Jenkins Journal
Herschel V. Jenkins High School

H.V. Jenkins Journal, Monday, March 10, 2025, 2nd Semester Week 10
#Attendance Matters #MissSchool #MissOut
Herschel V. Jenkins High School
"Herschel V. Jenkins believed that education was the key to improving lives, the cornerstone of a strong community, and the path to a better world."
1800 E Derenne Ave,│ Savannah, GA 31406
Tel:(912) 395-6300
Dr. Justin Durham, Principal
Mr. Alfred Williams, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Faria Polite, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kristen Wilson, Assistant Principal
Ms. Kaney Ballance, Dean of Students
Greetings Warrior Nation!
In 2024-2025, the Georgia School Climate Surveys (GSCS) for students, teachers, staff, and families will replace the Georgia Student Health Survey (GSHS), the Georgia Parent School Climate Survey (GPSCS), and the Georgia School Personnel Survey (GSPS). This new suite of surveys, aligned with Georgia’s Systems of Continuous Improvement, will provide more actionable data for district and school leaders, reduce the number of questions for students, and eliminate most other GaDOE survey requirements.
Student Survey: https://survey.gadoe.org/HS?sid=08DF43E2
Family Survey: https://survey.gadoe.org/FM?sid=3973A0A2
SCCPSS GSCS Administration Dates: February 3rd to March 31st
HVJ Robotics Team wins the Sustainability Award
HV Jenkins High School Annual Family Survey - Spring 2025
The Title I Family Evaluation Survey is now available!
Parents and Guardians-Please complete the Annual Evaluation Survey by March 18, 2025, by clicking on the hyperlink below!
March 4-Class ring drop-off for those seniors that ordered
March 21-Movie Night
March 31-Last day to pay senior dues (School Cash)
April 7-Caps and Gowns will be distributed during all lunches (Senior dues must be paid in order to receive your Cap and Gown)
April 7-Last day to turn in Community Service. Extensions will not be given beyond this date.
April 8-Senior Yard Sign pickup (Package A & B)
April 10-Senior T-shirt (Package A & B)
April 11-Universal Studios Grad Bash. Payment can be made through Kelly Tours
April 14-Last day to turn in prom guest form. Forms are required if your guest is a not a Jenkins student
April 18-Last day to pay for prom ticket.
April 21-Last day to turn in prom early release forms. Early release is for Juniors and Seniors only.
April 25-Prom at Riverfront Marriott, 8PM. Tickets are $85 (School Cash).
May 1-Decision Day. HVJ Gym, 9:30 AM.
May 1-Tenative yearbook signing for seniors.
May 5-9-Senior Exams
May 5-9 Senior Week
May 9-Last Day for Seniors. Seniors with Chromebooks will turn them in during the
week of May 5-9.
May 12-Honors Brunch (Honor Grads). Honors Graduates will be notified.
May 13-All fines must be cleared to participate in practice
May 14-17-Graduation Practice (Jenkins 8 AM-12 PM) and Senior Week activities.
May 19-Graduation EnMarket Arena 1 PM, senior report time 10: 30 AM,
practice 11 AM-12 PM
May 20-22--Diploma pickup 8 AM-11AM, Jenkins
Senior Week: May 5-9
May 5-Powder Puff Football Game
May 6-Senior Nostalgia Movie Night
May 7-Silent Headphone Party
May 8- Field Day
May 9-Senior Lock-In
Senior Week May 12-16
May 12-Paintball
May 13-Frames and Games
May 14-Senior Breakfast, graduation practice day 1. Cords , stoles and awards will be
distributed the first day of practice.
May 15-Graduation practice day 2 , Star Castle (Laser Tag, Roller-skating)
May 16-Graduation practice day 3, Senior Cookout.
SCCPSS School Nutrition Survey
Jenkins Student Spotlight
Warrior Council
Warrior Council members volunteered at this weekend's Spoken Language Contest sponsored by the Foreign Language Association of Georgia. Students helped contestants find their room, helped organize the judges, and announced awards and prizes. FLAG President Elect Tavane Moore said our students were "respectful problem solvers and incredibly helpful" and "represented the school well."
GHSA Literary Region
The Literary team competed at the GHSA Literary Region event at Calvary Day School. The results are as follows:
Essay - Personal (Livette Tatsinkou) - 1st Place
Dramatic Interpretation - Duo (Sakiah Adams and Saniah Adams) - 2nd Place (honestly was a toss up for 1st)
Music - Girls Trio (Kylie Farmer, McKenzee Smith, Gissell Garcia | Alternates: Alexis Parker, Madison Mike, Alyssa Rogers) - 3rd Place
These students represented Jenkins with Warrior pride and I am very proud of their efforts today and throughout the past two months. Congrats to them all on a job well done and a special thanks to Mrs. Golden for much assistance throughout the process as well.
