HPS Headlines
Friday 21st March 2025

Heads Welcome
Dear Parents,
It is wonderful to welcome the arrival of warmer weather this week, offering our boys the perfect opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors! With our extensive grounds and adventure playground area, there’s no better time for the boys to make the most of their time outside, embracing all the fun and physical activity that comes with it. We encourage them to stretch their legs, explore, and enjoy the fresh air.
This week, we hosted the first round of Peri Prom concerts, with our talented boys delighting both staff and parents with their musical abilities. These performances were a true celebration of the hard work and dedication of our pupils, and I’m incredibly proud of all those who took part. A big thank you to the Music Department and our peripatetic staff for organising these special events in our school calendar, which continue to showcase the incredible musical talent within our school.
Today, we are celebrating Red Nose Day, and it’s truly heartwarming to see the boys buzzing with excitement. Our school has transformed into a vibrant sea of red, and there has been no shortage of fun during lunchtime, as staff members took turns being ‘sponged’ in the stocks! The laughter and energy are infectious, and it’s a joy to see our community coming together in such a spirited way for a great cause.
Looking ahead, Saturday will see us host our Open Morning for prospective parents, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Staff and boys will be on-site to showcase the wonderful academic, artistic, and sporting opportunities available at Homefield. We look forward to welcoming visitors and sharing all that makes our school so special.
I hope you enjoy reading through this week’s newsletter, and I wish you all a wonderful weekend ahead.
Mr C Hammond
Recent HPS Highlights!
Aatman in Year 7 took a creative approach to his science assignment on bacterial and viral diseases—by baking them! He crafted edible cakes representing the COVID-19 virus and the cholera bacterium, turning microbiology into a delicious (if slightly unappetising!) experiment. Aatman plans to taste the cakes—let’s hope they’re more palatable than the pathogens they represent!
A fantastic way to bring science to life — thank you, Falconry UK, for an inspiring visit!
Subject Summaries
Year 3 have had their assessment week, preparing for and sitting their tests. Year 4 have completed some final revision before undertaking two maths assessments for their end-of-term tests. Year 5 focused on problem-solving using the RUCSAC method, completing two maths assessments and peer-reviewing their work. Year 6 have taken and reviewed three maths assessments, reflecting on their performance and identifying areas for improvement to maintain progress. Year 7 tackled both calculator and non-calculator assessments in the style of the Common Entrance exams, reviewing their papers to pinpoint difficulties for future revision. Meanwhile, Year 8 have continued reflecting on their performance in the previous Common Entrance mocks, focusing on the more challenging Additional and CASE-level questions before returning to their current unit on ratio and proportion.
English & Drama:
Year 3 have been writing original stories, blending structural components with descriptive writing techniques to create detailed and engaging narratives. Year 4 have been developing their creative writing skills while practising techniques for critical analysis, including PEE paragraphs. Meanwhile, Year 5 have written a range of sophisticated essays exploring the features, advantages, and disadvantages of different advertising styles. Year 6, inspired by the whole school in advance of International Women's Day, have penned passionate speeches on women's rights — special thanks to Veer and Michael for sharing their incredible work in assembly. Year 7 have been honing their comic timing in drama, acting out the famous Malvolio/Olivia miscommunication in Act 3, Scene 4 of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Year 8 have been exploring a range of non-fiction writing styles, including blogs, persuasive speeches, letters, and reports. What a busy half-term — well done, boys!
Art & DT:
Well done to Years 4–6, who are almost finished with their DT projects. They have been very efficient and committed to their work. Year 7 are using CAD/CAM to design their lighting projects and learning how to wire plugs. Year 8 are collaborating to create their 3D megacities in the workshop.
Nursery have been reading the popular story "We're Going on a Bear Hunt!" in French this term, following along with the story read in French and completing actions as they go. Year 2 are learning how to say furniture items in French and are now creating their own card game to practise their vocabulary during Enrichment time. Meanwhile, in Upper School, Year 6 have been tackling the tricky topic of reflexive verbs, while Year 7 are practising all their tenses — near future, present, and imperfect. The MFL Department are also looking forward to the upcoming International Week, where parents and staff are getting involved to create a jam-packed schedule of activities!
Last week, Year 5 enjoyed a fantastic trip hosted by Splatt Theatre to explore the lives of evacuees, where they were met by strict billeting officers. The children practised sewing as part of the 'Make Do and Mend' initiative and made delicious carrot cookies using rationed ingredients — the boys loved the experience! This week, Year 3 are setting out on their trip to Butser Ancient Farm to discover what life was like for people in Prehistoric Britain.
