MCHS Community Newsletter
Nov. 17 - Deadline to order school clothing. Visit our website to view the online store.
Nov. 25 -District Close-Out Day. There will be no school for students in our region as staff will be engaged in Professional Learning.
Nov. 26 - MCHS will be closed to students for School Development Day.
Dec. 2 - MCHS will be closed to students for Report Card Preparation and Professional Learning
Dec. 5 - Report Cards distributed
Dec. 10 - MCHS Christmas Concert
Dec. 11 - Family-Teacher Conferences (1:30PM-4:00PM & 5:30PM-7:00PM)
MCHS Remembrance Day Ceremony
Our Remembrance Day Ceremony took place on Nov. 8th. This school wide assembly is an important one for us at MCHS. We are grateful for the attendance of members of the Royal Canadian Legion, members of the Canadian Rangers, members of the RCMP, and many of our own students who are members of the Royal Sea Cadet Corps. We want to thank Ms. Kavanagh for her efforts in planning this ceremony and the teachers, students, and community partners who make it possible.
MCHS Got Talent.....and Generosity!
Big thanks to everyone who came to our talent show and to those who made a donation to the local food banks! Hats off to MCHS student leaders and all performers. It was a great evening! Many thanks to Ms. Brushett and Ms. White and to the student leaders who organized this event. We will share news about our upcoming Christmas Event in the coming weeks.
A Spooktactular Halloween!
We had a great Spooky Spirit Week leading up to Halloween. Lots of students and staff members participated in the Spooktacular Time! Teachers took part in a "Which Witch is Which" activity where students competed to guess the "Witch". Thanks Ms. Walsh and Ms. Evans for organizing the fun!
Calming Corners
In addition, we have an area of our school dedicated to plants. People are welcome to check them out and to use the watering can that is available to give them some care.
Ms. Walsh, and some students, are caring for our aquatic friends in the fish tank located between our two science labs.
Opportunities for Students
Royal Canadian Legion Remembrance Contest - Details posted outside Ms. Kavanagh's Room (213). The deadline for submissions is Nov. 13th. Information can also be found here.
Arts and Letters Awards - Details posted outside Ms. Kavanagh's Room (213). The deadline for submissions is Nov. 20th. Information can also be found here.
Creative Arts Contest-Confederation 75 - information can be found here.
NL Energy - Challenge for Change Engineering Competition.
On November 21st we have a group of Physics students who will be travelling to St. Lawrence to participate in NL Energy - Challenge for Change Engineering Competition. Thanks to Mr. Mayo for accompanying the team. Good luck to all involved!
Thank You to Home Hardware!
Thanks to Home Hardware for the generous donation to our Breakfast Program! We run a "Grab-and-Go" breakfast Monday-Friday. We are incredibly grateful to have such awesome community partners!
Report Cards and Family-Teacher Conferences
First Term Reporting Period
Our term one report cards will be distributed on Dec.5th. Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences will take place on Dec. 11th from 1:30-4:00PM and 5:30-7:00PM. We look forward to seeing you all!
While assessment and feedback happen on a consistent basis in our classrooms, these formal reporting periods give us a chance to share a snapshot of your child's progress. As parents/guardians, you are important partners in learning. We strongly encourage effective communication between school and home. We are hopeful that you can join us for these conferences.
From the Guidance Office
-CNA is hosting 'CNA Day' on November 13th from 9:00am-7:00pm. Students and their parents/caregivers are invited to drop by the campus for a tour, to get information regarding programming, scholarships, student aid, accessibility services, etc.
- For any students that have applied to MUN and recently received their general acceptance email, they need to log into their account online and accept the offer. If they need help doing that they can see Ms. Cusick
- Any Grade 12 students that are interested in applying to trades/college programs need to do so as soon as possible because these programs are first come first served, and they fill up fast. So the longer they wait to apply the more likely it is that they will be placed on a waitlist for their chosen program. If they need help applying they can see Ms. Cusick.
- Any Grade 12s that are interested in a career in medicine should check out the Discovery Days in Health Sciences virtual event being hosted on December 4th. It is an opportunity to explore the different careers that are available to you in the medical field through workshops with people who currently work in these professions. If this sounds like something you would like to participate in you can talk to Ms. Cusick about it because there is a registration process.
- The Health and Wellness sub-Committee of Student Leadership meets regularly to discuss ways to promote health and wellness in our school community. If anyone would like to join our committee see Ms. Cusick to find out when the next meeting is being held.
MCHS Clippers Capture back to back Sportsmanship Banners!
Congratulations, as well, to our Girls Softball Team! The girls were named winners of the Sportsmanship banner at the 3A provincial tournament in Glovertown. Madison Mitchell was named the team's Most Sportsmanlike Player. Thanks to Ms. Cusick and to Ms. Vinnicombe for their time with the team and thank you to our parent volunteers.
Boys Softball
Congratulations to our Boys Softball team on their performance at the 4A Provincial Tournament in Carbonear. Thanks to Mr. Dixon and to our parent volunteers!
Rained Out...
Unfortunately, heavy rain caused the cancelation of the Provincial boys 4A Soccer Tournament that was scheduled to be held in St. Lawrence. We are waiting to hear about an alternate date for this tournament and will share that information when it becomes available. Thanks to Mr. Brushett for his time with this team.
Indoor Soccer
Try-outs have started for the girls and boys indoor soccer teams. See Mr. Brushett for more information.
Basketball and Volleyball
There are sign up sheets outside the gym for those interested in playing basketball and volleyball.
Wellness Activities
Our Health and Wellness committee is working on a plan for Wellness Activities for students. A date for these sessions will be announced in the coming days. Students will be asked to sign up for a wellness activity (or activities) of their choosing. Please note, some of the activities will require permission slips.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Ongoing Clubs and Activities
Art Club and Fabrication Club (Ms. Powell-Sellars), Drama Troupe (Ms. Vinnicombe, Ms. Brushett, and Ms. White), Dart Club (Mr. Jeff Moulton), Dungeons and Dragons Club (Ms. Inkpen), Leadership Group (Ms. White and Ms. Brushett), and Health and Wellness Committee (Ms. Cusick) are all up and running. Many thanks to the teachers and volunteers who are leading these initiatives. If you have questions about any of these clubs, please contact the main office or the respective teacher-sponsor. Check out the daily announcements on the main page of our school website for details on extra-curricular activities. There is always updated information regarding club meetings and upcoming initiatives being shared on the PA, on our announcement slideshow, and on our website.
Career Education - Volunteer Hours Opportunities
Opportunities for students to get volunteer hours are announced regularly in school and on our daily announcements slideshow outside the main office. You can also find these opportunities, along with the Volunteer Hours Tracking Sheet, under the "Resources" section of our school website.
MCHS Spirit Wear/School Clothing Order
The MCHS Fall School Clothing store is linked on our school website. The deadline to order is Nov. 17th. Orders will be shipped to MCHS for distribution.
Please note, our Graduate Hoodie/Clothing order will take place early in the new year.
Staff Spirit Week!
We had lots of laughs during our recent "Underground Spirit Week"! Staff members quietly (not so much) dressed for theme days while we waited for our students to catch on to the fun! Big thanks to our staff members...and our students for being such good sports!