Thank you all for your time and continued support of the Arts at Jenkins High.
Chorus Students and Concert
HVJ Track Team Update
Warrior Nation,
I wanted to share this semester's Track & Field meet schedule so you can stay informed about our upcoming competitions and continue supporting our amazing student-athletes. Also, I’m excited to announce that both our boys’ and girls’ teams placed 2nd overall at the Savannah Country Day Varsity Meet this past weekend! 🎉 Their hard work, dedication, and perseverance truly paid off, and we couldn’t be prouder of them.
Please join me in congratulating our student-athletes on their outstanding performance! If you see them in the hallways, give them a shoutout for their dedication and success.
Thank you for your continued support of our athletic programs!
Dr. Perry's Freshmen Level Engineering Students
Freshmen level engineering students designed and 3d printed their own chess piece sets this week as a cumulative activity for quarter 3. On Friday, March 7, we played some friendly chess in our beautiful learning commons and encouraged students to join the Jenkins Chess club, which meets every Friday after school!
Hunter Army Base
Jenkins students at the Hunter Army Base on Tuesday. They are interested in military careers, and we got lots of useful information for post-graduation options.
Capturing Greatness
Important Student Reminders
Scholarship Opportunities!
Good afternoon, Class of 2025!
Please see the link below for a listing of local scholarship opportunities available from the Savannah Community Foundation. All scholarship applications must be submitted by April 4, 2025.
Apply, apply, apply!!! Scholarships=free money for college!
Gulfstream Application Packet (Only Rising Juniors and Seniors may apply) Items to include in Packet:
- Resume
- Cover Letter – at least (3) paragraphs typed and emailed to Ms. Washington
- Tailored for Gulfstream position--why would you like to work there/your skills
- One-page application—See Ms. Washington in room #2322
(3) Letters of Recommendation—See Ms. Washington in room #2322
Email Resume and Cover Letter to Ms. Washington at Daisymae.washington@sccpss.com
Few Reminders:
- Students may apply for 3 positions at Gulfstream
Students will have to be enrolled in the WBL class next school year and work a minimum of 15 – 20 hours per week.
- This apprenticeship is a priority. Performing in sports and extra curriculum activity will may lower your chances in getting hired
*After the student returns all of the items in the packet then students MUST apply for the Gulfstream online in the presence of Ms. Washington in room #2322*
LAST Day to apply is Thursday March 14th
College Applications Fees Waived in March!
Class of 2025 Students and Parents!
Georgia Student Finance Commission is partnering with University System of Georgia, Technical College System of Georgia and private universities across the state to provide Georgia high school seniors application fee waivers during the month of March.
Please see the link below for a list of colleges in Georgia that have waived college applications, allowing students to apply for free to colleges during the month of March.
After School GMAS Math Tutoring
Mrs. Silva will have GMAS tutorial in her room every Monday starting 3/3/25 from 2:30pm-3:30pm.
Community Service Opportunity
Compensatory Programs is seeking dedicated students to help assemble 400 hygiene kits. This is a wonderful opportunity to earn volunteer hours while giving back to the community.
If you have any students in need of Community Service Hours for graduation, please have them contact Mrs. Monica Daughtry at (912) 395-1405 for more information.
Legit 2 Lit-Jenkins Chapter
Please join 2 Legit 2 Lit-Jenkins Chapter on the following dates to earn community service hours.
Dates: March 22, April 12 and May 3.
For additional information contact Heidi Friede at heidi.friede@sccpss.com
All supplies and refreshments will be provided.
Class of 2025 Community Service Requirement
Attention Seniors: Please remember per SCCPSS board policy that 20 hours of community service is a requirement for graduation. All community service documentation must be turned in to your assigned school counselor by Monday, April 7, 2025. Seniors who do not complete this requirement will not be eligible for graduation, including participating in the graduation ceremony. Community Service documentation logs can be picked up in the school counseling center.
Parent Information
Administrative Team
Mrs. Faria Polite, Assistant Principal
Ms. Kaney Ballance, Dean of Students
Mr. Alfred Williams, Assistant Principal
Two Way Communication
Our school mission is to ignite a passion for learning and teaching at high levels. Herschel V. Jenkins High Schools will provide a world-class educational that produces students of character prepared for the future. To ensure we communicate the necessary information to our stakeholders, I would encourage parents/guardians to contact me @ Justin.Durham@sccpss.com to share ways to improve our communication. We will correspond every Sunday via Bright Arrow (Parent and student email), JHS Facebook, the JHS webpage, and the SCCPSS webpage. Please let us know if you are not receiving this correspondence at (912) 395-6300 .
Email: Justin.Durham@sccpss.com
Website: https://spwww.sccpss.com/schools/jenkins/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 1800 E Derenne Ave, Savannah, GA 31406
Phone: (912) 395-6300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialhvj?mibextid=LQQJ4d