Year 3 have been exploring ways to measure land height this week while also recapping their learning in preparation for their end-of-term test. The boys performed excellently, showcasing all their hard work and endeavour. In Year 4, the focus has been on sustainability, with the boys considering sustainable cities and travel, even designing their own sustainable creations. Meanwhile, Year 5 have been concluding their rivers topic, building on their trip to SES Water by discussing the human uses of water, as well as the impacts of flooding.
Senior Science:
The highlight of the past couple of weeks has definitely been the visit from Falconry UK, where boys from Nursery to Year 4 had the opportunity to meet and learn about a variety of birds, from the tiny pygmy falcon to the Australian kookaburra. Year 3 are learning about the rock cycle and fossil formation, while Year 4 have been using DCPIP to investigate which citrus drinks contain the most vitamin C. Year 5 are studying renewable energy resources and exploring how we can be more environmentally friendly in our electricity production. Year 6 are carrying out more complex investigations with electric circuits, measuring current and voltage in both series and parallel circuits. Year 7 have now completed their health and disease topic and will be moving on to diet and nutrition. Meanwhile, Year 8 have been learning about human reproduction and are continuing their studies on forces.
Year 1 have continued working with Marty the Robot, while Year 2 have progressed with their Network Rail project. Year 3 have started thinking about how to construct an electronic model fairground ride, while Year 4 are researching Bloxels as a game-making and creation platform. Year 5 have continued working on their Statwars competition, and Year 6 have continued with their Network Rail project.
In the Lower School, our Year 1 boys have continued to deepen their understanding of our five senses and how we perceive the world today using these senses. The boys have also been reflecting on the importance of opinion and how we can express these opinions constructively. In Year 2, the boys have been reflecting on their own identity and how we know we belong.
Our Year 1 and 2 boys also had the opportunity to visit Southwark Cathedral this week to learn more about it as a Christian place of worship. The boys explored the cathedral trail to learn more about Christian symbols and participated in a beeswax candle-making session to reflect on the importance of light in Christianity.
In the Upper School, our Year 3 boys have been learning more about Hinduism, with a particular focus on Hindu worship and deities. In Year 4, the boys have continued to deepen their understanding of Islam, with particular reference to the significance of pilgrimage and worship. In Year 5, the boys have been further exploring key Jewish beliefs and the significance of Jewish practices. In Year 6, the boys have been exploring meditation as an important part of Buddhist practice and the Buddhist place of worship. Our Year 7 boys have been exploring what philosophy means and various beliefs relating to life and death, while in Year 8, our boys have been deepening their understanding of Sikh practices and ceremonies.
Lower School Summary
It has been a wonderfully busy and productive term here in the Nursery! We are so proud of all the progress the children have made as they continue to explore, learn, and grow. Here's a look at some of the exciting activities and skills we've been focusing on this term.
Developing Gross and Fine Motor Skills - this term, we’ve been focusing on gross motor skills (like running, jumping, and climbing) and fine motor skills (such as drawing, cutting, and building). The children have enjoyed activities that help strengthen their muscles, improve coordination, and develop hand-eye coordination. Whether it’s playing games outside or practicing with tools like scissors, we’re seeing lots of improvement in their ability to control their movements.
Getting Ready for Phonics - one of our key focuses this term is helping the children learn their initial sounds, which is a crucial step towards phonetic learning. We’ve been having fun with activities like sound games, songs, and stories, which help the children recognise the beginning sounds of words. These early skills will give them a strong head start in phonics as they move forward in their learning journey.
Building Independence - another exciting milestone we’re working on this term is helping the children become more independent in their daily routines. From getting dressed and using the toilet to cutting their own food, we’re encouraging the children to take responsibility for these important tasks. It’s been wonderful to watch them develop confidence as they learn to do more on their own!
Celebrating Achievements - we’re so proud of how far the children have come this term, and it's not just about the academic skills. The children are becoming more confident in their social interactions, more independent in their tasks, and more engaged in their learning. It’s such a joy to see their personalities shine through as they discover new things and develop important life skills.
What a busy and exciting term it has been here at Homefield! As we move through this season of learning, we are thrilled to share with you some of the wonderful activities and accomplishments happening in our classrooms.
