Welcome, BHS Class of 2029
8th to 9th Grade Transition Events and Information
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Dear Eighth Grade Students and Families:
Greetings from Brookline High School. As the new calendar year begins, we set our sights on the eighth to ninth grade transition. The Class of 2029 will enter BHS in September 2025, and that is coming up in nine short months. We are already thrilled that you and your students will join our vibrant, diverse school community and that we can support your transition to Brookline High School.
Course Recommendation and Selection
Beginning in February, eighth grade students will select their courses for ninth grade. This includes recommendations from current educators in core academic classes (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Languages) and preferences for elective courses (Career and Technology Education, Performing Arts, and Visual Arts). Students and families will receive support both from current eighth grade teams and from Brookline High School faculty, staff, and administration.
Transition Events
As part of this transition process, we invite you to a series of informational events about our high school academic and student support program, as well as the many opportunities available to your students next year and beyond. We design these events to orient you to BHS and to answer many of your questions. While many of your students will be excited for this transition, we know that others will be nervous. These events serve as a bridge to help all students and families transition to BHS.
The events below are important opportunities to hear directly about the eighth to ninth grade transition from high school staff, students, and leaders. We also will work with PTO leaders at our K-8 schools so that information from these events, and the transition process in general, is shared widely.
We look forward to seeing you soon at the Class of 2029 transition events and sharing all that Brookline High School has to offer. Welcome to BHS!
Anthony Meyer, Head of School
Hal Mason, Assistant Head of School
Astrid Allen, Dean of Students
Summer Williams, Dean of Students
Transition Events for the Class of 2029
BHS World Language “Road Show”: Feb. 6– Feb. 11@ each K-8 school via ZOOM for students only
The World Language “Road Show” is during the school day. Teachers from languages not offered in K-8s will present to the PSB K-8 schools.
Arts at BHS: Wednesday, Feb. 12 @ 115 Greenough St. Auditorium for students only
Arts at BHS is during the school day. Eighth graders visit BHS and enjoy a presentation of our Performing Arts, Visual Arts, and Career and Technology Education offerings.
Overview of Special Education services and programsWednesday, Feb. 12 at 6pm MLK Room@115 Greenough St. for parents and guardians
This separate and earlier portion of Curriculum Night is for parents and guardians to meet our special education leadership and available staff members. You will learn about the high school's robust continuum of special education programing.
Curriculum Night: Wednesday, Feb. 12 at 7pm @115 Greenough St. for parents and guardians
Curriculum Night for English, Social Studies, Science, Math, World Language, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Career and Technology Education, and Wellness Education. It is a chance to hear from our leadership team, especially Curriculum Coordinators from each subject area.
Life at Brookline High School: Thursday, Feb 27 at 6:30pm@ 115 Greenough St. Auditorium for parents, guardians and especially students
On this night, deans for the class of 2028 and a panel of students will talk and answer questions about life at Brookline High, including wise advice for the 8th to 9th grade transition.
Introduction to Athletics: Thursday, Mar. 13 at 6pm @ 115 Greenough St. Auditorium for parents, guardians and students
Parents and students are invited to a brief presentation in the auditorium followed by an open house in the 115 Greenough Commons with team coaches and captains.
115 Greenough Street, Brookline, MA
Phone: (617)-713-5002