January 2024
Happy New Year from Douglas County School District!
How do I...
DCSD Spotlights
Douglas County graduates 90% of students, one of the highest rates on the Front Range
Douglas County School District saw a 90.8% graduation rate in the 2022-23 school year, one of the highest rates in the Front Range. Data from the Colorado Department of Education shows the district is also doing significantly better than the state average of 83.1%. The district’s class of 2023 received almost $118 million in scholarships and saved an estimated $4.5 million in higher education costs through concurrent enrollment, according to the district. Read more. >>
TSA: So Much More than Technology
TSA is about so much more than technology! Fashion design, architecture, debate, graphic design, and more - the Technology Student Association (TSA) annual competition helps prepare DCSD students for future careers in technology and innovation. They design, solve problems, and build a variety of inventions with the hope of taking first place at the state competition next month. Here's a quick peek at some of this year's creations and the inventors behind them.
Sage Canyon's "Roots & Shoots" Connects Students to the Natural World
Lessons in gardening are taking root at Sage Canyon Elementary. The school’s newest offering, Roots & Shoots, has students digging in the dirt, planting seeds, and experimenting with different methods of growing plants. It’s environmental science in a fun, hands-on way.
Based on Jane Goodall's program of the same name, the focus is on learning about and loving the natural world and becoming compassionate leaders within the school and outside the community.
Roots & Shoots is a specials class, like art, gym, and music for Sage Canyon students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. So far the children have conducted studies of monarch butterflies and created beautiful works of art and stories. Read more.>>
Important Updates and News from Around DCSD
Kindergarten Registration is Now Open
Douglas County School District Kindergarten offers:
- Structured, Rigorous, Play-Based Curriculum
- Small Class Sizes
- Authentic Learning Experiences
- No Tuition (Full-Day Kindergarten is Free!)
- Balanced Beginnings: a staggered transition to build stronger teacher/student relationships and ease the transition into school
Learn more about the enrollment process »
DCSD Preschool Students enrolled before January 1, 2024 will automatically be registered for Kindergarten at their neighborhood elementary school.
Foundation for Douglas County Schools Collecting School Supplies for Mid-year Lend a Hand Drive
The mid-year Lend a Hand School Supply Drive will run through Friday, January 26, and supplies can again be dropped off at DC Libraries and Douglas County Office Depots.
Most needed items include:
- Regular and Fine Tip Dry Erase Markers
- Regular and Fine Tip Markers and Red Pens
- Kleenex, Hand Sanitizer and Clorox Wipes
- Card Stock and Index Cards
- Scissors (Elementary & Secondary)
- Colored Pencils
- Head Phones
- Glue Sticks and Sticky Notes
- Pocket Folders (with & without brads)
- Graphing Paper and Calculators
We appreciate your support - we know our teachers will be abundantly grateful for this mid-year school supply boost!
2024 Douglas County Outstanding Youth Award Nominations
The Outstanding Youth Award recognizes teenagers between the ages of 13 and 19 who have overcome personal adversity and created positive change in their lives. The Youth Awards focus on teenagers who have triumphed over great odds and serve as inspirations and role models. If you know young people who would be good candidates for the Youth Awards, please help identify them by completing the nomination form.
Award winners receive a cash gift! Nomination forms are due by: Friday, March 29.
The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story
With Laura Stack, Founder and CEO of Johnny's Ambassadors
Wednesday, January 24 | 6:15 p.m.
Chaparral High School - Mary Gill Theater
Parent University: The Role of Today's School Counselor
Wednesday, January 31 | 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
National School Counselor Week is the week of February 5-9! Join Dr. Kelli Smith, Director of Health, Wellness and Prevention and DCSD Lead Counselors Renee Cawley and Kambi Crabb, to discuss how students can best leverage their school counselor. Specifically, data will be shared on our DCSD counseling programs' impact on students' achievement and engagement in our schools. Register today!
Good News
Board of Education
Board of Education Special Meeting
Tuesday, January 23 at 3:45 p.m.
Watch live on YouTube or on Comcast Channel 54
Board of Education Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 23 at 5:00 p.m.
Watch live on YouTube or on Comcast Channel 54