Cougar Tracks
Weekly Crestview News - October 7
Wednesday, October 9 - Noon Dismissal Day (12:00p.m.)
Please try to not pick up early during our CATS time Fridays (1:15 - 2:15p.m.)
Thank you to all the families who visited Underwood Family Farms last week!
We hope all the families who visited Crestview's Giveback Days at Underwood Family Farms enjoyed their Harvest Festival. Our school and PTA will be receiving a check from Underwood Family Farms to donate $3 back from each paid admission! It was such an easy and fun event!
School Site Council
Help make important decisions for our school. Be part of... Crestview's School Site Council (SSC)!
The yearly objectives of the Council include:
- Assisting in the development of and recommend the school improvement plan
- Establishing a new school improvement budget in line with the Education code to reflect needs and priorities
- Acting as a hearing board for any person or group wanting to propose additions or changes to the Plan
- Disseminating information as needed to council members, parents, and school personnel
The bylaws set forth by our school district require our school site to have three (3) parent representatives of students attending Crestview and who are not employees.
We are also happy to have only three(3) meetings on our calendars for parents to attend. The meetings will be held on Wednesdays, October 16, February 19, and May 14 @ 3pm.
Please consider being part of the Crestview SSC, and let the office know. They will provide you with important information to how become a parent representative. Thank you.
PTA needs help! Volunteers needed!
UPDATE: All trunk-or-treat spots have been filled. We are looking forward to a great event!
Parents, we still need candy donations. It's easy and fast. Hope you can help make this a great success for the kids! Please bring bags of candy to the office.
We appreciate your time and effort. Thank you!!!
I hope everyone had a chance to see our Custodian Appreciation poster and gift last week (check out our Instagram if you didn't see it yet!)! Junior and Joe were so surprised and thankful! It's the first time we've recognized them with their own appreciation day, and we couldn't have done it without you. The notes and drawings from the students were so incredibly sweet!
We are still looking for a few parents to donate items for our next Staff Appreciation Fri-YAY coming up on October 25. You can view the wishlist HERE and sign up quickly and easily.
Our annual Raise Craze fundraiser is starting next week, and our entire Crestview team is so excited! Last year, we raised almost $20,000 and we are hoping to exceed that this year! It's our biggest fundraiser of the year, and the money goes directly back into our school programs!! Be on the lookout for information coming home and feel free to reach out with any questions about it!
As always, I'm here to help. Find me around school, or reach out by email - JenHooperHere@gmail.com
Until next week!
Your PTA President,
Jen Hooper
Make a difference for our students! Join PTA!
Don’t forget to tag your pics with #CrestviewSimiValley or #CrestviewCougarPride!
Dates to Remember
October 9: Minimum Day (12:00p.m. dismissal)
October 16: CAMP Day (wear appropriate shoes and clothes)
October 18: Fall Celebration - more info to come!
October 21-25: Fall Conferences (12:56p.m. dismissal all week)
October 28: CAMP Day (wear appropriate shoes and clothes)
October 28-29: Fall Conferences (12:56p.m. dismissal)
November 1: No School (Staff Development)
November 3: Daylight Savings ends
November 5: Picture Retake Day
November 11: Veterans Day - No School
November 25 - 29: Thanksgiving Break
Most Minimum Days, dismissal is 12:56p.m. There are 5 minimum days this school year that dismissal will be noon (12:00p.m.): September 11, October 9, February 5, April 9 and June 6.
All year - Mabel's Labels fundraiser.
Don't forget to wear your spirit wear for Fun Fridays!
Have fun pictures of our school events and kiddos?
Report absences within 5 days!
Fill out for each child separately.
Or Click Me!
Get more info on Crestview Elementary.
Injured student w/a medical device? Office must have this form to return.
Check your inbox for this weekly e-newsletter with important information on school events.
To read the bulletin in a different language, click the options at the top.
Para leer el boletín en un idioma diferente, haga clic en las opcións en la parte superior.
Crestview Elementary School
Home of CATS Academy
(Creative Arts, Technology & Science)
Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri.: 8:00a.m.- 2:30p.m.
Thursdays: 8:00a.m. - 12:56p.m.
CATS Academy (Fridays: 1:15 - 2:15p.m.): Parents are urged to not pick up early during this time.
Tardy? Call your child's hot lunch order in before 8:30a.m.
Absent? Use the Attendance Line (open 24/7). Call the office (805) 520-6715, option 1 to report your child's absence within 5 days.
**Please see all attachments. There may be e-flyers for community events and services.**
Website: crestview.simivalleyusd.org
Location: 900 Crosby Avenue, Simi Valley, CA, USA
Phone: (805) 520-6175
Facebook: facebook.com/CrestviewCATSAcademySVUSD
Twitter: @CrestviewSVUSD
**Remember, parking lot is for Crestview staff only, except disabled driver and visitor spaces.**