Wyalusing Area School District
RAM eNews
October 2019
Curriculum Connections
PA. Dept. of Education Changes High School Graduation Requirements
Pennsylvania adopts five pathways to graduation. Take a look at the resources provided to learn more about these new requirements. If you have additional questions, please contact your child's school counselor.
Did you know... the Wyalusing Area School District facilitates an online Cyber School program? Ram Virtual School (RVS) currently has 36 full-time students involved in the program and another 22 part-time students. This program provides unique learning opportunities for students who desire an online learning platform.
RVS Saves Tax Payer Dollars...
RVS, which serves as an alternative to the costlier cyber programs available across the state, has proven to save tax payer dollars. During the 17-18 school year, $559,285 of WASD tax payer dollars went to cyber school costs and in the 18-19 school year that number dropped to $426,697 for 34 students. While any dollar leaving our district for cyber programs is a drain on the budget, RVS has been an attractive alternative to other cyber programs and benefits the financial picture of our district since RVS costs are significantly less than the other cyber school options. Additionally, RVS provides special education compliance and progress monitoring as well as an enhanced level of rigor and attendance requirements that are often found to be inept and inconsistent with the competition.
If RVS wasn't available...
The costs to educate students who were interested in cyber school would surpass $700,000 of tax payer dollars leaving our district to pay for cyber schools with limited accountability.
If you have questions regarding Ram Virtual School, please contact:
Dr. Deana Patson
Coordinator of Curriculum and Instructional Technology
570-746-1600 x3010
Staff Spotlights
Meet Laura Carr- Director of Human Resources and Facilities
Laura joined the administrative team in May of 2019 after serving many years in the human resources department at Guthrie Hospital. Laura brings a wealth of knowledge to her new role at WASD and has already begun the process of streamlining the hiring process and record keeping requirements associated with her HR role. Additionally, Laura is responsible for the leadership of the Facilities Department. She is currently expanding her knowledge to ensure efficient management of district assets and resources. Laura is married to Chris and has a stepson named Kix. Laura is also expecting her first child in March 2020.
Email: lcarr@wyalusingrams.com
Website: www.wyalusingrams.com
Location: 11450 Wyalusing New Albany Rd, Wyalusing, PA, USA
Phone: 570-746-1600
Meet Jessica Palmeri
Jess serves as a contracted School Social Worker through a partnership with the Northern Tier Counseling Center. Jess is in her second year serving students in the Wyalusing Area School District. As part of her responsibilities, Jess serves on the Student Assistance Team (SAP). Jess is also able to provide a level of counseling for students and families in need of support services. Jess is very familiar with county assistance services across the region and is able to connect students and families with social service agencies and support programs in the Bradford County region.
Jess facilities group counseling as well as individual therapy sessions with a focus on removing the barriers to success while also offering support services to students. Jess works closely with the School Guidance Counselors. If you would like to learn more about the opportunities provided by Jess, you may contact her directly using the information below or speak with your child’s guidance counselor.
Email: jpalmeri@wyalusingrams.com
Website: http://www.northerntiercounseling.com/contact-us/
Phone: 570-746-1600
Meet Karen Long
Karen serves as the Career Coach for K-12 students. Karen is able to provide services to students in the Wyalusing Area School District as a result of a partnership with the Northern Tier Regional Planning and Development Commission (NTRPDC). This position is partially funded through a state grant awarded to NTDPDC.
Karen’s primary responsibilities include fostering relationships and connections between business, industry, and education. The goal for this position is to provide opportunities and make business connections for students to meet the state career standards as well as provide career exploration opportunities for students.
Email: klong@wyalusingrams.com
Website: https://www.northerntier.org
Dr. Bottiglieri serves as guest columnist
ACTION After School Program
Alicia Kirkpatrick
HS Counselor / Site Coordinator- Action After School Program
Email: akirkpatrick@wyalusingrams.com
Website: https://www.wyalusingrams.com/academics/high-school/high-school-guidance
Location: 11450 Wyalusing New Albany Rd, Wyalusing, PA, USA
Phone: 570-746-1600
Meet the ATS Custodial & Maintenance Team Members
April Wallace
Mike Micklas
Vince Valaroso
Deena Hibbard
Amanda Tuttle
Jake Simpson
Jeanette Johnson
Josh Brown
Krista Nickeson
Virginia Warfle
Frank Montesrin
Technology Talk
Through the generous donation of the Kenneth & Caroline Taylor Family Foundation, the Wyalusing Area School District has kicked off the 1:World Chromebook program. Students in grades two through twelve each received a Chromebook computer. High School students are able to take the device home and add a level of flare to their device by personalizing the case to make it unique to them. Students and teachers are fully engaged in utilizing the device to support and enhance their learning and instruction.
Google Classroom is one of many resources now available across the district. Google Classroom helps students and teachers organize assignments, boost collaboration, and foster better communication. Students have access to their files 24/7 from any device. Some students struggle with high speed internet service in their home, for that, Google provides an “offline mode” that allows students to continue working on assignments even when not connected to the internet. When students return to internet service their files and documents re-sync to the cloud.
The nearly 1200 devices implemented across the district are supported with a renewed technology infrastructure backbone. By leveraging Federal E-Rate dollars the district has replaced outdated, inefficient, and unreliable technology equipment with faster, more current, and more secure equipment that better serves the educational needs of our teachers and students.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parents please contact the main office of your child’s school to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher(s). The administration and school board strongly encourages parental engagement with teachers. A solid partnership in education is a key to success of your child.
Thursday, Nov 7, 2019, 01:00 PM
Wyalusing, PA, USA
School Safety
The district conducted a required safety drill on October 22nd. Staff and Students, who were led by district administrators, conducted an intruder drill which included building lockdown and evacuation components. PA State Police and Bradford County Emergency Management Authorities assisted with the drill and shared complementary feedback regarding our preparedness and response. We will always ensure that the wellbeing of students and staff remain a top priority.
Additionally, we are pleased to share that the WASD has received additional school safety state grants to help offset the costs associated with enhancing our existing safety measures and mental health programs. A portion of the grant will be used to enhance and add to some of the existing safety equipment in place. A second grant will be used to enhance the involvement of mental health programs provided by a Community Agency / Partner. The mental health professional will be able to expand the reach and contact time with students and families and focus on conflict resolution, problem-solving, removing barriers to success, depression, stress, anxiety, and crisis intervention, just to name a few of the services.