A Busy Term of Learning and Fun - this term, our boys have been fully immersed in both academic and extracurricular activities. In class, we've been focusing on number bonds to 10, helping our younger learners build strong foundations in their math skills. Through fun games, hands-on activities, and plenty of practice, the students are becoming confident in their ability to quickly recognise number pairs that add up to 10. This term, our young learners have also been becoming more confident with blending to read and recognising sight words. These are key steps in building strong reading skills, and we’ve seen fantastic progress. The children are developing their ability to decode words by blending letter sounds, which helps them read more fluently and independently. Through lots of practice with engaging stories and activities, they are also becoming familiar with high-frequency sight words, which improves their overall reading comprehension and confidence.
Celebrating Diversity with Festivals - In addition to math and literacy, we’ve been exploring the rich world of cultural celebrations! We had a wonderful time celebrating Chinese New Year, where the students learned about the traditions, symbols, and foods associated with this vibrant festival. The children also enjoyed creating beautiful lanterns and dragon artwork.
We also celebrated the Holi Festival, the festival of colours! The students had an educational and creative experience as they learned about the meaning behind this joyful celebration and even got to make colourful art in honour of the occasion.
Learning About Charity - one of the most meaningful themes we’ve been focusing on this term is the concept of charity. As part of this, we were fortunate to have Guide Dogs visit our school, sharing how their work helps those in need. The boys were inspired by their stories and the difference that kindness and charity can make in the world.
We also had a fantastic time raising money for Comic Relief. The boys have been involved in various fundraising activities, learning how important it is to help others in our community and beyond. It’s been heartwarming to see their enthusiasm and generosity!
Year 1:
Year 1 have had a lovely two weeks and thoroughly enjoyed their trips to RHS Wisley and Southwark Cathedral. At RHS Wisley, the boys had the chance to experience the beauty of nature firsthand. They wandered through vibrant gardens, learned about different plants, and observed how flowers, trees, and vegetables grow. The boys particularly enjoyed exploring the gardens, especially spotting all the frogs and frogspawn in the pond. The visit also included a fun and informative workshop where they got to plant their own nasturtium seed.
Our second trip was to Southwark Cathedral, where the boys were captivated by the stunning architecture and rich history of this iconic building. The boys were amazed by the cathedral’s tall arches and stained glass windows. A highlight of the trip was the hands-on workshop, where the boys made their own candles and holders. They were all so respectful when in the cathedral and asked very relevant questions. We are so proud of you all.
In maths, we have been exploring the concept of mass, discovering how we measure the weight of different objects. We introduced them to the difference between light and heavy objects, and they’ve enjoyed comparing a variety of everyday items in the classroom.
Our young scientists have been exploring water resistance this week and enjoyed predicting what might happen if we dropped a ball of plasticine into water. They then changed the piece of plasticine into a flat shape and tested again. We recorded the time it took to reach the bottom of the jug, then wrote a conclusion to our findings.
Homefield Heroes
Thomas - increasing confidence within the class, using his big voice and participating more in class discussions. Alfie - demonstrating the Homefield value of kindness- sharing toys, being kind to his friends.
Sameer - for helping his friends to build models during construction. He was super helpful and kind! David - for becoming more independent when completing his writing tasks.
Year 1:
Ashwin - for fantastic participation and responses to questions across all lessons this week. Oli - for his beautiful painting of Kandinsky's Squares with Concentric Circles. Robbie - for phenomenal prior research, participation, and enthusiasm on our trip to Southwark Cathedral. Alex - for trying really hard to produce neat writing this week.
Year 2:
Bertie - for working hard independently in lessons. Ariz H - for working hard in his maths independent tasks. Alexander - for showing enthusiasm and positivity towards his learning in all curriculum areas. Joshua - for showing endeavour and resilience towards tasks in class and always offering to help tidy our learning space.
Year 3:
Will - for his resilience when working with decimal numbers in maths and respect every lesson, always listening carefully to follow instructions. Zaviyar - for consistent endeavour in his English lessons, producing wonderful pieces of writing. Aadam - for consistently showing kindness and respect to his fellow peers both in the classroom and outside. Evan – for his respect and endeavour in lessons especially French, English and PE, working well with his peers and always trying his best.
Year 4:
Kaan - for his endeavour and kindness to peers in maths, encouraging them when they find something challenging. Freddie - for his enthusiasm throughout the falconry visit, with endeavour to answer questions and share his passion of animals. Louis - for his endeavour and resilience in French lessons, achieving full marks in his French assessment. Arish – for his endeavour and resilience in maths and computing, always completing his work accurately and to a high standard.
Year 5:
Sihyeok - for showing ingenuity when making balloon cars on STEAM day, was excellently behaved on the geography trip and helped others tidy up on the history trip yesterday. Arjun - for showing endeavour in history - going the extra mile to finish tasks to the best of his ability!
