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From the Principal's Desk
October 14 , 2024
October is an eventful month, learning is in full swing, and fall is in the air. We are thrilled to be a part of your child's education during this exciting time. We have focus time started in each grade level for reading and math. This is a time where students are placed with teachers based on their individual needs. We work on identifying specific goals for your child and progress monitor so that we are aware of what is working and what needs to be changed.
We've had a busy start to the month with Goodies with Grandparents or a special Grown Up, which was a fun event. We had over 350 guest for this event and raised over $8,000 at the book fair. Each classroom teacher will receive a swivel bookcase for their classroom. So thank you to all that attended our book fair.
Our fire assembly is scheduled for this week. It is a great reminder for students to learn about fire safety. Fires can have devasting effects. During a fire, flames and smoke can spread quickly and cause damgage to people and property. Our goal is to equip students with knowledge of what to do if this unfortuante situation occurs.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Tuesday, October 22 from 5-8 p.m. and Wednesday, october 23 from 1-4 p.m. and 5-8 p.m. If you have not had the opportunity to schedule a conference, please contact our office. We are excited to have the opportunity to celebrate all your child's successes here at school and work together to create the best learning environment that meets the need of your child. Our social work, intervention, enrichment, and special education teams will all be here to support and have the opportunity meet you as well. We look forward to building a strong partnership with you as we value working together to support your child's academic and social-emotional success!
We are planning our Veterans Day celebration for Friday, November 8. We are sending home information about the "Wall of Honor." We are hoping to fill the entire wall. We will have a table available during conferences so that you can drop off the forms and pictures if you wish.
My door is open, and I welcome comments, concerns, and questions.
Mrs. Reardon
Upcoming Events
- Oct. 16-20: Smiles on Wheels'
- Oct. 17: Retake Picture Day
- Oct. 18: End of 1st Marking Period
- Oct. 22: Parent-Teacher Conferences 5:00-8:00 p.m.
- Oct. 23: 1/2 Day of School with dismissal at 11:55 a.m.
- Oct. 23: Parent-Teacher Conferences 1:00-4:00 p.m. and 5:00-8:00 p.m.
- Oct. 25: Reports Cards will be sent home
- Oct.31: Halloween Parade to the Laurels and Halloween Parties
- Nov 8: Veterans Day Celebration
- Nov 8: Third Grade Music Performances in the afternoon
- 12:30 p.m. Bachler, Hodge, and Stillson
- 2:00 p.m. Fondren, Cross, and Mencke
- Nov 27-29: Thanksgiving Break
Hungry Howie's Pizza Night Fundraiser
"What's for dinner tonight?"
If you're anything like us, we hear this question every day! If you're tired of cooking, please consider ordering pizza WHILE supporting your child's classroom. When you place an order on our pizza night, mention your child's teacher's name, and the class with the most orders will win a pizza night. A percentage of sales on those nights is donated to our school.
Here are the dates of Jefferson's Hungry Howie's Pizza Nights:
- November 13
- December 11
- January 8
- February 12
- March 12
- April 9
- May 14
Thank you for supporting our school!!
Classroom News
Second Grade
Second grade also had the opportunity to meet Miss Molly for the first time this month. They are looking forward to continuing to work with her!
Third Grade
Third grade loved going to the book fair this month. Each student in Mrs. Fondren's class could spend $10 due to a generous donation from an anonymous donor! The joy of the students was priceless! Thank you to the anonymous donor!
Additionally, third-grade students got to experience the special CBPU program called the Monster Detective Collective. This program brought awareness to public power and career paths and taught the importance of making smart energy choices. Students could learn from our local utility heroes, explore the trucks, and touch the equipment. Students loved learning and exploring!
Many third-grade students were able to meet Miss Molly this month. She is still completing her training, but seeing her interact with the students in small doses has been exciting!
Thank you!
Grandparents Day
Grandparent's Day was amazing! We enjoyed celebrating our special guests, showing them around, and shopping with them in the book fair. Thank you to all of the grandparents, parents, and extraordinary people who attended the event! We loved seeing you!
Catch-up with the Boosters!
The Silent Auction will consist of donations from surrounding businesses, as well as other donated items. Each teacher-team will receive a theme from the Boosters and anyone can donate to that themed basket.
The Boosters will have a meeting on Wednesday, October 16th at 5:00 in the Jefferson library to further discuss fundraising opportunities and Fun Fair details.
