CTS Snapshot
Welcome to our CTS Snapshot - a weekly celebration update. We are delighted to share with parents and carers alike student triumphs at Corby Technical School. We are proud of every student and every success they have - please feel free to share with us any achievements they might have.
Snapshot News:
Cambridge University Visit
Students visited the Engineering Department at Cambridge University. Students had the opportunity to tour the campus and learn about biomedical engineering, making wireless charges and creating structures with different materials.
Katie - Trampoline Finals
Year 9 student Katie has achieved yet more success as she was awarded 5th place representing East Midlands in the Team Trampoline Finals at the National Indoor Arena in Birmingham.
Year 9 - Leicester University
A group of Year 9 students enjoyed a tour of the University of Leicester campus and its facilities. Students were very impressed by what the university offers.
Stars of the Week:
- Miss Longhurst has nominated the following Year 10 students for their hard work and fantastic efforts in GCSE History, Bella, Abbie, Sophie, Harry, Alex, Maddie, Emily, Aidan, Dominika, Adam, Ewan, Matish and Tamzin.
- Miss McGrath has nominated her Year 10 Scientists for their focus and hard work during revision lessons. Also nominated are Year 9 students Halle and Grace 9T and Debony, Morgan and Lewis 9C for the brilliant work they produced when revising atomic structure.
- Mr Cox has nominated the 7TE for a great attitude to learning in Science this week. Also nominated are Year 12 Biologists for their hard work during revision for their exams.
- Mr Harley has nominated 7S for making high quality Frisbees using the schools vacuum forming machine. They designed and made their own log then cut it out in MDF to use as part of the mould.
- Mr Gourlay would like to congratulate all Year 11 students who completed their Microsoft Office Specialist qualification this week. Also nominated is Jack 9S for his commitment and improvement with his Python programming skills in Computer Science. The resilience he has shown has been remarkable.
- Miss Connellan has nominated Year 9 students Liam, Paris and Ellie forexcellent efforts in English.
- Miss Ferns has nominated Year 8 students Ashley, Jack and Darci (Year 8 Maths Leaders) for producing resources and presenting a Maths lesson.
Miss Watt has nominated her Year 9 German class for excellent GCSE exam skills work ahead of their EOY assessments.
Miss Fenner has nominated Year 10 student Megan for her hard work on Speech and Article writing. Also nominated are Year 8 students Lukas and Jermaine for their effort in English this week and Year 7 students Sanjai, Atish and Cameron for their hard work in English.
Celebration of Student Work:
BWT Bake Off
This week our students created Tiffin. Star Bakers this week were Ana and Tamiska.
Year 7 - Design and Technlogy
Our Year 7 students have finished designing their frisbees ahead of their trip to Hunstanton. Pictured are the frisbees made by 7ST.
CTS Art Students
Pictured is an amazing piece of work by Emma 10S
Attendance Matters
Every single day a student is absent from school equates to a day lost of learning. At Corby Technical School we pride ourselves in maintaining excellent attendance. Our target is to achieve and maintain a whole school attendance of above 96.5%. We will be giving you weekly updates on our whole school attendance, the tutor group and house who achieved the highest attendance this week.
Whole School Attendance
School attendance (excluding Year 11) this week is 95.18%.
Best Tutor Group
Best tutor group this week are 7TA with 100% attendance, well done to all in 7TA and Miss Benson
House Winner
S house are this weeks winners with 89.09%, well done to everyone in Stephenson and Swirles.
- Year 11 Prom is being held on Friday 29th June, all parents/carers have been sent a letter outlining the final details for the evening. If your child is attending please complete the reply slip with your emergency contact details and return to school.
- Following on from the final meetings this week regarding the Year 8 and 9 residential trips, please ensure you have returned the medical form and behaviour contract along with your child's EHIC card and passport.
Corby Technical School
Email: enquiries@corbytechnicalschool.org
Website: www.corbytechnicalschool.org
Location: Cottingham Road, Corby, United Kingdom
Phone: 01536 213100
Twitter: @CTSCorby