and locations can change. Please check newsletter for updates.
10/15 PSAT Day All Students in Grades 10 and 11- See note above
10/17 Safety Drill 8:35-9:20 AM - Adjusted schedule
10/18 End of First quarter
10/25 Blood Drive West Gym
10/28 Family First Night
11/5 Parent/Teacher Conferences Times TBD - NO SCHOOL
11/7 Picture re-take day
11/27 - 29 Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
12/14 Craft Fair - East Cafeteria
12/18 BHS Exams Adjusted Schedule
12/19 BHS Exams Adjusted Schedule
12/20 BHS Exams Adjusted Schedule
12/20 End of Second Quarter
12/23-1/6/2025 WINTER BREAK - Happy Holidays!
1/7 Students return from Winter Break and report to homeroom
1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
1/30 Excellence Celebration from 6:00-9:00 PM located in the PAC
1/31 Blood Drive West Gym
2/4 Parent/Teacher Conferences from 4:15-7:15 p.m.
2/17 President’s Day - NO SCHOOL
2/24 Family First Night
3/13 End of Third quarter
3/24-3/28 Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
4/15 SAT All 11th Grade Students (Dismissed after testing)
4/15 ELA II EOC Part 1 all 10th Grade Students (Dismissed after testing) OST
4/16 ELA II EOC Part 2 all 10th Grade Students (Delayed Start) OST
4/23 Biology EOC Part 1 and Part 2 OST
4/24 American History and Government EOC, Part 1 and Part 2 OST
4/29 Algebra and Geometry EOC and EOC Part 1 OST
4/30 Algebra and Geometry EOC and EOC Part 2 OST
*OST Ohio State Testing
5/10 Prom at Encore in Strongsville
5/22 Class of 2025 Commencement Ceremony is at 7:00 p.m. at the Stadium
5/26 Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
5/27 BHS Exams
5/28 BHS Exams
5/29 BHS Exams
5/29 End of fourth quarter - Last day for students
5/30 Last day for Teachers
Questions, Visit the Brunswick City Schools Website for Information!
BHS Website
Check the Brunswick High School website for daily announcements, updates on student achievements, upcoming events including state testing, adjusted schedules and other important information. Visit www.bcsoh.org, select Brunswick High School in the pull-down menu, and look at the tabs which include BHS News, District News, Events and Resources.
Follow us online, social media etc.
X @BCSDBrunswickHS
Athletics @BHSGoBigBlue
BCSD @BrunswickCSD
Brunswick City Schools & Brunswick High School Website www.bcsoh.org