Year 6:
Zane - he has reflected on his learning so far in maths and what he still wants to achieve before summer and been fully committed to singing, choreography and acting for the Year 6 show.
Sports Summary
As we come to the end of another exciting term of sports at Homefield our sports programme continues to flourish, offering our students incredible opportunities to develop their athletic skills, teamwork, and personal growth.
Year 7 and 8 hockey fixture against Kingswood House
On Monday, 10th March, the U13s played against Kingswood House in an A-C hockey fixture. The A’s played fantastically well and worked together as a team, showing some nice attacking play to win the game 7-3. Yiannis, Arthur, and Atharva scored some great goals along the way. The B’s put on a show, winning 6-0 with goals from Karol, Daniel, Aiden, Danyial, and a double from Rudy. The team moved the ball around nicely and made it very hard for Kingswood House. The C’s won a closely fought game 3-2 in a great match. It was end-to-end hockey, and the boys showed a lot of endeavour and resilience to win the game in the end.
Well done to all the boys who played!
Parkour Lessons
This term, Year 5 have been introduced to an exhilarating new activity—parkour! Our students are loving the chance to engage in this dynamic and creative form of physical activity, pushing their limits and learning how to navigate obstacles with agility and confidence. It’s a fun and challenging addition to our sports curriculum that is truly building strength, flexibility, and resilience.
Swimming Gala
Looking Ahead to Summer
Looking ahead to the Summer Term, we are excited about the upcoming cricket and athletics seasons. With the warmer weather around the corner, our cricket teams will soon begin practising for what promises to be a fantastic season of competitive matches. Additionally, we are eagerly preparing for our athletics events, where our boys will get the chance to showcase their speed, strength, and endurance in a variety of track and field events.
As always, we are incredibly proud of our boys’ enthusiasm and commitment to sports. We look forward to another term filled with teamwork, growth, and fantastic athletic achievements!
Year 5 Splatt Theatre immersive production
Year 5 took part in an incredible Splatt Theatre immersive production, bringing to life the experiences of evacuees during World War II. A powerful and memorable way to learn about history!
Artist of the Week
House Charity Project
💛 Bomfords – The Children’s Trust
💙 Ellis – Sutton Community Trust
💚 Grays – Max the Brave
❤️ Walfords – Guide Dogs UK
We welcomed guest speakers from The Children’s Trust and Guide Dogs UK, along with a very special visitor – Guide Dog Kane! 🐾 The boys loved meeting him.
Ellis boys also discussed their fundraising plans, sharing creative ideas to support their chosen charity. A fantastic morning of teamwork and giving back!
Interview with Lachlan - 19 March, 2025
This is the third interview in our series celebrating the achievements of boys in their final year at Homefield. Lachlan (Year 8) began playing cricket with All Stars at age 5 and now represents Sutton Cricket Club and In-Touch Cricket Academy. He has been selected for the Surrey County Cricket Club Performance Programme every year since U9 (Year 4). A fast bowler and middle-order batsman, Lachlan recently opened the bowling for Surrey’s U12 team against Hampshire, Essex, and Berkshire. At Homefield, he has been awarded the Allen Prize for Cricket (Year 6) and the Cowdrey Prize for Senior Cricket (Year 7). For this interview, Hussain (Year 5)—who shares Lachlan’s passion for cricket—sat down with him for a conversation about his journey in the sport.
Q: Can you tell us about your cricketing background and how you started playing cricket?
Lachlan: Well, I used to watch cricket a lot and really enjoyed it. I started playing when I was about eight and joined a team. I just did a few games and some nets with my dad, and then I moved clubs and started taking it seriously.
Q: What has inspired you to start playing cricket, and who were your role models growing up?
Lachlan: Probably just watching cricket— that was what really got me into it. As I’m a fast bowler, I really like Mark Wood and Joe Root as well. They were my role models.
Q: That was going to be my next question—do you prefer fast bowling or spin bowling?
Lachlan: Yeah, definitely fast bowling.
Q: What role do you like playing in cricket—batsman, bowler, or wicketkeeper?
Lachlan: Definitely bowling. That’s what I focus most of my training on.
Q: What's the highest number of wickets you’ve taken in a game?
Lachlan: I think it’s four or five in a league game. I was just bowling really well. I believe it was mid-season about two years ago.
Q: How has your experience been playing for Homefield, and what are some of your most memorable moments?