Booster Meeting
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024, 05:00 PM
Jefferson Elementary School, Vans Avenue, Coldwater, MI, USA
Upcoming Events
Jefferson's Annual Halloween Parade to The Laurels
On Thursday, October 31st. we will be walking to The Laurels for our annual Halloween Parade. When we return we will have our building wide Halloween parade. Please look for more information from your child's teacher regarding classroom Halloween parties.
Jefferson's Annual Veterans Day Program
We look forward to celebrating the sacrifices our veterans have made for us to enjoy our freedoms. Please join us on Friday, November 8th at 9:00 a.m. for a light breakfast followed by our annual Veterans Day Program and Wall of Honor. We look forward to seeing you there!!
Veteran's Day Program
Friday, Nov 8, 2024, 09:30 AM
Third Grade Music Program
The third-grade music program will be held on Friday, November 8th. We're so excited to sing our Veteran's Day music to all of you!
12:30 p.m. - Bachler, Welker, Hodge, and Stillson
2:00 p.m. - Fondren, Mencke, Cross
Music Program
Friday, Nov 8, 2024, 12:30 PM
Custodian Appreciation
We are so appreciative of our custodial staff! Thank you for all you do for us to keep our school a clean and safe space for students!
Social Work Corner
Kindness and generosity are two of the most important qualities a child can develop as they grow. As the adult in their life, you can influence children to act on their empathy and show kindness to anyone they meet. So, try these six tips for teaching kids to be kind:
Discuss What Kindness Means and Looks Like
Grab a book like Rubylicious, where two of your kids' favorite characters — Pinkalicious and Peterrific — must decide what to do when they're granted one wish and end up learning how being selfless and kind is the best reward of all. After reading the story, you can talk to your child about what they learned from the story, such as how hard the decision was for Pinkalicious and Peter and what they gained by making the choice they did.
Use Play Pretend, Games, and Stories
While talking can be a productive way to teach kindness to kids, sparking their imagination with a silly game or an engaging story can be even better. Try having a smiling competition to show them just how contagious a bright smile really is, which can teach them this simple expression of kindness. Or, you can play the compliment game, where kids gather around in a circle and pass a ball back and forth. The child with the ball must compliment the person they're about to throw to before they toss the ball.
Be an Example of Kindness
Kids are incredibly observant, and they learn a lot about how to treat others by watching the adults in their life. Demonstrate kindness when you are out and about so that you can live by example and have stories to tell the children in your life.
Promote Kindness Through Selfless Habits and Experiences
You can encourage kids to become pros at showing kindness by helping instill good habits, like using manners, expressing gratitude or compassion, and doing random acts of kindness. Activities like volunteering or participating in community action will make for a great family bonding experience, as well as a chance to learn.
Help Them Understand That Kindness Isn't Always Easy
As adults, we know that sometimes being nice to someone can be hard, especially if that person hasn't been nice to us. However, one of the best lessons you can teach a child is to do the right thing and show kindness, even when you don't necessarily feel like it. Again, make sure to model that behavior, too, so they can learn by example.
Focus on How It Feels To Be Kind
Parents can offer stories from their own lives to demonstrate kindness, generosity, and empathy in the real world. Consider telling your kids of times when you experienced kindness from others or when you were kind to someone else. Focus on how good it made you feel to be the recipient of kindness or how you felt fulfilled from being nice to someone else.
I am looking forward to working with you and your students. Please reach out with any concerns you may have that I can assist with. I can be reached either by phone or email at: 517-279-5970 ext 105 or
News From the Enrichment Team
2nd Grade
We have started our year practicing steady beat as well as developing our singing voices. We have learned our Hello Song! Currently we are singing and doing activities with the song Apple Tree. We have also been working on rhythm review beginning with our Write the Room activity (see pictures). We will be adding half notes soon!
3rd Grade
We have also been working on steady beat and developing our singing voices. We have learned a fun Dr. Seuss vocal warm-up and are preparing some great patriotic songs for our 3rd Grade Music Program entitled We Honor Our Veterans. We are excited to perform for you!
