Mayde Creek Junior High Updates
"Unparalleled Learning" Week of October 14th
Mayde Creek Junior High
Get in Contact
2024-2025 Grade Level Counselors
6th Grade - Natalie Biddle
7th Grade - La'Quinnesias Dunham
8th Grade - Chaz Clark
Student Support - Tamela Adams
2024-2025 Grade Level Assistant Principals
6th Grade - Karen Feldman
7th Grade - Mariolga Parra
8th Grade - Janae Miles
Student Support - Jettie Brookins
From Ms. Weaver
Hello Gator Family!
We hope you are enjoying your long weekend. We have a busy week ahead with football, volleyball, orchestra and choir. We hope to see you all out supporting our Gators. Thank you to all the volunteers who assists with our 7th Grade Fieldtrip. Our students had a blast and this was possible because of you. We appreciate you! Thank you to Central Baptist Church for bringing the Gators Donuts & Kolachies on Thursday!
The students are also looking forward to another Gator Grub on Friday. All student ID fees need to be paid by Wednesday (10/16) if they want to participate in Gator Grub. Any fees paid on Thursday or Friday will not count towards the Gator Grub on 10/18. We are also looking for volunteers for Gator Grub during all lunches on 10/18. Please sign up below.
Progress Report Grades will be visible later this week. Please remember that morning and after school tutorials are available everyday. We are looking forward to another great week ahead. Our PTA Fundraiser is still going strong, so don't miss out if you have not geared up for our GLOW RUN!
Weekly Events
October is Bullying Prevention Month
Digital Citizenship Week
Monday, October 14th:
- No School for Staff/Students
Tuesday, October 15th:
- Football Game vs. WMJH
- 7th Grade @Taylor High School(Games Begin @5:15 PM & Approx End Time 7:15 PM)
Wednesday, October 16th:
- Wear Orange for Unity Day
- ID Fees MUST be paid by 10/16 in order to participate in Gator Grub
- Football Game vs. WMJH
- 8th Grade @Taylor High School(Games Begin @5:15 PM & Approx End Time 7:15PM)
- Volleyball vs. WMJH
- 7th Grade @MCJH(Begins @5:30 PM)
- 8th Grade @WMJH(Begins @5:30 PM)
- Orchestra Concert @MCHS PAC(Begins@6:30 PM)
Thursday, October 17th:
- Volleyball Tournament
Friday, October 18th:
- Gator Grub( All ID fees must be paid by 10/16 to participate)
- Choir Fall Concert @MCJH @6PM
Saturday, October 19th:
- Volleyball Tournament
Upcoming Dates:
Friday, October 25th:
Friday, November 1st:
- Staff PD Day/No School for Students
Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship Week is October 14 – 18. Digital Citizenship is the responsible use of technology and the internet. Lessons are taught about specific topics such as: respectful communication when online, balanced and healthy use of technology, cyberbullying awareness, online privacy, and analyzing different forms of media for accuracy. Digital Citizenship will continue to be taught throughout the school year. We appreciate parents' support, and additional resources can be found on Katy ISD’s Digital Citizenship Webpage.
Dyslexia Awareness Month
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month, a time dedicated to increasing understanding and support for students and adults with dyslexia. It’s an opportunity for parents, educators, and communities to come together, share resources, and learn how to better support those with dyslexia. This month encourages recognizing the unique strengths and challenges of individuals with dyslexia and promoting the right tools and accommodations to help them succeed in school and beyond.
Click on the link to learn more about Dyslexia and Related Disorders. Katy ISD Dyslexia and Related Disorders Informational Website
Campus Safety & Security
Join us for a webinar on campus safety and security designed to provide parents and guardians with information about how we keep our Katy ISD students and staff safe. Learn about our safety protocols, emergency procedures, and the security measures in place to ensure a safe and secure learning environment.
Webinar Topic: Campus Safety and Security
Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Time: 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Webinar link: Campus Safety and Security Webinar
Student Deliveries Including Lunches
Parents we need to keep deliveries to emergencies only throughout the day. Students need to ensure they have everything they need when they leave the house in the morning. Students need to buy a lunch or pack a lunch. We cannot accept lunch deliveries from parents, Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc. Students can eat for free, so lunch deliveries are not necessary. We cannot accept deliveries of balloons, flowers, stuffed animals etc. for any occasion. Deliveries cause students to be late to class and be unsupervised in the hallways, so only Emergency Deliveries will be accepted in the front office. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Student IDs
All students received an ID, Sturdy Plastic Sleeve and Color Coded Sturdy MCJH Lanyard to start the year. The students are responsible for having this ID everyday around their neck at all times. If a student loses this ID, they are responsible for purchasing another one for $3. Our students have color coded lanyards for each grade level: 6th Grade Yellow, 7th Grade Green and 8th Grade Black. It is the campus expectation that they keep this lanyard on their ID. If students put their ID in their pocket, backpack or have it anywhere but around their neck, they will receive a 2 hour After School Detention. If a student accidently forgets their ID at home, they can purchase a temporary ID for $1. Students will receive a more significant consequence if purchasing a temporary becomes a pattern.
Unity Day: October 16th
Volunteer Opportunities
Gator Grub: Coming October 18th
Gator Grub Volunteers Needed:
Please come volunteer during our lunches for Gator Grub. The students love when the lines move fast:)
Attendance Matters
Title III Parent/Family/Community Engagement Events
Love & Logic
Love and Logic Parenting Classes will be offered at multiple campuses during the Fall semester of 2024. Participation options are listed in the chart below. Katy ISD families may register to attend any session. Dates for Love and Logic courses will also be posted on the Professional Learning website. Families who wish to participate in Love and Logic courses may pay $10 for the cost of the workbook with cash, check, or with the Pay ‘N Go system. Love and Logic Facilitators will arrange for parents to pick up materials. At least 10 participants are required for each session. If a minimum number of participants is not met, registered participants will be directed to an alternate session.
Join The PTA
We would love to welcome our parents and community into the CREEK. Your support creates more opportunities for your students and they enjoy seeing you around campus. Please join our PTA and make a difference at MCJH. We promise you will have fun!
Click here to join or Scan the QR Code below:
MCJH GLOW RUN......Come Join the FUN!!!!! (October 25th)
Having Trouble with the QR Codes??? Click on the links below......
Here is the link to sign up for the Booster Fundraiser.
Here is the link to register for the Race.
New Updates to the GLOW RUN
Our upcoming Glow Run is an essential fundraiser for our PTA. It will help support various activities, including but not limited to PALS, Athletics, 8th Grade Dance, PTA Programs, Staff Appreciation, Sunshine, Gator World, Class Field Trips, Class Celebrations and much more.
Win a free pair of Dunks!!!
Sign up for the Glow Run on Friday, October 25 from 6 to 8pm.
Register every morning in breakfast for just $2 or online with the link below.
Don't like to run you can still WIN!
Be the top fundraiser by signing up for Booster using the link below.
WAAG: Week At A Glance
If you do not see an update from a particular Content and or Grade Level, that team will send a personal e-mail with the weekly events.
Campus Address
2700 Greenhouse Road, Houston, TX, USA
Campus Phone
Building Principal, Ms. Amanda Weaver