Lachlan: I really enjoy playing at school because I know the people I’m playing with, and it’s great to have that connection with my teammates. My most memorable moment was probably last year when I scored a 50 against Cumnor House off 16 balls.
Q: What do you consider your greatest strength as a cricketer, and how do you work on improving it?
Lachlan: Definitely bowling, and I’m trying to improve my pace. I’m doing more physical and technical work in my training sessions.
Q: Can you describe a particularly challenging situation you faced in a match and how you overcame it?
Lachlan: I was playing against a Mumbai team that was on tour, and we needed 38 runs off a few overs. There was a lot of pressure, but I managed to secure the runs with my partner, and we did really well to win the game.
Q: What are your long-term goals in cricket, and how do you plan to achieve them?
Lachlan: My long-term goal is probably to play county or international cricket. To achieve that, I need to focus more on the technical side and really work towards playing at a professional level.
Q: Are there any specific areas of your game you’re working on improving?
Lachlan: Well, I’ve mentioned my bowling, but I’m also working on hitting harder when batting by doing weight training and other exercises.
Q: Which cricket team do you support?
Lachlan: Internationally, England. For county cricket, Surrey, because I’ve met a lot of pros who play for them, and I watch them a lot.
Q: How do you manage to study while also playing cricket at a high level?
Lachlan: I mainly play on weekends, but during the season, matches and training can be on weekdays. I focus on school first, and if I have a match that day, I shift my mindset to cricket. If I have a Saturday afternoon match, I really prepare myself mentally and ensure I have the right attitude to perform well.
Q: What is the hardest team you’ve played against?
Lachlan: When I was playing for Surrey, it was probably Essex. They had a lot of very good batters and bowlers, but we managed to win. It was a long, hot day, which made it tough, but we performed well overall.
Q: How do you balance school and cricket, and what advice would you give to other boys who play cricket?
Lachlan: Probably just to have fun. The best thing you can do is try your best and enjoy the game—that’s how you’ll improve and excel.
Holi Assembly
On Tuesday, 11th March, all boys in the school undertook some science and STEAM activities to celebrate Science Week with the theme of "Adapt and Change." Nursery and Reception enjoyed a construction day. Years 2 and 6 engaged with the Network Rail project, where Year 2 had to build a locomotive with an automatic braking system, and Year 6 started building a geared, battery-operated locomotive. The boys were joined by an engineer from Network Rail and had the opportunity to ask questions about careers in engineering.
Year 3 attempted to make elastic band-powered cars, while Year 4 enjoyed applying their knowledge of light to make sundials and did some paper engineering to make pop-up cars. Year 5 refined their problem-solving skills as they tackled the challenge of making balloon-powered cars and designing interesting marble runs made from bulldog clips, cotton reels, and art straws, without using any Sellotape! Year 7 and 8 enjoyed investigating forces with Lego and engaged in some coding workshops.
Boys also had the opportunity to watch some of the live lessons broadcast on iPlayer, which were informative and provided useful insights into how science and technology have changed the way some industries and careers have worked.
Peri Proms 2025
The Peri Proms series of concerts have begun in style with 62 performances from boys in Years 1-8 over the past three evenings. Boys have delighted audiences with their polished performances on clarinet, flute, saxophone, trumpet, piano, violin, voice, cello and guitar. They have performed a range of music from beginner repertoire to more accomplished Grade 5 works and there has most definitely been something for everyone with a range of pieces from ‘Pachelbel’s Canon’ and ‘Schumann’s Kinderszenen’, to ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Love Changes Everything’. Congratulations to all the boys who have taken part so far and many thanks to our wonderful team of peripatetic staff for all the hard work they have put into preparing boys for these concerts.
Year 1 and 2 Trip to Southwark Cathedral
News from the Learning Resources Centre
It was wonderful to see so many of you at the recent Book Fair! The total sales of books and equipment amounted to £1494.79, which gives us just over £800.00 to spend on new books.
A big thank you to the student librarians for their help in promoting the book sale.
Please note that if any books are lost, you may be asked to replace them with a new copy.
Happy reading!
Easter Cricket Course
Click the link below to find out more and book now!
Meet the Head Elect, Mrs Gemma Anderson
The school will be holding a Coffee Morning on Wednesday 26th March from 8.15 – 9.00am, to give parents another opportunity to meet with the Head Elect, Mrs Gemma Anderson.
Could parents please register their attendance by the end of day on Monday 24th March by clicking on the following link:
How I Can Support My Son's Wellbeing At Home
Easter Holiday Camp
Western Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 2TE
+44 020 8642 0965