3rd Grade Music Program
Friday, November 8, 2024
Jefferson Elementary Gym
12:30pm Bachler, Welker, Hodge, Stillson
2:00pm Fondren, Mencke, Cross
Students are working hard in P.E., we have learned some new games and have had quite a bit of fun. At this point in the school year we have been working on catching and throwing. We have also ran the mile run for the first official time and had a couple workout days as well. We have been working on pushups, situps, and holding the plank position for our workout days. I hope everyone is enjoying their time in P.E., I know the first quarter of the school year is closing in quickly.
Caring Cardinals
Here at Jefferson we continuously strive to build positive relationships with our students. Recent research has shown that building positive relationships can help increase students' trust and safety, increase student motivation and participation, provide students with a support system, and improve behavior. The list goes on and on as to why building these relationships are important. Not only is it important for our staff to build these relationships with our students. It is also just as valuable for our students to build positive relationships with each other. These interactions can help increase social skills, a sense of belonging, and an understanding of others' diversity and perspectives. To help us reach our goals, Jefferson is taking part in two new initiatives.
The first one, Cardinal Connections, is focusing on our Enrichment staff taking the time to build positive connections with students through a process called pairing. This is a term that is used in Applied Behavior Analysis. Pairing is a strategy used to establish a positive relationship between the educator and the learner. The goal of pairing is to create a sense of trust and reinforce the learner's motivation to engage and participate in activities. Cardinal Connection will occur 1x per week for 4 separate students for about 30 mins at a time. This will occur on a rotating schedule where new students will be selected after about 4 weeks.
Our next effort that we will begin to roll out is called Peer to Peer. The Peer-to-Peer START Project is an initiative designed to foster social connections and support among students, particularly those with autism or other developmental challenges. The focus is on creating peer relationships that enhance social skills, emotional support, and overall inclusion in school settings. Our focus students are typically those with IEPs and their peer partners are typically their classmates without those IEPs. The main focus is to use a participation model and not a helping model. Students with and without disabilities will come together to engage in shared activities where all students learn together in a reciprocal manner. With the help of our Branch ISD ASD consultants, Kristi Bronstetter and Steffany McConn we will begin this model in selected classrooms this fall.
When students feel valued and respected, they’re more likely to trust their teachers and peers and engage openly. Again, we are so excited to kick start these programs and continue to make a lasting impact on our students!
October is ADHD Awareness Month
As we recognize ADHD Awareness Month, it's a great time for all of us to reflect on how we can better support students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in classrooms. ADHD is a neurological condition that affects a student's ability to focus, control impulsive behaviors, and manage their energy levels. While ADHD can present challenges, it's important to remember that every student with ADHD is unique and has their own strengths.
Reading Tips.
It has been great getting to know many of your children this year and for those of you who have children returning; it has been great to see them again. Your children are reading all the time here at Jefferson. In their classrooms, when they go to Reading focus and sometimes at various special classes. Reading is a huge priority at this school. Sometimes parents ask me how they can help improve their reading. One of the first things that can be done is to be at school. We can't help them if they aren’t here. The more school a child misses the harder it is for the child to get the attention they need to improve. The second thing a parent can do to help is to have your child read 15-20 minutes a day after school. This can go a very long way in getting your child to be a proficient reader. Finally, when the child is done reading, ask the child what they read about. Ask them questions about the story like how does this help your life? Or, can you compare this to another story that we’ve read? In this way you are helping your child develop a deeper understanding that can really prosper a child’s reading ability.
News from our EL Classroom
Parent Conferences are right around the corner. Make every effort to meet with your child’s teacher, tell him or her that you are committed to your child’s education. You can request a translator from the school to attend these meetings, or bring a bilingual friend with you in order to translate. We also have translation devices that you can use with the teacher if needed.
Address Changes in Skyward
This is the process for changing addresses in Skyward:
- The parent needs to log in to their Skyward account and request the address change. Once you have done that, an email will automatically be sent to our Administrative Service Center, letting them know of the request to change the address.
- You will then need to turn in "proof of residency" - - that shows your name and current address. It could be a copy of a lease or mortgage, a copy of a utility bill, insurance bill, etc. You can turn that in either to Julie Fitch at the Administrative Service Center, or to the Jefferson office.
- Once we have the Proof of Residency, Julie Fitch will complete the address change in Skyward.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Julie Fitch at our Administrative Service Center at 517-279-5910, or the Jefferson office at 517-279-5970,
Have a great weekend!
Jefferson Elementary
Location: 15 Vans Avenue, Coldwater, MI, USA
Phone: 517-279-5970