Newsletter-Week 2 Term Two
Newsletter 11 3 May 2023
Principal's Message
Kia Ora,
It was lovely to be back at school last week and also to see the children being so happy to be back.
The Sport and Cultural Day was cancelled, unfortunately. Thank you to the parents who offered to help with setting up, and helping run one of the many events and to those who offered to help with coaching and managing. It was certainly going to be a huge team effort to run an event like this.
3 Way Conferences were held yesterday afternoon and again today. Thank you for making the time to meet with your children’s teacher.
The Mini Marathon is scheduled for this Friday. We have over 200 children entered into this event so a big uptake from children. Fingers crossed that the weather is good for running on that day. We will notify you early Friday morning if there is a change of programme or cancellation.
Year 4-6 children Cross Country 2023
This is scheduled for May 24th. Parents please fill in this form if you haven’t already.
Cross country - Transport & Help
Holiday reading Logs need to be returned by tomorrow, at the latest, for the children to be eligible for the draw and pizza lunch.
Monday 15th May school photos will be taken. Children will be taking home information about the purchasing of photos shortly.
Have a great week.
Here are the Term 2 Dates.
Wednesday 3rd May
Goal Setting Conferences
Friday 5th May
Mini Marathon
Tuesday 9th May
Rip Grip and Whip MTB Event
Monday 15th May
School Photos
Tuesday 16th May
Rugby 9s Tournament (Girls)
Thursday 18th May
Ascension Liturgy
Wednesday 24th May
Yr 4-6 School Cross Country 12.30 pm - 2.30 pm in the Redwoods.
Friday 26th May
Pentecost Mass. 9.00 am
Chess Tournament Taupo (16 players)
Monday 29th May
Chess Regionals at St Mary’s
Monday 5th June
King's Birthday (Public Holiday School Closed)
Tuesday 6th June
Kahui Ako Teacher Only Day at Aquinas Tauranga
Monday 12th June
Chess Tournament Tauranga (16 players)
Tuesday 13th June
CBOP cross country
Friday 16th June
Sacred Heart Mass.(9.00 am)
Monday 19th June
Golf Fun Day
Tuesday 20th June
BOP Cross Country Championships
Friday 30th June
Last Day of Term 2
David Macmillan.
Director of Religious Studies
In Week 4 the Kakano team will be leading our Ascension Liturgy. This feast day commemorates the ascension of Jesus into Heaven after 40 days after his resurrection. It signifies that Christ completed his work on Earth and allowed him to prepare for his followers in Heaven.
In Week 5 we have our Pentecost Mass on the 26th of May. In the New Testament, Pentecost was the occasion of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus. You are all welcome to join us on these special celebrations.
Have a great week.
Take care, God bless.
Lorna Dobson
Lucky Bookclub
Lucky book orders due back 12 May 12 noon, no late orders please. Please ensure that your child’s name and classroom number are on the order form, otherwise the order will remain in the office. There are 2 ways of paying either 1) through the loop system which is on web page LUCKY Book Club | Scholastic New Zealand and selecting the parent’s tab, or 2) paying cash and sending the money and order form to the school office. If the order is a gift then please mark this clearly and you will be contacted to collect the order from the office.
Lucky books donates the school 15% of the total amount spent to purchase extra books or on classroom resources
School Photos
As well as class photos, there will be an option to have sibling photos.
Girls must wear their red woollen jerseys, with hair tied back.
Boys to wear blue tops.
Showquest 2023
If there are any parents interested in sponsoring our showquest, or would like to help with sewing or sourcing costumes, please email Jane Trask :
Many thanks.
It's exciting to see so many of our children signing up and participating in sport.
Enjoy a new term of sport and please show your appreciation to your coaches and managers for giving up their time. Without these amazing people we would not have teams.
Play Hard, Play Fair and most of all have FUN!
Sports Payments Friendly reminder notices are going out this week. If you are unsure of whether or not you have paid, you can always ring the office to check.
Netball Uniforms - Netball uniforms need to be handed in by the end of next week the 12th of May.
Minimarathon - A notice will be emailed out today or tomorrow with details of the day. This can also be found online under SPORTS.
Ngā mihi
Shanelle McCashin
Please send any team photos through to